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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    I assume that, for boss fights, people will self-buff if necessary (boss doesn't die in just a few hits).
    And if that's a necessity then you either have no arcane or bard in the group, or they're not doing their jobs. Unless I'm missing something here.

    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    Take two stances, for two reasons: one, for boss dps, you'll do better with air anyways....for two, stealing aggro because you're in earth stance is a good way to not get raised.

    Also, I highly recommend holy-bursting a trash is very important for a monk, where as the rings aren't as necessary for any other class (other than perhaps a caster...but even then, they can live with 1 less dc for a few ToDs). You'll find before long you'll have many more trophies than rings, anyways...I have all of my useful rings crafted now (and I've pulled many), and I still have nearly 50 trophies.
    So far I've been able to fight bosses in earth stance without stealing aggro. This is actually to be expected since while my dps could conceivably be better than that of someone using a shield, as long as our extra threat is similar his head-start in getting to the boss should help him maintain aggro. That might change when I get some hate gear (though I might sooner switch that out than the stance) and better dps gear. But I know this: if I get boss aggro by mistake the next thing I do is take steps to avoid repeating that, which is obviously going to be swapping to a stance without extra threat. And if the group or its healers are unable to forgive a guy one little mistake then that's an unrelated problem.

    I guess I am considering bursting my trash wisdom ring (Amara's) since I've got enough trophies for one more in case I finally pull my Kyosho's. One reason I've been hesitating is that in case I also pull a dexterity ring soon after I won't have the trophies for upgrading that (the idea is +20% healing amp for tanking).

  2. #42
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    And if that's a necessity then you either have no arcane or bard in the group, or they're not doing their jobs. Unless I'm missing something here.
    Exactly. This is mainly talking about the standard leveling group...that is, the first five to hit the lfm. No guarantee you'll get an arcane there.

    At cap, maintaining haste through clickies is actually pretty easy...done a couple normal LoBs now where we keep hasted/raged on the boss through greensteel air clickies, epic time-sensing goggles, and epic brawn's spirits...because there was no arcane. However, groups like this for raids and epics are unusual, since arcanes generally make everything easier.

    So far I've been able to fight bosses in earth stance without stealing aggro. This is actually to be expected since while my dps could conceivably be better than that of someone using a shield, as long as our extra threat is similar his head-start in getting to the boss should help him maintain aggro. That might change when I get some hate gear (though I might sooner switch that out than the stance) and better dps gear. But I know this: if I get boss aggro by mistake the next thing I do is take steps to avoid repeating that, which is obviously going to be swapping to a stance without extra threat. And if the group or its healers are unable to forgive a guy one little mistake then that's an unrelated problem.

    I guess I am considering bursting my trash wisdom ring (Amara's) since I've got enough trophies for one more in case I finally pull my Kyosho's. One reason I've been hesitating is that in case I also pull a dexterity ring soon after I won't have the trophies for upgrading that (the idea is +20% healing amp for tanking).
    +20% healing amp is something I stick on my dragontouched for my monk...trying to get the epic ring of the stalker/epic spare hand combo for my belt/ring slot currently (still need to build up the desire to farm challenges).

    The problem with earth stance is that it's threat generation without significantly reducing your damage...that means that, once you're decently geared, you can pull aggro from any tank that isn't phenomenal with their threat and dps. Besides all of this, you would benefit yourself more by using wind stance anyways.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    At cap, maintaining haste through clickies is actually pretty easy (...) greensteel air clickies, epic time-sensing goggles, and epic brawn's spirits
    Something being possible via greensteel and epics, i.e. items that aren't exactly abundantly available to your usual player, hardly makes it easy. Or maybe it technically is easy that way, but that doesn't mean much. It's like saying "there's nothing to buying a mansion as long as you are a millionaire." Maybe my comparison is taking it a bit too far but I think you get the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    +20% healing amp is something I stick on my dragontouched for my monk...trying to get the epic ring of the stalker/epic spare hand combo for my belt/ring slot currently (still need to build up the desire to farm challenges).
    Wearing frozen tunic, so no dt for me. I've been slacking off on farming the challenges myself. I've got 5 challenge items on my monk, 3-4 of those permanent (though as said the stalker ring is going be swapped for a ToD healing amp ring when tanking; I might be able to take advantage of sneak attack if I manage to land unbalancing strike, but the healing amp might be more important), but all of them still level 20 tier 1.

    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    The problem with earth stance is that it's threat generation without significantly reducing your damage...that means that, once you're decently geared, you can pull aggro from any tank that isn't phenomenal with their threat and dps. Besides all of this, you would benefit yourself more by using wind stance anyways.
    I'm well aware of wind being better for DPS but unless I'm hitting a raid boss on the ass I also like the DR and hit points. Of course that is precisely the situation where wind would be most beneficial and earth potentially problematic (as already mentioned I have yet to actually pull aggro on a properly "primed" raid boss, but I'm not dismissing the possibility of this changing with better gear). The thing is that enhancement-wise I'd have to sacrifice things like racial toughness and/or dwarven tactics, so I'll probably end up with only tier 4 in earth and tier 2 in both water and fire for the AC-reducing strikes when I respec again.

  4. #44
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    Something being possible via greensteel and epics, i.e. items that aren't exactly abundantly available to your usual player, hardly makes it easy. Or maybe it technically is easy that way, but that doesn't mean much. It's like saying "there's nothing to buying a mansion as long as you are a millionaire." Maybe my comparison is taking it a bit too far but I think you get the point.
    I personally think tier 2 greensteel clickies is not by any stretch of the imagination an expensive thing to make. Time-consuming, but not expensive. In addition, normal LoB without a caster isn't a normal's an extreme one. Epic Time-Sensing Goggles are more difficult to make...but not that difficult. As far as brawn's spirits, they're really convenience in that they hit everyone rather than having to drink individual rage pots...but the pots last plenty long enough.

    Wearing frozen tunic, so no dt for me. I've been slacking off on farming the challenges myself. I've got 5 challenge items on my monk, 3-4 of those permanent (though as said the stalker ring is going be swapped for a ToD healing amp ring when tanking; I might be able to take advantage of sneak attack if I manage to land unbalancing strike, but the healing amp might be more important), but all of them still level 20 tier 1.
    Swap items. I alternate between frozen tunic, dragontouched, and icys on my monk, for example, depending on circumstances. For example, while tanking, frozen tunic doesn't do that much for you compared to DT (swapping shintao cord out for oremi's, and other tanking gear swaps also happening, of course). If you're ac-tanking, swap to icys, throw on healing amp item (epic gloves of the claw should be sufficient...and should be on anyways if you're tanking difficult bosses).

    I'm well aware of wind being better for DPS but unless I'm hitting a raid boss on the ass I also like the DR and hit points. Of course that is precisely the situation where wind would be most beneficial and earth potentially problematic (as already mentioned I have yet to actually pull aggro on a properly "primed" raid boss, but I'm not dismissing the possibility of this changing with better gear). The thing is that enhancement-wise I'd have to sacrifice things like racial toughness and/or dwarven tactics, so I'll probably end up with only tier 4 in earth and tier 2 in both water and fire for the AC-reducing strikes when I respec again.
    Play around in the enhancement planner to figure out how to work it out. Decide what you must have, then work from there...I use this tool for planning every character's enhancements.
    Last edited by WruntJunior; 04-17-2012 at 09:42 PM.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  5. #45
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    I guess I see how tier 2 greensteel isn't that big of a deal, but if you yourself admit that they are time-consuming (which essentially is another way of saying expensive, since with enough time you could potentially get enough plat to buy anything not bound to character) you should consider how useful counseling their use is to a casual player who only puts in a couple of hours per week. Not even saying that applies to me, as I consider myself sort of middle-of-the-road between casual and committed.

    As regards non-challenge and non-event epic items, isn't getting those a lottery? One you could be playing for months every day without pay off? Unless I got that very wrong I would consider that difficult, especially seeing as how some of the epic quests have a bit of a learning curve. I know about some epics being excellent or even best-in-slot for my guy (like epic versions of the Gloves of the Claw plus Raven's Sight with the Gem of Many Facets), but I try not to consider them a necessity either for myself or anyone I'm giving advice to.

    I'm not trying to dismiss your advice as the gear suggestions are still informative. But I feel you are trivializing how big of a deal acquiring some of those items is.

    I'm not sure I see the wisdom in swapping Shintao for Oremi for tanking. I thought the set bonus was the biggest selling point of Shintao and what do you get in exchange? 1d6 fire against mostly fire-immune or -resistant bosses. Not sure DT plus Oremi and Stalker is a good trade for Frozen plus Shintao and healing amp ring.

    I've been planning my enhancements in a character generator I've been using. Way I remember it I couldn't fit in two tier 4 stances with the full dwarven tactics line, and the latter is my only immediately available option of getting my stuns to a DC of 47-48, which is something I really don't want to skip for epics. That and I'd also like to get in the full toughness line, or at least most of it.

  6. #46
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    I guess I see how tier 2 greensteel isn't that big of a deal, but if you yourself admit that they are time-consuming (which essentially is another way of saying expensive, since with enough time you could potentially get enough plat to buy anything not bound to character) you should consider how useful counseling their use is to a casual player who only puts in a couple of hours per week. Not even saying that applies to me, as I consider myself sort of middle-of-the-road between casual and committed.
    When I say time-consuming, what I'm really talking about is gathering shards...everything else can easily be gotten with the excess ingredients from farming well as running all of the quests a few times to make a few blanks. The first one requires 2-3 hours a week at most if you always stay on timer on one character (which is probably sufficient nowadays), and the second one is a normal part of capping for most people.

    As regards non-challenge and non-event epic items, isn't getting those a lottery? One you could be playing for months every day without pay off? Unless I got that very wrong I would consider that difficult, especially seeing as how some of the epic quests have a bit of a learning curve. I know about some epics being excellent or even best-in-slot for my guy (like epic versions of the Gloves of the Claw plus Raven's Sight with the Gem of Many Facets), but I try not to consider them a necessity either for myself or anyone I'm giving advice to.

    I'm not trying to dismiss your advice as the gear suggestions are still informative. But I feel you are trivializing how big of a deal acquiring some of those items is.

    I'm not sure I see the wisdom in swapping Shintao for Oremi for tanking. I thought the set bonus was the biggest selling point of Shintao and what do you get in exchange? 1d6 fire against mostly fire-immune or -resistant bosses. Not sure DT plus Oremi and Stalker is a good trade for Frozen plus Shintao and healing amp ring.
    One of the hardest things to get in the game is something you talk about having in the last paragraph: a Kyosho's Band. As for tanking gear, if you don't have the gear to be a tank, you shouldn't be tanking unless there are no options better than you...assuming you're a valid option. Epic items are nowhere near as difficult as a lot of people think they are to make...just run the quests often for a bit, and you'll get the seal and shard...if you need the scroll, buy it or farm for it (or get lucky while trying to get the seal and shard). If you're in a really nice guild, you may even be able to get them to help...but it's pretty trivial to farm scrolls with any basic caster, and it's even possible on things like monks, though that requires rather good gear already on that monk.

    One thing about Oremi's set-bonus...most raid bosses are immune to it, yes...however, most OTHER bosses aren't immune. In all honesty, for most raid bosses you can actually tank on a standard monk build (not the more tank-oriented super-ac builds or the like), the healing amp from gloves of the claw + monk healing amp should put you near 200%....near enough that you don't really need more in the case that you need the frozen tunic. I would personally not put healing amp on a kyosho's....holy burst is much more friendly to changing gearsets. In addition, I consider the necklace slot to be a swap slot on any melee...considering one of the better ac items go in that slot (epic grim's bracelet). In a full ac-mode, my monk (when fully geared) won't even actually have a +1 ki item or ToD set equipped (just kyosho's ring) once I'm done gearing him because of this. (Not working too hard on gearing my monk currently as end-game is starting to become boring to me getting ready to put Wruntjunior on a TR train. )

    I've been planning my enhancements in a character generator I've been using. Way I remember it I couldn't fit in two tier 4 stances with the full dwarven tactics line, and the latter is my only immediately available option of getting my stuns to a DC of 47-48, which is something I really don't want to skip for epics. That and I'd also like to get in the full toughness line, or at least most of it.
    Get the Epic Spare Hand. +5 to stunning fist dc just for having the belt equipped...will make decisions easier for you, and will make it easier to not take the entire stunning fist line. If you're patient enough, you can get the epic spare hand without owning the challenge pack if you don't own it...I'd highly recommend getting that belt one way or another for ANY monk.

    I'll add, though, that I've been playing a pretty good amount for a while (college I have plenty of free time...and possibly too much of it goes to this game :P) so my perception of what's easy to get may be slightly warped...but nothing is impossible. In fact, my easiest times making loot have happened within weekends (making 6 epic items for Wruntblender in one weekend, for example...due to combining LOTS of homework and scroll farming. :P) In the end, really, do what you enjoy most with building/gearing/etc your long as that doesn't include making bad decisions that really cut into other people's enjoyment of the game (such as going all out on suulo in tower when someone is AC tanking...that's a BAD thing to do. :P) You can get away with a lot of building your character in unusual directions by just knowing what's going on and what you're doing.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  7. #47
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    I wasn't clear: I want to get Kyosho, didn't say I had it already. I only have the necklace of that set. I've holy bursted some other wisdom ring I'm temporarily wearing, and once I get Kyosho I'll burst that. Healing amp would go on another ToD ring I would swap in for Stalker.

    As regards tanking, so far I've only been tanking ToD on normal and on my end I saw nothing wrong with that. Even though my hit points are only in the high five to low six hundred when buffed, and my only healing amp is the full monk line plus ship buff. When asked, the healers didn't complain either.

    Now doing this on a harder difficulty, or maybe tanking LoB, would be another story and I imagine that would require gear I don't have yet and wouldn't count on getting anytime soon. But I hope you are right when you say getting epic items isn't that big a deal.

    I've got the pack and have been wearing Spare Hand since level 16 or something like that. I'm not sure how high you expect my wisdom to be if you expect me to hit high forties (what I claimed I had in the earlier post) before even putting on the belt (you imply I didn't have yet).

    Quote Originally Posted by
    The DC is 10 + half Character level + Wisdom modifier + Stunning item bonus.
    That's 10 + 10 + 10 (30 wisdom in earth stance) + 10 (+10 stunning wraps I usually only use in epics) + 5 (spare hand) + 3 (enhancements) = 48.

    On the topic of scroll farming, that option is right out for the foreseeable future as the highest-level caster I have is a monk2/cleric12 and my monk doesn't seem cut out for it. I guess I'll start mentioning epic quests in /g more or maybe try to schedule something, but currently my highest priority should probably be leveling that clonk and possibly another divine (am probably going to start a thread asking for advice about that). The reasoning here is that I could use some more raiding toons (only 3 capped right now).

  8. #48
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    I wasn't clear: I want to get Kyosho, didn't say I had it already. I only have the necklace of that set. I've holy bursted some other wisdom ring I'm temporarily wearing, and once I get Kyosho I'll burst that. Healing amp would go on another ToD ring I would swap in for Stalker.

    As regards tanking, so far I've only been tanking ToD on normal and on my end I saw nothing wrong with that. Even though my hit points are only in the high five to low six hundred when buffed, and my only healing amp is the full monk line plus ship buff. When asked, the healers didn't complain either.

    Now doing this on a harder difficulty, or maybe tanking LoB, would be another story and I imagine that would require gear I don't have yet and wouldn't count on getting anytime soon. But I hope you are right when you say getting epic items isn't that big a deal.

    I've got the pack and have been wearing Spare Hand since level 16 or something like that. I'm not sure how high you expect my wisdom to be if you expect me to hit high forties (what I claimed I had in the earlier post) before even putting on the belt (you imply I didn't have yet).

    That's 10 + 10 + 10 (30 wisdom in earth stance) + 10 (+10 stunning wraps I usually only use in epics) + 5 (spare hand) + 3 (enhancements) = 48.

    On the topic of scroll farming, that option is right out for the foreseeable future as the highest-level caster I have is a monk2/cleric12 and my monk doesn't seem cut out for it. I guess I'll start mentioning epic quests in /g more or maybe try to schedule something, but currently my highest priority should probably be leveling that clonk and possibly another divine (am probably going to start a thread asking for advice about that). The reasoning here is that I could use some more raiding toons (only 3 capped right now).
    ToD normal is an easy (boring, though) thing to tank...I would say as long as you can hit 600hp with some sort of damage mitigation, you'd be fine there. Hard horoth or worse, I would not recommend without good gear...hard suulo (in either raid) is easy enough, though.

    For the Stunning Fist dc, I thought you weren't using the epic spare hand....but it seems your wisdom is lower than my wisdom will be (I'll have a 36 in earth stance if I can ever get a Raven's Sight scroll...currently at 34). Easy enough mistake to make when I don't know your character, I guess. (Though in retrospect, your 30 makes more number accounts for alchemical wraps and yugo pots on my monk. Give me a break there,'s 4am. :P) I was thinking your wisdom was about the same as mine for some reason...and didn't even think to account for another two. In that case, getting yugo pots, good tier-2 alchemical wraps (not an easy short-term goal, but a good goal for any favorites for trash are <whatever metal>/air/water), and possibly epic raven's sight. You'll be able to drop a rank or two of stunning fist DC enhancements like this without negatively impacting your DCs. Like I said, though, this is not a short-term goal most likely.

    Assuming your cleric is built with a high wisdom, you should be able to scroll farm without much trouble on it...for the longest, my best scroll farmer was a FvS (not currently, as that FvS is now a level 20 wizard...and soon to be a level 1 sorc). If you want to cap another divine, I would highly recommend an evoker FvS (Impaqt's build post is essentially the standard). You can make a rock-solid character that way (and can even instant-kill and CC in epics...while keeping the party healed)...though I must say for farming epics, being a high-dc wizard is much more fun (though it requires a lot of gear that I consider harder to get than most epic gear...Abbot gear (though that can be replaced with rare desert epics...except for the litany)).
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  9. #49
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    On that note, this thread has gotten horribly off topic, so I'll return it to topic like this: Epic Jidz-Tet'ka need an upgrade to the stance abilities to make the epic bracers a better contender in gear set-ups...but in my opinion, Epic Jidz-Tet'ka should not be upgraded in such a way that the stance bonuses for using them become the reason to use that should be a bonus, not a reason, in my opinion. However, that bonus should be something useful...+10 jump on a character that easily already has 40+ jump is definitely NOT useful.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  10. #50
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    Well I tanked normal Horoth at, I think, a little under 600hp, 10 capstone DR plus 20% earth stance DR. Other than that I did Suulomades a couple of times and once in VoD. In the latter raid it was actually harder since the aggro resets a couple of times. But with the tanking, regardless of whether you're the tank or someone else, I feel like these raids are easier than even the Shroud.

    Regarding the alchemical wraps, I'd like to get those as well but I've been slacking a little on my House C raid completions. Stat-wise tier 2 water seems best, but there's supposed to be a problem with crushing wave disrupting Niac's Biting Cold. I don't think I've noticed it so far on my Calomel and the mention of the bug I've seen was on Lamannia so I'm holding out hope that it doesn't make it into live. But I'm not sure I'd actually risk crafting those in case the bug does make (or has made) it into live, since with wraps like that I'd actually be reducing DPS in a raid boss encounter.

    The clonk I made with the intention to melee some but still keeping the wisdom pretty high (off the top of my head it was 16 base with level ups). I'm not too keen on making a purely casting-focused divine yet. In fact I've been considering something even more melee-focused than this, about which I ask here.

    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    Epic Jidz-Tet'ka need an upgrade to the stance abilities to make the epic bracers a better contender in gear set-ups
    I agree and I believe I mentioned that earlier.

  11. #51
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    On that note, this thread has gotten horribly off topic, so I'll return it to topic like this: Epic Jidz-Tet'ka need an upgrade to the stance abilities to make the epic bracers a better contender in gear set-ups...but in my opinion, Epic Jidz-Tet'ka should not be upgraded in such a way that the stance bonuses for using them become the reason to use that should be a bonus, not a reason, in my opinion. However, that bonus should be something useful...+10 jump on a character that easily already has 40+ jump is definitely NOT useful.
    Wind stance was looooong time OP so they decide not to give **** about it with changes 10 jump can be handy when you max out umd, concentration and balance on your monk and dont have nuff for max jump in ranks

    Personally i find all tetka stances handy while lvling, depending on situations. While tanking I'm probably using mine DR breakers instead of alchemical with bysheek so i use earth stance ( + DR + CON ofc ), but since i loved to spam void IV i was always in fire ( back in days when you need to use 15 ki per void strike ) and since shintao have a lot of special moves that require ki ( SF, void3, void4, Jade tomb, Jade strike, kukan-do, smite, healing curse and ofc dance thingy ) it is pretty hand to use fire stance to have nuff ki to use all things stated above. Im sure i can CC 3-5 mobs in group running around in fire stance with cd of ( 6, 15, 30, 30, 30) + increase dps and healing ability of rest of party.

    It all depends how you play your monk and on which situations ( ie LoB ill definetly be in fire stance so i always have KI to do grasp, but in ToD, ill be in fire till i get to about 100ki then swap to wind, if i get under 30 ki back to fire - repeat. Tho if I'm tanking earth stance till they go for sully and fire [ more healing from scrolls ftw ] till they get back )

    As for tanking horroth (hard) i did it on 1st lifer (about 30/40 tods i tanked horroth) - no claw set, no fancy threat from earth stance, no DR % from earth stance, and no fancy silver wraps either. 737 hp in earth or 656 in fire, me on grasp and aligning.

    As for upgrade of bracers give us +2 profane bonus to stat of stance or exceptional ( don't care but both can be tricky to obtain considering items ppl did for their characters) or perhaps at lest negate -2 to opposite stance without any extra bonus for epic bracers.
    Last edited by maha0201; 04-18-2012 at 05:16 AM.
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
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  12. #52
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maha0201 View Post
    Wind stance was looooong time OP so they decide not to give **** about it with changes 10 jump can be handy when you max out umd, concentration and balance on your monk and dont have nuff for max jump in ranks

    Personally i find all tetka stances handy while lvling, depending on situations. While tanking I'm probably using mine DR breakers instead of alchemical with bysheek so i use earth stance ( + DR + CON ofc ), but since i loved to spam void IV i was always in fire ( back in days when you need to use 15 ki per void strike ) and since shintao have a lot of special moves that require ki ( SF, void3, void4, Jade tomb, Jade strike, kukan-do, smite, healing curse and ofc dance thingy ) it is pretty hand to use fire stance to have nuff ki to use all things stated above. Im sure i can CC 3-5 mobs in group running around in fire stance with cd of ( 6, 15, 30, 30, 30) + increase dps and healing ability of rest of party.

    It all depends how you play your monk and on which situations ( ie LoB ill definetly be in fire stance so i always have KI to do grasp, but in ToD, ill be in fire till i get to about 100ki then swap to wind, if i get under 30 ki back to fire - repeat. Tho if I'm tanking earth stance till they go for sully and fire [ more healing from scrolls ftw ] till they get back )

    As for tanking horroth (hard) i did it on 1st lifer (about 30/40 tods i tanked horroth) - no claw set, no fancy threat from earth stance, no DR % from earth stance, and no fancy silver wraps either. 737 hp in earth or 656 in fire, me on grasp and aligning.
    As for you tanking horoth, was that before or after update 11? Before U11, I felt comfortable putting my ranger in front of him (in fact, I had him and suulo both once...THAT was interesting)...but since u11, it's more difficult. Either way, your gimpy monk doesn't count here, Maha.

    As for Jidz-Tet'ka, I would like to see something useful at all for air stance...for an epic item, it gives less benefit in that regard than my ml:18 3x per shrine level 15 jump clicky (forgot the name) belt.

    As for upgrade of bracers give us +2 profane bonus to stat of stance or exceptional ( don't care but both can be tricky to obtain considering items ppl did for their characters) or perhaps at lest negate -2 to opposite stance without any extra bonus for epic bracers.
    Since you snuck that edit in on me...I think this would be very nice. Not overly powerful, but definitely a nice bonus.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  13. #53
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    As for you tanking horoth, was that before or after update 11? Before U11, I felt comfortable putting my ranger in front of him (in fact, I had him and suulo both once...THAT was interesting)...but since u11, it's more difficult. Either way, your gimpy monk doesn't count here, Maha.

    As for Jidz-Tet'ka, I would like to see something useful at all for air stance...for an epic item, it gives less benefit in that regard than my ml:18 3x per shrine level 15 jump clicky (forgot the name) belt.

    Since you snuck that edit in on me...I think this would be very nice. Not overly powerful, but definitely a nice bonus.
    He hit hard on disintegrate all i know ^^ tangy let me die at least 3 time on horroth it was between changes to shinato 3 ( they got in game ) and changes to stunning fist so i guess you know what area of update that is :P

    Well as for bonuses
    +2 ex - most ppl are using either eCrono or eRaven for +2 ex wis, and probably most crafted str rings by now since you don't get bursts on your new fancy stunning wraps ( shock burst )
    +2 profane - that will leave ppl who actually bothered to fit 3/5 abishai items on their monks ( wont count few of those who went 5/5)

    But over all think 2 ex bonus for stance would be nice and not loosing -2 to opposite stat ( tho if possible to lock not loosing only for pure monks so ppl don't splash 1 rog 1 ftr :P )
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
    S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
    S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
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  14. #54
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by maha0201 View Post
    He hit hard on disintegrate all i know ^^ tangy let me die at least 3 time on horroth it was between changes to shinato 3 ( they got in game ) and changes to stunning fist so i guess you know what area of update that is :P

    Well as for bonuses
    +2 ex - most ppl are using either eCrono or eRaven for +2 ex wis, and probably most crafted str rings by now since you don't get bursts on your new fancy stunning wraps ( shock burst )
    +2 profane - that will leave ppl who actually bothered to fit 3/5 abishai items on their monks ( wont count few of those who went 5/5)

    But over all think 2 ex bonus for stance would be nice and not loosing -2 to opposite stat ( tho if possible to lock not loosing only for pure monks so ppl don't splash 1 rog 1 ftr :P )
    That must've been during update 7-9, then. Tanking was relatively easy then...and some of the better tanks could just shield-block and spam intim every few seconds. :P

    I'd say exceptional...stacks with almost anything (and for certain items, such as epic raven's sight and epic time-sensing goggles, they still have use...especially since +2 exceptional wisdom would require water stance) all honesty, though, just removing the -2 from stances would be rather powerful.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  15. #55
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    That must've been during update 7-9, then. Tanking was relatively easy then...and some of the better tanks could just shield-block and spam intim every few seconds. :P
    mine monk had problem with those intimi tin cans Horroth would turn on me unless i turned PA off So it was easier to send them on sully. And now when i actually have tier 2 DT (20%) and eClaw think id could even easier tank horroth :P esp since that pally split give souch threat and saves
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
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    S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
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