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Thread: 40th TR

  1. #1
    Community Member tygara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 40th TR

    Yesterday I ended up TRing for the 40th time and I was wondering how much xp that ended up being in total.
    Lets get a quick breakdown about this lol.
    Kinda surpriced me that it ended up being that much in total, really shocked me!
    I also am aware that some people are closing in on 80 past lifes, if not already having passed that point, and really great job to them, I am seriously in awe of those individuals, but for me it was for a very long time never eally a primairy focus. People like Star who have made it a primairy goal and never did anything else are diffinately a different league then me personally, but I am still happy to say that currently I am still the person with the most past lifes on Orien

    Mitu - 15 past lifes (life 16) - 20Wizard - Retired
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 Wizard
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 Wizard
    14 x 4.378.500
    1 Wizard
    3 Sorcerer
    3 Fvs
    2 Ranger
    1 Bard
    1 Fighter
    1 Monk
    1 Paladin
    1 Wizard (current life)

    Mitwo - 14 past lifes (life 15) - 12Monk/6Fighter/2paladin - 15/27 - Completionist
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 FvS
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 FvS
    13 x 4.378.500
    2 Fighter
    1 Barbarian
    1 Bard
    1 Cleric
    1 Paladin
    1 Monk
    1 Ranger
    1 Sorcerer
    1 Wizard
    1 Rogue
    1 Artificer
    1 Monk (current life)

    Swiing - 5 past lifes (life 6) - 20Artificer - 6/24 - Planned to become completionist
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 Artificer
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 Fighter
    4 x 4.378.500
    1 Ranger
    1 Wizard
    1 Sorcerer
    1 Artificer (current life)

    Hiromo - 3 past lifes (life 4) - 20Favored Soul - Retired
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 cleric
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 Fvs
    2 x 4.378.500
    1 wiz
    1 fvs (current life)

    Grutche - 2 past lifes (life 3) - 12Fighter/6Paladin/2Monk - Retired
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 Barbarian
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 Fighter
    1 x 4.378.500
    1 Fighter (current life)

    Superring - 1 past life (life 2) - 18Wizard/2Rogue (possibly Druid) - 2/?
    1 x 1.900.000
    1 Sorcerer
    1 x 3.139.250
    1 Wizard (current life)

    Total xp:
    6 x 1.900.000
    6 x 3.139.250
    34 x 4.378.500
    179.106.000 total xp

    2 of these toons (Supherring and Swiing) arent level 20 back yet, and it is about 5 mil xp of those 2 toons combined that I am still missing,
    so all in all I am around 174mil total xp farmed out
    I aim to keep pounding past lifes out at a rather acceptable speed and hope to break the 200mil total xp mark as fast as possible
    Also keep in mind that I only calculated out the xp for toons that ever recieved a TR from me, every first life toon (another 6 in total) was not calculated into this.
    Server: Orien
    Mitu - Wizard (16th life)
    Mitwo - Iconic Thiefling Bard (???th life) - Completionist / Epic + Racial completionist
    Swiing - Sorcerer (47th life) Supherring - Alchemist (21th life)

  2. #2
    Community Member Hunta-EU's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hells bells thats a lot of grinding, go on son!!!
    aLiclan - Thelanis - Crony - Gimptalot - Shaista - Sonofhunta

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Awesome job!

    Still just on 7 here, but trying to get the first Compl under the belt in July.

    Is your leveling plan fixed?..if so is it public or do you follow a publicized plan like Carpones or Gwadabooms?

    Whats youre average time for a life now? (and under what conditions? (groupsize, xp pots, greater tome))

    Do you raid at all or just TR?

    Do you go solo or fixed group or just duo along with any buddy in range?

    Any TR tips you use, that not many others seem to know of?
    (that you would like to share as an "aha" moment for the rest of us?)

    Whats the biggest mistakes you see ppl make during TRs?

  4. #4
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    And I thought I played too much DDO.

    "Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"

    Into light, into darkness, surely.

  5. #5
    Community Member tygara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkRea View Post
    Awesome job!

    Still just on 7 here, but trying to get the first Compl under the belt in July.

    Is your leveling plan fixed?..if so is it public or do you follow a publicized plan like Carpones or Gwadabooms?

    Whats youre average time for a life now? (and under what conditions? (groupsize, xp pots, greater tome))

    Do you raid at all or just TR?

    Do you go solo or fixed group or just duo along with any buddy in range?

    Any TR tips you use, that not many others seem to know of?
    (that you would like to share as an "aha" moment for the rest of us?)

    Whats the biggest mistakes you see ppl make during TRs?

    My leveling plan isnt public, it is something that Titanticus and me have worked on and personalised for 26 lives together, its a plan that worked very well for the 2 of us and i am rather protective of that particular scedual, as it took both of us a long time to make it something that worked extremely well for the 2 of us together.
    I did 2 lives together with Carpone and he and Flamicia are very good levelers, but their particular level up plan differenciated a bit from the one that Titan and me used so it was a bit of an adjustement for me.

    The average time per life is also a very difficult question to answer
    About a year ago, Titan and me used to crank out double TRs in less then a week, with the fastest one being 3days 18houres, but both titan and me ended up getting a bit burned out and we severely slowered our paste, to the point that we dont TR together anymore now and that has severely cut down my speed of leveling. I am currently TRing together with a new partner (Ellminster from Orien) and he definately aint a bad leveler nor player, but I mis the chemestry that Titan and me had so the speed of TRing is kinda suffering under that.
    Now Ell and me average on about 2week TRs which I know aint bad, but it aint the speed that I used to do anymore.

    I do raid, I used to be in Over Raided and have run every raid over 200 times already (on different toons obviously) I still raid on pretty much a daily basis now even.

    Most of the times it is 2manning that I do, in the old days, Titanticus. Now together with Ellminster. I think I have done about 8 TRs that were with more then 2 people, but the majority of was duoing.

    Dont really like to share specific secrets, as I found personally that figuring specific things out is one of the most fun things in the game for me, so I dont wanne share it as I fell I am kinda taking away the fun for others then.

    Biggest mistake in my opinion is not being self sufficient.
    Every toon that I have ever made, if it is now a first lifer or a TR, has always been able to what ever is needed to do and have always been able to keep himself alive without a hireling or a healer tide to his ass. People who need others will not be able to TR or level fast, so that is imo the biggest mistake I see a lot of others make, which is being too much dependant on others. Is slows ya too much down
    Server: Orien
    Mitu - Wizard (16th life)
    Mitwo - Iconic Thiefling Bard (???th life) - Completionist / Epic + Racial completionist
    Swiing - Sorcerer (47th life) Supherring - Alchemist (21th life)

  6. #6
    Community Member Grimlock's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    It amazes me how much free time people have. I am insanely jealous of anyone with multiple toons at 20+ past lives each.
    ~ Archangels ~
    Grimmlock (Heroic Completionist Life 17); Saulot (Life 5); Leviathian (Life 9); Flogging Molly; Mithriss; TheBoondock Saynts; Bushmils; Humblebeard; Guinnesss.
    Tiocfaidh ár lá

  7. #7
    Community Member Veriden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Hey Mitu, I need help piking will you take me along? I shall sign a non-disclosure
    Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.

  8. #8
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Congrats, Mitwo!

  9. #9
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Nice bit of grind there. I'm sticking to TRing only one character. Hahaha. Make the most of him. Maybe one of these days when I have a million lives on him I'll TR someone else... but until then... screw that! XD LMAO!

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