My human pale master finally got her ToD rings this week, which means she doesnt need the crystal cove trinket for exceptional int anymore. This frees the trinket slot, but Im really not sure what to slot now. My wishlist for her has Litany and/or Eardweller, but I have neither (Even though shes flagged, I dont know Abbot or people who run it regularly, plus Id need a set of +3 tomes to make use of the bonus, and eardweller farm is too tedious for me atm)
So, what should I slot as trinket until I have time to farm for the really rare stuff?
some stuff I have
-cunning trinket (can be swapped out after entering lich form)
-pale lavender (still need to upgrade, but seems more like a situational swap-in, too)
-crafted trinket with greater conjuration focus (any good suffix here?)
Im looking for quickly farmable items or interesting crafts up to lvl 70.
Current gear in other slots:
Head: GS con-op hp helm
Eyes: Magewright Spectacles
Hands: GS SP+6 cha skills, Bramblecasters
Bracers: Greater Enchantment focus with medium guild slot
Fingers: Draconic, Rakhirs
Neck: no Torc yet, +6 con
Waist: Lion-Headed, ToD sorc belts
Body: Epic Mabar Robe
Weaps: Skiver, Epic Cove Dagger, Light&Darkness, GS cold absorb
Back: no Epic Envenomed yet, +5 resists
Feet: Cannith Boots