This build is inspired by
Class: 12 FvS / 6 Monk / 2 Fighter
Race: Elf
Alignment: Lawful Good (possible to change to Lawful Neutral when UMD reaches enough rank to use Good stuff)
Multiclass progression: 1 Monk, 2 FvS, 3 Fighter, 4-8 FvS, 9 Monk, 10 Fighter, 11-15 FvS, 16-20 Monk
Stats: 34 points build (Past life Ranger)
STR: 14 (+6 item, +2 ship, +1 fighter, +1 tome, -2 stance = 22)
DEX: 16 (+6 item, +2 ship, +1 elf, +1 tome = 26)
CON: 14 (+6 item, +2 ship, +2 tome = 24)
INT: 10
WIS: 16 (+5 levels, +6 item, +2 ship, +1 tome, +2 FvS, +2 stance = 32)
CHA: 8 (+6 item, +2 ship, +2 tome, +2 FvS = 20)
Note: Bonuses are counted only from tomes and items I have.
Feats: Point blank shot (1), Thoughness (1), Precise shot (3), Weapon F: Ranged (3), Mental Thoughness (6), Rapid shot (9), Zen Archery (9), Bow Strenght (10), Manyshot (12), Imp. Crit: Ranged (15), Quicken (18)
Skills: UMD (max), Concentration (max), Balance (9), Jump (8), Tumble (1)
Enhancements: Fighter Haste Boost I, Elven Dex I, Elven Ranged Attack II, Elven Ranged Damage II, Way of the Patient Tortoise II, Monk Improved Recovery I, Adeot of Wind, Adept of Water, 10k Stars, Ratial Thoughness II, Elven AA I, Conjure arrows +5, Spell Damage Amp: Positive III, Energy of the Scion III, Fighter strenght I, FvS Wisdom II, FvS Thoughness IV, Wand and Scroll mastery II, All arrow enchantments (except for Force Burst).
Leveling was quite easy, I used most of my paladin stuff and sword'n'board all the way up to level 9. Then I switched to bows and PJs and been shooting since then (ok, I carry some nice wraps with me for the times I'll be fighting some monsters which are better meleed (f.e. phase spiders) and when I'll get 10k Stars I will need to melee to keep my Ki up). If I ever get my hands on +3 Dex tome, then I'll swap Quicken out for Improved Precise Shot.
I'm on lvl 14 currently and it's a blast to play this character. Her pew pew abilities are on par with her previous life and I can provide all important buffs and I can act as group healer (I suppose not as main raid healer, but pretty **** good support healer).