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  1. #81
    Community Member darthhento's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravestones View Post
    Upon further review, it has become evident that the use of the letters "O" and "R" by the "PanthrosPack" channel is in direct violation of the Over Raided Group's intellectual property rights and exclusivity regarding the placement of the aforementioned letters "O" and "R" in any word or approximation thereof (in recognition of poor grammar) pertaining to a guild, group, association, affiliation, abbreviation, prefix, suffice, or internet alpha-numeric characterization emote (i.e. :-O where the use of the O is prohibited), without prior written consent and the payment, in full, of the OR standardized name-metaphor tax.

    It is requested that the PanthrosPack channel immediately stop using the letters "O" and "R" in the word PanthrosPack and find alternate letters (i.e. PanthwusPack for example). In lieu of the above, the PanthwusPack channel can deliver a contigent of 100 halfling barbarian vixens to the OR ship, by 8:00 am Pacific Standard time, April 26th, 2012.

    Also, Keybreaker will be hosting an open-learning Abbott raid workshop during the evening of Friday, April 28th - feel free to reserve your spot with him by direct request.
    Why'd you have to kill the drama? It was such a nice drama going on I had lots of giggles while munching popcorn and watching the channel get all fiery about the tank tax.

    And when did OR get a ship again? Didn't you guys trade it for dirt bikes some time ago? I can understand you wanting halfling vixens to wash your dirt bikes but why would you want them on a ship?

    Key, I'm glad that you guys are coming down to the unwashed masses to help us get beaten by Abbot. I've ran quite a few Abbots Shat's been in and he's always very helpfull and usually doesn't charge more than 100k pp and all named loot from the raid. With that in mind I'm sure you won't charge more than 50k pp per applicant and that we will have a lot of experienced scouts and roiders after this learning raids. Also I'll always be happy to jump in and help on those learning runs whenever my toons will be off timer.

    XO, Darth

  2. #82
    Community Member deahamlet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravestones View Post
    Very often healers are compensated for the pots they consume during a raid.
    Extending this dogma to the contributions of other classes is only natural, and legitimate.
    EDIT: Were you being facetious? Cause otherwise you must live in some crazy dream world where divines get reimbursed in pugs.
    Last edited by deahamlet; 04-26-2012 at 01:44 PM.
    Toons on Orien:
    Daemonav Atreides: WF artificer (TR 2/14)////Irullan Atreides: human FvS (TR 2/?!?)////Lorrellei Atreides: human ice/acid sorcerer////Aliademon Atreides: elf PM necro/enchant wizzie (TR 2/8)

  3. #83
    Community Member Noopleh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    EDIT: Were you being facetious? Cause otherwise you must live in some crazy dream world where divines get reimbursed in pugs.


    My initial post got deleted, but this pretty much it.

    I suggest everyone to roll a guildless healer before saying stuff like that
    The Fight Club - Orien.
    Xcaltar: WF Barbarian 25

  4. #84
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    EDIT: Were you being facetious? Cause otherwise you must live in some crazy dream world where divines get reimbursed in pugs.
    Been trying to stay out of this fray, but yeah, that ^.

    What I USUALLY see is Majors drop in the chest for 2 fighters and a Barb, who promptly loot them then drop group unless there's some nice caster/cleric gear that they want to roll on for when they TR in 6 months...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  5. #85
    Community Member BigSlugger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    EDIT: Were you being facetious? Cause otherwise you must live in some crazy dream world where divines get reimbursed in pugs.
    I get reimbursed. Not 100% of the time, but I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by gravestones View Post
    Very often healers are compensated for the pots they consume during a raid.
    Extending this dogma to the contributions of other classes is only natural, and legitimate.
    Big difference between a compensation and what you're suggesting.

  6. #86
    Community Member gravestones's Avatar
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    I would suggest reading the first letter of each of the sentences in my initial post...a deeper meaning will be revealed!

  7. #87
    Community Member Meficio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravestones View Post
    I would suggest reading the first letter of each of the sentences in my initial post...a deeper meaning will be revealed!
    (red carpet)
    And the Montague Goudreau award goes to : Gravestones

  8. #88
    Community Member baletraeger's Avatar
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    Roll Tax

  9. #89
    Community Member BigSlugger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravestones View Post
    I would suggest reading the first letter of each of the sentences in my initial post...a deeper meaning will be revealed!
    You're a crafty one.

  10. #90
    Community Member deahamlet's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, Ashton Kutcher has landed!
    Toons on Orien:
    Daemonav Atreides: WF artificer (TR 2/14)////Irullan Atreides: human FvS (TR 2/?!?)////Lorrellei Atreides: human ice/acid sorcerer////Aliademon Atreides: elf PM necro/enchant wizzie (TR 2/8)

  11. #91
    Community Member Wickednisse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    EDIT: Were you being facetious? Cause otherwise you must live in some crazy dream world where divines get reimbursed in pugs.

    Actually, I was in an eChrono pug that failed due to lag (we even restarted it), and it wasn't the lag you could work around. I know for a fact, that several of the people in that pug actually went above, beyond and completely out of their way (to include going and grabbing pots off of storage toons) to compensate for the enormous pot usage that happened during our attempts. Do I expect it? No. But it does make me smile when it happens. As a healer, pot usage is part of the game and I have no problems chugging 1 or 2 if need be to get something done. This does NOT mean I will pop pots because the rest of the group are morons. Thankfully, that doesn't happen to me alot. 99% of the time I really enjoy the dungeon/raid. Hopefully, I'll be able to run with Verlichte and his awesome Elles more soon because I've honestly always had an absolute blast in his raids. Right now, I'm struggling with real world stuff such as work and this annoying thing called life.

    <3 Indi

  12. 04-26-2012, 08:53 PM


  13. #92
    Time Bandit
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    I'm kind of busy with finals right now, but just dropping a note that my calculations indicate that halfling vixens provide a slightly better matter-to-energy conversion ratio for the ship's warp core than the currently installed powerplant, hence they're needed for testing.

    P.S. They may or may not be returned, depending on their condition for resale once the tests are complete. Although I'm not sure what's a good price for secondhand or slightly-used vixens.

  14. #93
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    am wondering what time the raids normally start at? before i start asking anymore quests :P
    toons: heirof, Heirofi

  15. #94
    The Hatchery
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    It usually starts at any time anyone feels like leading a raid =P. Also, we accept requests to start raids (if there are enough people and if we're off timer). Just chat in the channel, and if folks are keen, anyone can start a raid =).

    But the best way to get a raid started is to bug Verlichte/Peluche for them. He may not have a 100% success rate, but (in my experience) we have fun. Even if our soulstones do get clumped into a nice little pattern.

    You can also ask Jiudark/Sisig to host MA or LoB. He might sigh and moan for a bit, but he'll give in if you bribe him with motorcycles and halfling vixens.

  16. #95
    Community Member menipos's Avatar
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    Default Elite ToD hosted by PanthrosPack

    My thanks to all the people who participated to last night's channel's elite ToD run.

    It was my first elite ToD and a great game experience for me.

    We had a first failed attempt but our second try was a blast.

    Part One was so smooth it reminded me the best hard runs i had so far.

    Part Two... excellent job from our shadow tank Sefru, his health never went below 80% (!), this part too was so smooth it reminded me of a hard run that just took a little longer.

    Part Three ...we didnt do optional but intresting is that we actually 10-man part 3 (lol) because two party members dced and were not able to come back. As a result we had reduced DPS but other than that was very smooth too.

    Excellent job from our two tanks, shadow tank, healers and our leader Peluche. And ofcourse from everybody else who played flawlessly. I believe that besides me there were more ppl with little or no experience on elite.

    Most important we had fun and the inexperienced players the chance to learn and improve.

    Thank you all again and cu ingame.
    Server: Orien
    Characters: Menipos / Jhaelant

  17. #96
    Community Member mojoflea's Avatar
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    Smile Thank You

    Quote Originally Posted by Masadique View Post
    My panther's name is Panthro. He's become a massive running joke. His lore includes, but is not limited to, being a deity whose domains are lag and all existence. If we lag in a raid, Panthro is telling us that we are doing too well and need a challenge. Panthro does not insta kill bosses because he is bound by godly laws which prevent direct aid to mortals, though he could easily kill all the bosses. In fact it's a bit odd that he listens to the laws since he could banish the other gods if he needed to.

    That's about it in regards to the name.

    Other options were S.E.C.K.S., though you'd have to ask Sunny as I forgot what it meant. Super Elitist Club of Knowledge Society I think... That was adapted into S.E.C.K.S.y PUGs. Then I ran an eChrono, asked if people wanted to join on a whim, got 7 people saying yes, and realized I needed to make a channel right then.

    We will be running eChrono (x3), LoB, VoD, and maybe some more Firday and Saturday.
    I was lucky enough to be in that eChrono run I think, and have had all my main toons in the channel since then, it's been quite of late, and sadly I am now back at work so my play time is limited... but thank you for accepting me

    Redpiety / Redmojo / Redmech

  18. #97
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Too bad about the timezone, but I'll join and maybe I'm online now and then to run with you guys
    Always a blast.

  19. #98
    The Hatchery
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    Just join the channel =). Raiding is pretty much random, if someone puts up a raid, they'll post up in channel.

    Also, the conversation is sparkling!

  20. #99
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    we was just talkin yesterday about how awesome this channel is... as we were doin eHard chrono... someone said it should be bumped again... (was it me? i forget. was late last night and i was tired....)

    but anyway... bump. come join. chat. raid. it's awesome! /joinchannel panthrospack Marquis

    the official home of LOLWUT
    and R.O.G.U.E !
    Pointless/Frivolous/Beguiling/Justanotha Waste of Time, Katzklaw, Pickt d'Locks & etc
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  21. #100
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    Yeah, it was you. Updating main post with "stuff the channel has done that PUGs aren't supposed to do."

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