Why'd you have to kill the drama? It was such a nice drama going onI had lots of giggles while munching popcorn and watching the channel get all fiery about the tank tax.
And when did OR get a ship again? Didn't you guys trade it for dirt bikes some time ago? I can understand you wanting halfling vixens to wash your dirt bikes but why would you want them on a ship?
Key, I'm glad that you guys are coming down to the unwashed masses to help us get beaten by Abbot. I've ran quite a few Abbots Shat's been in and he's always very helpfull and usually doesn't charge more than 100k pp and all named loot from the raid. With that in mind I'm sure you won't charge more than 50k pp per applicant and that we will have a lot of experienced scouts and roiders after this learning raids. Also I'll always be happy to jump in and help on those learning runs whenever my toons will be off timer.
XO, Darth