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You know, normally I ignore these threads.
Over Raided members, in particular, who are brave enough to post are unfairly targeted simply because of their guild association.
Unfortunately, racism by any other name appears to be tolerated - guildism is not okay.
However, I am compelled to post due to the apparent stigma at the mentioning of a "tank tax".
Anytime you receive a service, from which you benefit, you SHOULD feel obliged to pay...why is free-loading okay?
Very often healers are compensated for the pots they consume during a raid.
Extending this dogma to the contributions of other classes is only natural, and legitimate.
Because of the many malformed opinions within this forum, the "tank tax" has become something of a "Fight Club" issue - yet it exists whether some like it or not.
Extolling the virtues of the tank tax, or training tax, or raid-salvage tax is useless.
Enough of my guildmates have complained about the negative treatment they receive, whenever they mention it to the pug raid they just saved from failure to make it clear you cannot educate the unwashed masses...they just want a hand-out.
Not only that, they don't want to have to feel guilty about it either.
Pugs should pay, whenever they benefit from the expertise and resource expenditure of more senior and experienced players.
Undeniably, the Pug community must accept that they owe a debt to the server elite for helping them finish raids and get gear that they are otherwise unable to access and unworthy to wield.
Nowhere does it say that we must heal, and tank, and dot, and kite, and solve puzzles in your ineptly slapped together raids for you for free.
Know that the next time you form a Pug begging for the assistance of a properly geared tanker, or more healers, or high DC CC wizard, or for a shadow tanker or LoB kiter, you effectively owe for that service.
Expecting the raiding elite to bail you out for free is worse than being lazy or ignorant, you are effectively roleplaying a useless parasite.
Don't expect us to help you "on the house" anymore...at best, you may qualify for a small discount.