Yesterday I ended up TRing for the 40th time and I was wondering how much xp that ended up being in total.
Lets get a quick breakdown about this lol.
Kinda surpriced me that it ended up being that much in total, really shocked me!
I also am aware that some people are closing in on 80 past lifes, if not already having passed that point, and really great job to them, I am seriously in awe of those individuals, but for me it was for a very long time never eally a primairy focus. People like Star who have made it a primairy goal and never did anything else are diffinately a different league then me personally, but I am still happy to say that currently I am still the person with the most past lifes on Orien
Mitu - 15 past lifes (life 16) - 20Wizard - Retired
1 x 1.900.000
1 Wizard
1 x 3.139.250
1 Wizard
14 x 4.378.500
1 Wizard
3 Sorcerer
3 Fvs
2 Ranger
1 Bard
1 Fighter
1 Monk
1 Paladin
1 Wizard (current life)
Mitwo - 14 past lifes (life 15) - 12Monk/6Fighter/2paladin - 15/27 - Completionist
1 x 1.900.000
1 FvS
1 x 3.139.250
1 FvS
13 x 4.378.500
2 Fighter
1 Barbarian
1 Bard
1 Cleric
1 Paladin
1 Monk
1 Ranger
1 Sorcerer
1 Wizard
1 Rogue
1 Artificer
1 Monk (current life)
Swiing - 5 past lifes (life 6) - 20Artificer - 6/24 - Planned to become completionist
1 x 1.900.000
1 Artificer
1 x 3.139.250
1 Fighter
4 x 4.378.500
1 Ranger
1 Wizard
1 Sorcerer
1 Artificer (current life)
Hiromo - 3 past lifes (life 4) - 20Favored Soul - Retired
1 x 1.900.000
1 cleric
1 x 3.139.250
1 Fvs
2 x 4.378.500
1 wiz
1 fvs (current life)
Grutche - 2 past lifes (life 3) - 12Fighter/6Paladin/2Monk - Retired
1 x 1.900.000
1 Barbarian
1 x 3.139.250
1 Fighter
1 x 4.378.500
1 Fighter (current life)
Superring - 1 past life (life 2) - 18Wizard/2Rogue (possibly Druid) - 2/?
1 x 1.900.000
1 Sorcerer
1 x 3.139.250
1 Wizard (current life)
Total xp:
6 x 1.900.000
6 x 3.139.250
34 x 4.378.500
179.106.000 total xp
2 of these toons (Supherring and Swiing) arent level 20 back yet, and it is about 5 mil xp of those 2 toons combined that I am still missing,
so all in all I am around 174mil total xp farmed out
I aim to keep pounding past lifes out at a rather acceptable speed and hope to break the 200mil total xp mark as fast as possible
Also keep in mind that I only calculated out the xp for toons that ever recieved a TR from me, every first life toon (another 6 in total) was not calculated into this.