Would love to see here your age, sex, if you are vip or not, frequency of buying TP.
Recently in guild i have heard a lot of "You aren't the DDO demographic" - this means basically that DDO isn't build for me so my opinion is irrelevant. I beg to differ. I feel that i am the perfect target demographic. I am single male with a full time job. I work a 45ish hour week. Almost all of my spare time is spent playing DDO either tring or raiding. It would appear that i am addicted, but lets be clear, if i was into football then i would be spending my time watching football. If i liked guns i would be cleaning them. If i liked fly fishing i would be fly fishing. If i liked tv, then i would be watching tv. I'm not. I like playing an mmo instead.
I purchase TP every 3 to 6 months. Why do i do this ? Because DDO is my hobby. I can justify spending 100-200$ per year on my hobby. If i went out to the cinema it would cost me £20 ~30$ish, if i went out for a nice meal it would cost me ~$200ish. Also, i feel that in life if you wish to receive then you must give. I want DDO to continue for as long as i play it so i am completely willing to make a contribution so that it continues to provide me with amusement. In relative terms, 99$ per year is 27 cents a day. I probably spend more money on toilet paper per month.
(I am also aware that only around ~5% of the game population reads the forums, and this 5% most likely represents the hardcore players, and these hardcore players are probably VIP)
To get the ball rolling:
I am 30ish year old male, employed full time. I am VIP and i purchase a bundle points every 3 to 6 months when a deal is on.