So I've been craving a bit of fists of fury action with a monk, however I have NO creativity whatsoever when it comes to the monk classes. When I sketch out an initial stat sketch it always looks like this..
STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 12/14 (On a human can't remember what would be the actual numbers)
INT: 0
WIS: 16
CHA: 8
I know those numbers aren't exactly correct but you get the idea...
As said in the thread title I want it be fun to level (had tons of fun leveling a tactics fighter) and I have these at my disposal.
-No tomes (can afford +1 Tomes, no higher than that though)
-Races Useable
-Don't mind any multiclassing
-Have ALL classes unlocked
-Can be gear intensive
-Endgame useable
-Any kind of monk
ex: Light/Dark
Thanks for any posts.