Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
35/m/premium - I own basically everything accept for Half-Elf and the House C Challenges. I don't buy TP unless I need something, but after buying the $80 CE and TRing a couple of times I have over 3k banked so I don't think I need any more any time soon.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
I agree, my guild has been overrun by French-Canadians. In fact there are only two non-French-Canadians left. Me being one of them... I haven't heard from Maydoc in a while... Steve's been saying I should give him guild leadership for a day as "a lark"... Should I be worried?
Oh, 43-M-VIP-Stopped buying TPs after the CE bonus pack-friend to all Canadians.
Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
leader emeritus, Bridge Burners
"Just another day in pair-o'-dice"
Ooooh creepy thread, for the record Cereal has paid for two dev's salaries on lesser reincarnations alone... he is way underestimating his contribution to Turbine employee bonuses. Any way 42/f/ VIP/ and buy TPs every few months when there are good deals/ did buy the big expansion with all the bells and whistles because I am a sucker.
Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others
(Google it if you don't get it)
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
Work 40 hr/week
Purchased Expansion
Purchase TP every time there is a bundle sale
Work 40 hr/week, plus 2-3 classes/semester
Purchased Expansion
Purchase TP every time there is a bundle sale
Diplomacy: For when a fireball would just send the wrong message.
mid 30's
full time college student and work at the college
play DDo more than I should
buy tp's when on sale
and yes I'm a vip
my sn= 222-00-@@@@ jk
what more info do you need
Why not? I'll answer for my husband too, since he rarely reads the forums.
Me: 40, Female, Vip (Becuase I like elite one and doning quests), and haven't bought any turbine points since I went vip.
Him: 35, male, Vip (Same reason, and he's not always in my group), and also hasn't bought points since he went vip.
Of the two of us your far more likely to meet me alone, because I play a LOT more than the husband. He plays when I bully him into it or the mood takes him.
-Turtle/Dinosaur/Sabretooth Fangirl
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!
Tech Support Full Time
Play anywhere from 2 hours - 20 hours a week
Obsessed with character creation - especially unconventional ones...I spend FAR more time in games like NWN, BG, Elder Scrolls, Dungeon Crawlers, Fallout,etc. making the perfect party not so much stats wise...just the right look...I put far more stock into a build "feeling" right than being "statiscally right"
Mostly Play in Static groups as my unconventional builds are commonly rejectd from PuGs...My Thelanis builds I play alone or with my guid and are alot more conventional.
Premium - VIP isn't a bad option but honestly I would much prefer to be able to by points every 2-3 months than have to pay a monthly fee. Also I don't feel like I HAVE to play the game to get my monies worth.
I have purchased most of the packs except recent ones (No characters high enough lvl...mostly mid level first lifers and low level TRs)
Have yet to order expasion pack...waiting on more info about enhancements system
Original Reason I came to the forums = build advice.
Co-DM a mostly weekly (barring scheduling conflicts) PnP game. 4e Been playing fro almost 3 years (played 3/3.5 back in high school) unfotunately Geeks seem few and far between in this area (Ontario, Near Toronto) swelled when I started working my Tech Support job...seems Techies are ussually gamers as well lol :P
Last edited by Failedlegend; 04-23-2012 at 09:22 PM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Creepy? A little, but I'll ignore that for curiosity's sake.
57, female, employed but underemployed, and planning to go back to college. Single, formerly married, no kids. Premium, former VIP. I buy TP sparingly, mostly when it's on sale, and try to spend it on things that are on sale.
I've played D&D and other tabletop RPGs since 1979, the year 2nd edition came out. I've also played a bunch of MMOs, including EQ, SWG and WoW.
I have one 20 toon, a monk, in a static group guild. Otherwise, I have alt-itis, trying everything.
Last edited by Izdaari; 05-04-2012 at 01:02 PM.
Interesting - what's truly enlightening here (with a few exceptions) is the demographic segment aware of how creepy sharing too much information is, YET THEY STILL DO IT.
Kinda explains the uncanny success of Twitter, facebook, and myspace... and the growth in identity theft... and the success rates of social engineering.
But y'all keep goin' - keeps me employed