Recently I've been running eChrono in parties without a dedicated tank. I'm usually on a caster, and if I pop a few DOTs it, kickstart the Eardweller and then drop some T3 DoTs, Ice Storm, BDB, I can end up yanking aggro.
Now, I'm perfectly capable of kiting and running around, however I hear tell from the tanky players, that tanking the eCAD is all about knowing what to do in each form. If that's true, can someone enlighten me with some advice? I managed it last night in a caster run, keeping it facing away from the party and the strikes mostly facing me.
* I did notice I seemed to be taking very little damage from the lightning form while I was shield blocking.
* I'm pretty sure the key to that fire blast is me ensuring I've got fireshield up and an absorb item.
What else should I be aware of? What tricks do you guys use to tank this beast?