...so i can name him Mike Wazowski.
grab a xoriat shard for now.. though you can't rename it, and it take some luck..
I want to see dragon wyrmling pets.
Initially as elite-only 'loot' in Gianthold Tor, then after a couple of weeks put them in the store.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I want a gelatinous cube cosmetic pet... I dont want it to be miniature![]()
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Gelatenious Cube : "I'm hungry".
Owner : "What ? So soon again ?"
Mhmm, Somehow I keep hearing "They're so cuuuuttteee" here in the house while playing the quest "in the flesh" with my wife.
The same happened with the kobold and the Golem pet which we both ended up buying....
My guess is indeed that more players want to be able to get more pets, Just hope my wife doesn't end up with big horde of companions behind her. ;-P
But the mini beholder seems a good choice as another pet to add to the stable.
Greetings JW-NL.
Good song and nice fit, +1.
Anyways, for my suggestion... Kobolds, rats, and golems are quite harmless when in a smaller state. Beholders would be cool, but think about bad HoX runs, and all of a sudden mini beholders are no longer appetizing. What about beholder kin though? They're different, kin to each unique beholder, and don't have that **** anti-magic cone that just gets on my nerves.
Cannith: Gurei - Kinkaku - Xier - Biggorox - Slenderbot - Lrrrr (RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8!)
I want a midgy slime and a midgy dragon and a midgy devil and I want them to be able to be called at the same time!