As a happy owner of 5 toons in Ghallanda, I decided to make a new toon on Thelanis yesterday to play with a friend who has some toons there.
I got a bit frustrated when realised I must complete the Korthos storyline AGAIN, in that server, to reach Korthos sunny side and party with my friends already there. I still haven't complete the tutorial yet, so I'm not completely sure if am I going to get some option after it to skip the story arc and go to Stormreach.
If every player has to complete Korthos chain in every single server, here is my suggestion: please allow us to bypass that tutorial and the chain quests, because many veteran players start toons on different servers, and its really a pain to start all over again, specialy the tutorial part. This is already in use when a player creates a new toon on the same server where the other toons are. Maybe it could be a per-account setting instead of per-server setting?
Thank you.