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Thread: Battle Cleric

  1. #21
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Um... if you're going battle cleric, to be honest, you're probably better off going two-handed and grabbing a greataxe or a greatsword or something.

    Considering the myriad of buffs that Clerics get, you might not even need proficiency, though a level in fighter wouldn't hurt. Or going Half Elf instead and taking Fighter Dilly.

    Also, I think the completionist description is a description goof - the person who wrote it probably forgot multiclassing even existed. A simple "You reached the level cap with every class!" would probably be vague enough to satisfy every condition.

    Oh, and if you're going to melee, you want Power Attack.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habreno View Post
    I disagree with the meleeing bit. He's building a melee Cleric. He's going to be hitting stuff, right up to cap, and even in Epics. I do it now on what is mainly a casting Cleric, but I have some melee in there. On a melee build, he could melee all the way through and into 20 fairly well. A build with insane self healing comparatively to the mobs needs only enough DPS to take mobs down before they drain his SP. That's a rather low amount on a Cleric, between RS Aura and Conc-Op and Torq, it's sometimes a nonexistent amount of DPS needed.

    And OP, if all you want is the Cleric PL, go with a 13/x/x build. This gives RS II, CL 15 on aura, and then whatever you want for 7 levels.
    He's putting his level ups on wisdom, so I think it's fairly safe to assume he wants to use some spells.

    Proficiency and improved critical are all you need to be melee-capable. I'd wager that a cleric with these feats does more melee damage than his build, up to level 15. And at the content you do from level 15 onwards, bladebarrier and divine punishment damage is very important, even on a melee-focused cleric. Not having maximize and empower would be wrong.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

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  3. #23
    Community Member ThePrincipal's Avatar
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    i have a 28 pt dwarf battle cleric at 20 for last few months.

    str 16 + 5 Lvls
    dex 8
    con 16
    int 8
    wis 14
    cha 12

    1. Toughness
    3. GreatAxe
    6. Empower Heals
    9. Quicken
    12. Maximize
    15. Improved Cr
    18. Power Attack

    I have nearly 500hp and 1700sp without GS. I have 14 turns, and really leverage those for group healing.

    Reflex save is a weakpoint, but I picked up a Glacier Bracers with the Blue Fire Shield that procs like crazy and really helps with DFB/MS.
    Last edited by ThePrincipal; 04-04-2012 at 04:23 PM.

  4. #24
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    Mostly because I'm currently having two hit issues with my Warforged Favored Soul if he has ranks in it. I blame this on a lack of gear, but for the moment I am assuming similar pain will be experienced with my melee cleric. If it works out later, I will do so. Also, its expensive and this is an AP starved build. I have no idea why wizards/sorcerers get their spell modifiers for 1 ap per tier, but clerics/favored souls have to spend 1/2/3/4 -_-

    I couldn't afford the costs. Radiant Servant costs quite a bit since I need Unyielding Sovereignty.

    There comes a time in every players life when **** has hit the floor, and you want a board on your arm to block some damage. Unlike my favored soul who has 14 DR, my cleric will have none, or at least not general resistance to everything. Shield Mastery grants me this survivability, and allows me to turtle while soloing quests. Also I couldn't think of much else worth taking.

    EDIT: It's also worth mentioning I'm a total ****** and forgot that I'd taken, for some reason I cannot remember, Spell Point enhancements that cost 6 AP. Ignore me, I'm a idiot today.
    I'd recommend you take Orcish power attack too. You shouldn't have hit issues. My 28 point dwarf battlecleric has 16 starting STR, no levelup points into STR and hits fine WITHOUT divine favor/power. He does have dwarven axe attack which boosts attack rolls but you'll have a lot more STR on your build which will more than make up for it. And then there's always divine favor/power if needed.

    And I agree with the prior poster, don't take shield mastery on a THF battle cleric. Yeah clerics don't get the DR bonus like FVS but don't forget that healing aura is a good compromise. Being ticked every couple of seconds for passive healing is a lot like DR. Aura combined with something like stoneskin guard on 3rd tier of your DT armor gives you great survivability. Add in displacement and it's even better. The only time you should really ever use a shield is raids if you decide to play healbot. Another feat like maximize, empower or quicken would be a much better choice IMO.

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