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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2012

    Question Fear Immunity & Courage of Good

    I'm confused by this contradiction:

    Upper right of my screen says, "Fear Immunity - Paladins are immune to fear effects."

    Then at the trainer in the Enhancements screen the game would have me spend action points on Courage of Good I, II, etc. which gives bonus to saves against fear. This is an enhancement for Paladins.

    Why would I need bonus to saves against fear if I'm immune to fear?


  2. #2
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Jun 2011


    It is an enhancement that is available for you to spend points on even though it doesn't do anything for you yourself because Paladins need extra places to spend action points. If they didn't have point sinks like Courage of Good, they'd have huge numbers of leftover AP when they hit level 20 with nothing to spend them on.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    courage of good,bulwark of good, etc. affect your aura.Therefore passing these benifits on to your party members when they are close to you.

  4. #4
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    Seeing the horrible dracolich, ur barbarian friend was so frigtened he cannot swing his axe
    You the all-brave paladin went to him, gently pat on his shoulder, and he was saved

  5. #5
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    As a Paladin, you have a protective aura that surrounds you and extends a short distance in every direction, even though you don't see it. This aura will provide benefits to all of your fellow party members, such as bonuses to AC, saves, resistance to fear, and improved concentration checks. So the Courage of Good enhancement line increases everyone's save vs fear that are inside of your aura.

    Generally speaking, it's a horrible enhancement line and isn't worth spending any points on for a couple of reasons. Only if you are taking the Defender of Siberys enhancement line will you take Courage of Good I, and that's only because it is a prerequisite.

    1) In practical game play, your fellow party members will not be inside of your aura because of the active game play. Everyone is always moving around and there is no visual aura around a Paladin for someone to think about staying with the Paladin when a fight breaks out. Only some of the time will people be in your aura, and it's pretty much incidental to just happening to be next to each other. So a Paladin's aura is primarily for the benefit of the Paladin. As you point out that you already are immune to fear, it's a useless enhancement line and I hope in the enhancement pass they just remove it.

    2) Clerics and Favored Souls get remove fear at level 1. If you have a Cleric/FVS in your group, they can cast remove fear so that everyone is immune to fear. In practice you don't always have a cleric/fvs and they may not always cast this, but if they do then it renders any APs you have in this enhancement line completely useless.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralmeth View Post
    2) Clerics and Favored Souls get remove fear at level 1. If you have a Cleric/FVS in your group, they can cast remove fear so that everyone is immune to fear. In practice you don't always have a cleric/fvs and they may not always cast this, but if they do then it renders any APs you have in this enhancement line completely useless.
    Remove Fear doesn't provide immunity to fear, you're thinking of Greater Heroism.

    Instead, Remove Fear grants a +4 morale bonus to saves against fear - and if you fail a save, the bonus gets removed.

    However, it's a good presumption that everyone will have Greater Heroism at the later levels - there's 2 clickies available for those who cannot cast it or UMD the scrolls.
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