First thing first, I got premium here, though used to pay for the game before it turned f2p and I'm vip in other turbine's game.

I want to report an issue where some of my character in MyDDO are screwed, like I deleted some toons and they are still showing or I rerolled a toon though the deleted toon still there and when I try to reach the good toon, I am forwarded to the deleted toon. It is a bit annoying when I try to access these toon outside DDO (like at work when it is boring so i can plan my gear grind in advance, etc).

So I don't know if this stuff can be solved, so thanks.

Suggestion about MyDDO as well.

Better option to sort/filter toons on MyDDO, like I got toons of multiple server and they share the same names, so being able to filter by server (or classes, or race or other stuff) would be appreciated so I could get only the needed toons/list of toons.

Character panel, I don't know if it would be possible to get the quest completions or quest locks. Also access to the favor information. It doesn't have to be public but it would be nice to access that information outside ddo as well.