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  1. #1
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    For recruitment information, see our website

    Since January of 2010, we have been at the forefront
    of a growing resistance in the land of Eberron called Casual Gaming.
    We seek to create a bastion of sanity, where elite gamers and new players
    alike can work together to forge a bright new future for Eberron. Immature
    children and raging PUG leaders will no longer hold us back!

    The Guild of Calamitous Intent is a casual, international, English
    language, adult only guild that puts real life first and puts the power
    in the hands of the people. At its core is a group of regular players
    who love to assist players of all skill levels.

    The Guild is designed to be autonomous and self governing. Members
    of the guild are empowered and encouraged to create, develop, and
    organize any idea or event they may have. It is the duty of guild
    leadership to facilitate this process.

    We strive to provide an open and casual atmosphere where players
    new and old can learn, share, and have fun questing together. This
    environment is to be free of harassment, discrimination, and negativity.

    Our Values
    Integrity, Honesty, Knowledge, Teamwork, Strategy, Enjoyment, Friendship

    General Information
    Dungeons and Dragons Online: Cannith Server

    English Language
    Ages 18+
    Be Chill
    Last edited by Raoull; 09-23-2012 at 10:07 AM.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  2. #2
    Community Member Dolphious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    A big welcome to all the new people we've gained recently! It really helps keep things fresh to see so many new folks excited about the game
    Gildus, Yhvain, Sabathiel, Einion

    Cannith, GOCI
    Be Chill, have fun

  3. #3
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    TGoCI is an eclectic mix of individuals. Whether you look at the spectrum of how often people solo/pug/run with guildies, flowersniff vs. zerg or people with a pay attention to specifics of mechanics vs. just play the game... we have members all colors and flavors.

    Our only real requirements are: Be Chill and Have Fun.

    If we had to label ourselves as a particular style of guild, our wide variety of playstyles and our relaxed attitude work very well as a learning/teaching guild. Those with knowledge of particular facets of the game share it. Those who need information can ask without fear of an RTFM response, and get answers from people who will ensure that they actually understand the information given. And sometimes, it's helps maintain sanity for even a zerger to flowersniff on occasion.

    There is plenty of activity from lvls 10 through 25. While we don't have lowbie groups as often, we can still offer plenty of advice and other help to newer players (or perhaps just altoholics).

    If this is an environment that interests you, check us out at:

    Some of us will write guides about a wide variety of topics. Sometimes they're written in response to a particular question, writeups of self interested topics, or probably, simple boredom. If others outside of our community find them useful, bonus:

    Some are more polished than others. There is an insane amount of detail on Artificiers in one, for example. And some attempt some really esoteric but important topics like trying to capture how to simply move and position yourself in game.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  4. #4
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Considering someone recently managed to find a home with us through this thread even though it is half way down the page.... I figure I ought to bump it to simplify life for the next Calamitonian who doesn't know they are one yet.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  5. #5
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Random bump, as it has been a while.

    We've been doing a regular EE questing on Friday nights (around 10pm-1am Eastern time) for a bit now. So if you've ever had the urge to try epic elites but didn't want to dip a toe in the Pug EE scene, perhaps look us up. Imagine our next few weeks will be spent on new Gianthold stuff hoping for some fancy loot.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    We are always recruiting! Feel free to stop by our site or look us up on the LFM board.
    The Guild of Calamitous Intent - Only on Cannith
    Orryx - Cleric - Guild Leader
    Oryyx - Bard
    Naleth - Paladin TR:1

  7. #7
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Random bump.

    If you're looking for a relaxed guild, come check out our web page and see if we're what you're looking for.

    Be Chill, Have Fun.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  8. #8
    Community Member smckelv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Bump for argument in favor of Calamitous: I returned to DDO after a 2 year hiatus. This guild was friendly and helpful in showing me around epic Gianthold, Eveningstar, etc. Guild chat is good, you will get a response to questions or requests for party members. The officers are quality EE and Raid leaders. But as the guide above said, it is still casual and mature. We run endgame quests/raids on Friday nights almost every week.

    Give us a try, I'd like to say that overall sense I get is that Calamitous folks want to be/are good players and builds but do not brag about it or put others down who are not. Right now, its a perfect mix.

    Anatir the Wild Man - Pure Barbarian
    Baldornix Magnus - Paladin 1st Life, Bard 2nd Life, Favored Soul 3rd Life

  9. #9
    Community Member ImTrasd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010



    I've been with TGoCI since day one, nearly 4 years now!

    We are a close-knit group of like-minded players who like to hyphenate! LOL

    Really, if you are looking for an established guild of mature players, check us out here.

  10. #10
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Considering it has been a while, and in the mean time we've had some new events and new members, I figure it was time for a bump.


    Come check out our web forum if you're interested.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  11. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    These guys are great! The hazing period is only mildly painful - I only had to clean the Ship's spittoons for two weeks!

    No, but seriously, this is a great group of folk. If you're looking for a fun and active group who are casual and *incredibly* helpful, consider TGoCI.

  12. #12
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Figure it's about bumpin time....

    We run EEs and Epic raids every Friday night. There is often other things going on as well.

    Only requirement is "Be Chill, Have Fun." We don't worry about ViPs vs. not, experience, playskill, how much you want to group with guildies vs. pug vs. simply solo, or pretty much anything else beyond basic human decency.

    Do to the way thing work nowadays, it is much easier to find guildies to group with if you have an epic toon, but I imagine that is the case most everywhere nowadays. We don't mind folks without epics though. Random TRs/Alts will occasionally line up in your level range, it will just be a bit more... random.

    If you're interested, check our out Forums:
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  13. #13
    Community Member smckelv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    From the rank & file - we're still running strong in epics of all levels/difficulties. Dedicated EE or Raid night Fri 9central. We just learned the 2 new dragon raids together.

    Pretty much what Raoull said....come join us.
    Anatir the Wild Man - Pure Barbarian
    Baldornix Magnus - Paladin 1st Life, Bard 2nd Life, Favored Soul 3rd Life

  14. #14
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Random bump....

    We've been running the new raids on Friday nights (as well as HH, older raids, random EEs...) and would be happy to teach raids for anyone who is interested. (Will probably be running a CitW Friday at 8pm central for a guildie who has never run it, and also a Abbot Learning run on May 6th...)

    If you're looking for a chill group of players on Cannith, check out
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  15. #15
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Random bump. If you're looking for a guild with a couple of dozen decent folk, come check us out.

    Checkout our web page, send me a PM, or contact Cybilond or I in game.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  16. #16
    Community Member zichant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Is this guild still active in terms of raiding on Friday nights? Also, are there many characters that TR and run heroics or are most focused on the "end game"? The reason I ask is because I am currently looking for a new guild for my characters and want to be sure I find one that suits me (and vice versa).
    I tend to always have a character TR'd and progressing through heroic levels, but I have many characters in epic levels as well.

    Thanks for any information you can provide.

  17. #17
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Doah... been spending my time looking at the Lam forums, and missed this.

    Yes, we still tend to do something every Friday night. We'll basically run whatever people want to run, as long as it is either an epic raid or an EE. (Last week we did EE Demon queen 1 & 2, for example.) Sometimes there are only 3-4 of us, sometimes more. Normally when we run raids, we'll pug them out. (We didn't bother with DQ though, we just 4 manned it.) With the newer raids (CitW onward) we usually run them on Hard (or norm with the two newest, depending on what group we end up with). Older raids like Chrono and DQ will usually get EEed like 6mans we run.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

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