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Hi. I happen to have a level 20, lightly epic'd (the easy ones: cove & challenges), dragonmarked halfling shintao pure monk. I am VERY MUCH looking forward to a TR to half-elf w/cleric dill ninja spy pure monk. Did I mention the VERY MUCH part? Let me make sure: VERY MUCH.
At high levels, 3 charges of heal doesn't cut it, especially for three feats. I made the character before half-elves were even a gleam in a developer's eye though, so halfling + dragonmarks was the best there was.
My rec: helf w/cleric dilly (or rogue if you get into raiding -- a single feat swap + enh reset so not that expensive) pure ninja spy monk. Shoot for earth4, void4, and ToD the rest is gravy.