I've spent alot of time planning, playing and revising the most efficient way to complete a true reincarnation (TR). My previous efforts have been shared here: 37 hour TR, 27 hour TR and the Ultimate TR Junkie Leveling Framework. With the introduction of tomes of learning and ten third-life TRs under my belt, I've revised my list of most efficient quests to run.
My goals with this quest list:
1. Minimize the amount of time running around outside of quests. This means grouping quests by zone, running the same quest multiple times, and squeezing as much into one hour before ship buffs expire. Even with a tightknit group, travel time outside of quests and slayer zones and waiting briefly for people to arrive at the quest entrance typically adds 25-30% to the overall TR completion time.
2. Attain the highest XP per minute possible (averages ~3k XP per minute; 24 hours of played time measured by XP potion buffs). This always includes maintaining an elite streak during the entire TR. Sometimes this includes easy-to-get ingenious bonus from disarming traps, invising to the end for a devious bonus, zerging to the end, or selecting quests where multiple people can split up to do optionals.
3. 150 Coin Lord favor for two inventory tab slots and 150 House Kundarak favor for two bank tab slots. From raiding and previous TRs, I've acquired alot of stuff. I need my bag space!
Here's the quest list order which includes difficulty, frequency and some notes:
Stealthy Repossession E,Nx5,H (1 min; Insidious Cunning)
Recovering the Lost Tome E,H,N (2 min; Insidious Cunning)
--take level 2--
Information is Key E (2 min; Aggression, Vandal)
--take level 3--
Information is Key Nx3,H (2 min; Aggression, Vandal)
Doom of the Witchdoctor Ex8,N,H (1 min; Insidious Cunning; Notes: requires opener; invis to end and finish out in shrine room)
--take level 4--
Durk's Got a Secret E,H,N (1 min; Devious; Notes: includes opening rear section)
Butcher's Path E
Haverdasher E (1 min; Onslaught)
Garrison's Missing Pack E (3 min)
Kobold's New Ringleader E,Hx5,N (1 min)
Water Works part 1 E (3 min; Onslaught; Notes: 60 kobolds)
Water Works part 2 E (3 min; Aggression; Notes: includes zombie optional)
Water Works part 3 E (5 min; Mischief, Aggression)
Water Works part 4 E (2 min)
Sunken Sewer E
Missing In Action E
--take level 5--
Water Works 1-4 H
Where There's Smoke E (2 min; Discreet)
Catacombs part 1 E (1 min)
Catacombs part 2 E (1 min)
Tomb of the Immortal E,Nx7,H (1 min; Observance)
--take level 6--
Bloody Crypt E,Nx5,H (requires opener)
Depths of X chain (all 4) E
--take level 7--
Ruined Halls E (2 min; Discreet)
Lair of Summoning E
Forgotten Caverns E (2 min; Conquest; Notes: includes optional)
Chamber of Insanity E
Halls of Shan-to-Kor (STK part 3) E,Hx4 (requires opener)
Delera's part 1 E
Delera's part 2 E (all optionals)
Tear of Dhakaan E (don't bother with tear optionals on elite, just zerg to end)
--take level 8--
Delera's part2 Nx7,H (all optionals)
Delera's part3 E
Tear of Dhakaan Nx6,H (Conquest, Ransack, Perception; Notes: All optionals)
--take level 9--
Xorian Cipher E,Nx8,H (with scorpion and wraith optionals; we do not do treasure room chests)
--take level 10--
Delera's Part 4 E,Hx8,N (all optionals, ransack, conquest)
The Arena E
Prisoner of the Mind E
Claw of Vulkoor E (invis)
Fathom the Depths E,Nx6, H (dimension door before pulling lever; includes captive and gelatinous cube optionals)
--take level 11--
The Jungle of Khyber E (all optionals, ransack)
Shadow Crypt Ex7,H,N (requires opener; max XP walkthrough version) <-- This is when we start holding levels.
--take level 12--
The Jungle of Khyber Ex9,H,N (Ransack; Notes: all optionals)
Library of Threnal E,H (Notes: Invis to end)
Escort the Expedition Ex3 (4 min; Ransack, Observance, Neutralization)
--take level 13--
Escort the Expedition Ex4,H (4 min; Ransack, Observance, Neutralization)
Dreams of Insanity E,Hx6,N
Fallen Shrine Ex4,H,N (2 min; Conquest; Notes: Not recommended unless you have Blade Barrier)
Maraud the Mines Ex7,H,N (1 min; Vandal, Discreet)
Offering of Blood E,H,N (4 min; Onslaught; Notes: if you skip Fallen Shrine, you can run extra OOBs to make up the difference)
--take level 14--
Tomb of the Wizard King E,Hx8,N (Notes: all optionals)
Diplomatic Impunity E (7 min; Devious, Ingenious Debilitation; Notes: invis to end; this is prereq to other Lordsmarch quests)
Framework E (3 min; Devious; Notes: invis to end)
Eyes of Stone E (3 min; Perception, Devious; Notes: bring Scepter of the Fleshweaver; do not use the salve)
Invaders! E (6 min; Conquest; Notes: including 120 outsider optional)
Relic of a Sovereign Past EH (Notes: with non-combat optional)
--take level 15--
Framework Ex7,H,N (3 min; Devious; Notes: invis to end)
Eyes of Stone Ex5,H,N (3 min; Perception, Devious; Notes: bring Scepter of the Fleshweaver; do not use the salve)
Assault on Summerfield E
Blockade Buster Ex9,H,N (2 min; Insidious Cunning)
Feast or Famine EH (Tamper; Mischief; Locked door optional)
Cabal for One EH (3 min; Observance, Ransack, Aggression)
Trial by Fire EHN (3 min; Ransack, Conquest)
Maze of Madness E (5 min; Neutralization, Observance, Vandal)
Foundation of Discord EH (5 min; Ransack, Perception, Neutralization, Onslaught; Notes: Including SE locked door optional)
Cry for Help EH (5 min; Ransack, Aggression, Ingenious)
--take level 16--
Prison of the Planes E,Hx4,N (7 min; Conquest; Notes: all optionals)
Inferno EHN
Ghosts of Perdition E,Hx7,N (4 min; Aggression; Notes: no optionals)
Fleshmaker's Lab E,Hx4,N (Notes: no optional)
Temple of Vol E,Hx8,N (5 min; Conquest, Ransack; Notes: with Marut optional)
--take level 17--
Litany of the Dead E,Hx8,N (we do not flag for Ascension Chamber)
Missing E,Hx6,N (we skip Pale Fire optional)
Running with the Devils E,Nx7,H (5 min; Conquest, Ransack; Notes: including devil optional)
Rainbow EH
Ritual Sacrifice E
--take level 18--
Sane Asylum E,Nx8,H
Monastery of the Scorpion E,Nx6,H (6 min; Observance, Ingenious Debilitation, Onslaught)
Enter the Kobold E,Nx8,H
Sunken Parish E
Shipwrecked Spy E
Finding the Path E
Eye of the Titan E
--Congrats on level 20--
E = Elite
H = Hard
N = Normal
A multiplier like "x5" means run that difficulty five times.
Note: There's very little extra XP baked into this quest list to account for deaths or if you're lacking a trapper. If you're constantly receiving a -10% XP death penalty or dont have a trapper when one is called for, then you'll need to make it up by farming a quest one additional time, perhaps completing it on a difficulty that's not already done.
This quest list assumes:
1. You have a 20% tome of learning.
2. You always have a 20% XP potion active from level 1 until level 20.
3. You have access to all of these adventure packs.
4. You have quest openers for chain quests that require prerequisite quests to have been completed, like Doom of the Witchdoctor, Halls of Shan-to-Kor, Bloody Crypt and Shadow Crypt.
5. You have a group. If you intend to solo, I suggest you instead follow Mr. Cow's excellent "Diaries of a True Reincarnate" series.
6. At least one person in your TR group can disable traps. While it's possible to do every quest in the game without disabling traps, having a trapper provides two things: (1) Assurance that no one dies to traps on elite, reducing your XP by 10% (2) 10-15% XP trap bonus for selected quests.
7. You have the ability to become invisible. Several quests are most efficiently completed by invising to key points within the quest, only killing mobs that are necessary to meet quest objectives. Potions of Invisibility are ML 2. You can get no ML bound-to-account Invisibility clickies from certain quest list rewards, like Red Fens. Otherwise check the AH for the lowest ML invisibility clicky.
Things I would like to add to the list of notes for these quests:
1. Formalize the notes to include the smash/kill/trap/secret bonus XP objectives to acheive such as ransack, observer, devious/conquest and ingenious. This would also include notes about quests that have traps where you don't necessarily want to take the time or risk death to disable the traps (Desecrated Temple of Vol comes to mind). I'll do my best to keep track of this during my next TR and update this thread.
2. Strategies to drive down the completion times of quests. Also, include the average completion time you should strive for. The quests I've listed may not be efficient for you to run if you don't know how long they should be taking or how to execute them. For example, Delera's part4 is a 3 minute completion with ransack, conquest and ingenious bonuses.
3. A list of adventure packs required.
Some advice for minimizing the time it takes to complete a TR:
1. Find a static group to level with. Quests are much smoother when you understand the capabilities and deficiencies of your group mates. This will require some organization prior to starting a TR. Finding people with similar play times and who you can tolerate makes a TR a much smoother and enjoyable experience. Also, if you're going for back-to-back TRs, when possible you should coordinate different roles and past lives. A TR group with all melee is going to be alot slower compared to a group with an necro or blaster arcane and a divine caster. Finally, there's a cadence that's acquired when questing with the same people. The quicker people understand roles, like who gets the window, who stays in as the anchor, who pulls levers, etc the faster your quests will complete. Running quests with people who can listen to and follow directions makes for a world of difference.
2. Prior to your defined playtimes, make sure you have all of your gear, lockpicks, potions and spell components in your inventory. You would be surprised how much time is wasted waiting on people to get "stuff they need" in order to complete quests. Be proactive about it. When I start a TR, I carry all of the gear I need in my inventory up to level 9. I never run to the bank to get gear during our designated XP time. Wizards: You can inscribe every single spell at character level 1. Use a Rod of Teleport to get to the Portable Hole. Inscribing spells is more of a timesink than you realize. Your group mates will thank you for it.
3. Don't flag for raids during the TR process. For example, we don't flag for Ascension Chamber when running Litany of the Dead. It's a 6 minute quest to complete without the flagging optional and at least double that if you flag. Go back at level 20 to flag for Ascension Chamber. It'll be much faster. If you're doing back-to-back TRs, there's no need to flag anyway.
Many thanks to Flamicia (Orien completionist) for developing the initial version of this quest list, and to my TR train regulars for supporting my efficient XP experiments.
Any feedback or questions are welcomed. Please realize this isn't the only efficient way to TR. It's simply what has worked well for me and my playstyle. I hope you find some value in it.