Just as the title says, selling these for these in order of preference: PLat, LDS, LSS. Also will consider offers that include good Repeaters. Please Post or PM with offers.
2x Brimstone Verge
1x Utility Vest
1x Phiarlan Spy Daggar
1x Chimera's Crown
1X Dragon's Eye
1x Hellstroke Great Axe
1x Infested Armor
1x Big Top
1x Vuloorim Devish Robe
1x Ring of Elemental Essence
1x Helm of Mroranon
1x Cape of the Rock
3x Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
1x Deneith Heavy Chain
1x Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
1x Kronzek's Cruelty
1x Robe of Diabloist
1x Raven's Sight
1x Elders Focus
1x Mask Of Tragedy
I realize than none of them are top tier scrolls, so my trade requests can come from combinations, etc, wtc. Thanks!