Hello, I'm new to DDO, been playing a couple of months now. Decided to roll a Cleric as I've never really played one before and I'm really enjoying it so far.
If I remember right my stats at creation were something like this
or something like that, now at lvl 14 all my stats, w/ gear and random tomes I find is 14s across the board with 25-ish wisdom and 17 charisma. All geared up I have about 193hp and 1100sp. Naked is probably around 180/1000 range.
My strategy has been changing as I level and get better spells and learn more. At lower levels I mostly healbotted I guessNow with a higher str and better weapons plus the healing aura I find myself on the frontlines quite a bit more, which I find helpful anyways because some spells like Slay Living have such a short range. Most of the time when a run is going good I hang back and try to focus on enemy spellcasters and other foes susceptible to fort save death spells. I am learning more about my enemies as I go, knowing when a Dismissal or Banishment isn't going to work... Casting Harm on a Pale Master heals them... I also like to help with setting up choke-points/ambushes with things like Blade Barrier and Symbols. With such powerful healing spells, Empowered Healing, gear, and enhancements keeping the party alive has become almost trivial... not that I'm bragging or ignoring my role as a healer but when an empowered Heal spell can replenish over 700hp in one shot I'm not that worried about what is hitting you. Throw in a rechargeable healing aura and we are good to go. There are still plenty of times when I can't afford to do anything except heal party members during tough fights, try to pop off a damage spell and the whole party could wipe...
I suppose my Cleric could be summed up as an Offensive Caster, capable of melee fighting to conserve sp. I can't recall all my enhancements but I definitely took my Unyielding Sovereignty and the Radiant Servant lines, with a focus on increasing my spell points and toughness. I guess what I want to know is how can I improve my game? What are some viable strategies for Divine Casters as far as actual combat?
Oh yeah I guess this was probs throw together a little hastily. I'll come back and clean this up later, when I build my toon on the character planner. This is kinda my first real toon and I remember it was based partially on the Benedictine Cleric on the ddowiki
My race is human
Feats: Mental toughness
Empowered Healing
Spell penetration
Greater spell pen
duh.. now I can't remember...