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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Request- Fun to Play Monk

    So I've been craving a bit of fists of fury action with a monk, however I have NO creativity whatsoever when it comes to the monk classes. When I sketch out an initial stat sketch it always looks like this..

    STR: 16
    DEX: 14
    CON: 12/14 (On a human can't remember what would be the actual numbers)
    INT: 0
    WIS: 16
    CHA: 8

    I know those numbers aren't exactly correct but you get the idea...

    As said in the thread title I want it be fun to level (had tons of fun leveling a tactics fighter) and I have these at my disposal.


    -No tomes (can afford +1 Tomes, no higher than that though)
    -Races Useable
    -Don't mind any multiclassing
    -Have ALL classes unlocked
    -Can be gear intensive
    -Endgame useable
    -Any kind of monk

    ex: Light/Dark

    Thanks for any posts.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    I think you'd want 16 dex instead of 14 to start with... that way, you can go up to 18 if necessary to pick up Grandmaster Wind.

    How'd you get 0 Int, by the way? </joke>

    Hmm... which do you think sounds more fun?

    1. Punching the living daylights out of enemies while buffing your team with combo finishers, while also being able to perform a sort of "Smite Outsider"?

    2. Puching the living nights out of enemies while also cursing them, dealing massive burst damage, and also being able to cause a conceal effect on yourself to occur, while also being able to walk on water eventually?
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  3. #3


    Hey, check out the build in my sig and let me know what you think about it. It is very fun to play, benefits from really good gear but will still work very well with the basics.

    Hope that helps, good luck with it!

    Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
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  4. #4
    Hero HGM-Chi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastacheff View Post
    -Races Useable
    Human is a good option, halfling dex/wis build can be fun, but can be frustrating when you come up against high hitpoint, unstunnable mobs. Dwarf is a solid option you shouldn't overlook either, str and con with enough dex for twf and the rest in wis. Grab the dwarf enhancements for tactics to bump your stun DCs and away you go. Light based for good survivability, dark for damage output.

    All that being said you're going to find playing a monk without +2 tomes a pain in the ass. Grand Master stances require an 18 in their respective stat, so you'll have to start one at 17 and use a +1 tome to get it, or only take the stance associated with whatever stat you bump with level ups. With +2 tomes you end up with a more balanced build and access to all the GM stances if you want (well, or at least 3). This limitation is compounded somewhat by the fact that you'll: a) Probably want to bump str with your level ups, and b) Probably want Wind (which is dex based) and Earth (which is con based) stances.

    So, with that said, I suggest Dwarf with stats at:
    Str 16 (+ all levels, +2 tome)
    Dex 16 (+2 tome)
    Con 16 (+2 tome)
    Int 8
    Wis 14 (+2 tome)
    Cha 6

    If you really want only +1 tomes then perhaps human with:
    Str 16 (+4 level ups)
    Dex 16 (+1 tome [required for iTWF and gTWF)
    Con 16 (+1 level up, +1 tome)
    Int 8
    Wis 10
    Cha 8

    Your stun DCs will hurt, so you might want to just go dark and play the damage roll...

  5. #5
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    I had a lot of fun with this build in the past:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    I think you'd want 16 dex instead of 14 to start with... that way, you can go up to 18 if necessary to pick up Grandmaster Wind.

    How'd you get 0 Int, by the way? </joke>

    Hmm... which do you think sounds more fun?

    1. Punching the living daylights out of enemies while buffing your team with combo finishers, while also being able to perform a sort of "Smite Outsider"?

    2. Puching the living nights out of enemies while also cursing them, dealing massive burst damage, and also being able to cause a conceal effect on yourself to occur, while also being able to walk on water eventually?
    I'd take the 1st, although I've heard that shintao COMPLETELY sucks. To also be more specific I want to be mainly unarmed because I'm for some reason not a fan of quarterstaffs (acrobats exist for a reason), whirling steel (not spending a couple of feats for that), and whatever else that exists.

  7. #7
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Shintao hasn't sucked for awhile.

    (Actually, many consider it to be a superior option to Ninja Spy now)

    I understated Shintao a bit, actually. In addition to the whole "Smite Outsider" thing they can do (which includes Undead, by the way) theyh can also do a lot of other nifty stuff, like bypassing all kinds of DR just by taking the PrE.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  8. #8
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    I don't like them just because they seem extremely situational, like oh noes evil men that want to take my life my platinum in the form of repair costs, AAAAHHH.

    Now looking again at light monks on the wiki, they seem to be somewhat DC intensive with some of their attacks.

  9. #9
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    First off: all monks are fun to play!!

    Go Human, dex/wis build, for very AC capable for soloing alot of content....access to +1 tomes only limits on monk stances and you cant go Void IV which is fun to play and no resis to the force damage, along with chance to vorpal things..but here is rough draft on a Grandmaster of storms/Grandmaster of Oceans stance..

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
    (20 Monk) 
    Hit Points: 314
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 16
    Will: 19
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             13                    14
    Dexterity            17                    18
    Constitution         14                    16
    Intelligence          8                     9
    Wisdom               15                    24
    Charisma              8                     9
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               7                    30
    Bluff                -1                    -1
    Concentration         6                    38
    Diplomacy            -1                    -1
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -1                    -1
    Heal                  2                     7
    Hide                  3                     8
    Intimidate           -1                    -1
    Jump                  4                    12
    Listen                4                    26
    Move Silently         3                     8
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -1                    -1
    Search               -1                    -1
    Spot                  4                    26
    Swim                  1                     2
    Tumble                4                     7
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Monk)
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Stunning Fist
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Improved Jump I
    Enhancement: Improved Tumble I
    Level 2 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Weapon Finesse
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    Enhancement: Void Strike I
    Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I
    Level 3 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Level 4 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Static Charge
    Enhancement: Improved Jump II
    Enhancement: Improved Tumble II
    Level 5 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise II
    Enhancement: Porous Soul
    Level 6 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Sunder
    Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy I
    Enhancement: Adept of Wind
    Level 7 (Monk)
    Enhancement: All-Consuming Flame
    Enhancement: Winter's Touch
    Level 8 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Adept of Rock
    Level 9 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Touch of Death
    Enhancement: Void Strike II
    Level 10 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Adept of Flame
    Enhancement: Adept of Rain
    Level 11 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Level 12 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy II
    Level 13 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Master of Thunder
    Level 14 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Human Versatility III
    Enhancement: Unbalancing Strike
    Enhancement: Master of the Sea
    Level 15 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Level 16 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Level 17 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I
    Level 18 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Enhancement: Grandmaster of Storms
    Level 19 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Grandmaster of Oceans
    Level 20 (Monk)
    Enhancement: Monk Serenity
    Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II
    Change enhancements and feats to your liking/wants....

    Final stats:
    14 +2 ship + 2 rage +6 item + 1 exceptional = 25 + 2 yug (if you get favor)= 27
    18+ 2 ship + 6 item + 2 yug pot +4 stance = 34
    16 + 2 ship + 6 item +2 yug = 24
    9+ 2 ship = 11
    24 +2 ship +2 yug +6 item + 2 exceptional + 4 (ultimate oceans, +2 dcs and + 4 AC i think) +4 wisdom also)= 40
    9+2 ship = 11

    Stunning Fist = 10 + 10(1/2 monk level)+ 15 wis mod + 10 (stun item)=45 (without ship buffs)
    ToD=10 +10(1/2 monk) + 15 (wis)= 35
    QP= 10 + 10(1/2 monk)+ 15 = 35

    Good dcs, good stats and bonus to hit with weapon finese, you should be able to obtain around a 70 AC self buffed, with pots and just items from running quests without epics.....have fun....monk is awesome.
    Last edited by smithj_2020; 04-06-2012 at 12:53 PM.
    I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!

  10. #10
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastacheff View Post
    I'd take the 1st, although I've heard that shintao COMPLETELY sucks. To also be more specific I want to be mainly unarmed because I'm for some reason not a fan of quarterstaffs (acrobats exist for a reason), whirling steel (not spending a couple of feats for that), and whatever else that exists.
    I think you have been misinformed. Shintao is actuall a really nice PrE. It is very survivable, being light side, and has few DR issues at end game. With Ranged Stun, Tome of Jade, Smite Taint, etc... they are a strong contender.

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