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  1. #1
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    Default Trap DCs for elite VoN5?

    What reflex save do I need to not be hit by traps except on a one, and how much search and disable do I need to never critically fail for Vault of Night 5 on elite? The wiki says 64 disable and I assume a similar search is needed, as well as about 30-40 reflex save. If this is true, then how does Turbine expect any at level toons to do this without being TRed?

  2. #2
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    The 64 is the epic value. On elite, it's rough but not impossible with good equipment and buffs. I don't know the details exactly, as it's been several months since I went through an at-level elite VoN5 on a trap capable character. Going by my stats and equipment at that level, I would guess a search DC of around 30-35, and a disable DC of 35-40.

    The 30-40 reflex save is accurate though, and I feel the "only failing on a one" is around 40-42. I do distinctly remember being able to get my reflex up to 31 on that character (Pali/Rogue, so higher than average saves) at level 12, and still failing on an 8 roll.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    The 64 is the epic value. On elite, it's rough but not impossible with good equipment and buffs. I don't know the details exactly, as it's been several months since I went through an at-level elite VoN5 on a trap capable character. Going by my stats and equipment at that level, I would guess a search DC of around 30-35, and a disable DC of 35-40.

    The 30-40 reflex save is accurate though, and I feel the "only failing on a one" is around 40-42. I do distinctly remember being able to get my reflex up to 31 on that character (Pali/Rogue, so higher than average saves) at level 12, and still failing on an 8 roll.
    Alright, that is greatly reassuring. I can definitely hit the search + disable value with my current gear set up. The reflex saves will be more fun since I suspect I'll be unable to get to a +40 value on a level 10 toon, when I can barely hit 35 on a level 20. Ahhh well, should be fun. Thanks for the response!

  4. #4
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I would guess a search DC of around 30-35, and a disable DC of 35-40.

    The 30-40 reflex save is accurate though, and I feel the "only failing on a one" is around 40-42. I do distinctly remember being able to get my reflex up to 31 on that character (Pali/Rogue, so higher than average saves) at level 12, and still failing on an 8 roll.
    Wiki reports a fail with a modified roll of 40 on the spinning blade traps in the lightning hallway. Everytime I have done VoN5 elite I've had between a 42-50 disable. I wouldn't try with a 40 or less. As far as the reflex save, I don't remember exactly what I had, but I do remember that I had to make sure I kept it maxed the whole time (i.e. GH, dex item, resistance item, imp uncanny dodge) to only fail on a one.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    Alright, that is greatly reassuring. I can definitely hit the search + disable value with my current gear set up. The reflex saves will be more fun since I suspect I'll be unable to get to a +40 value on a level 10 toon, when I can barely hit 35 on a level 20. Ahhh well, should be fun. Thanks for the response!
    FYI, VON 5 Elite is a lvl 12 quest. Trying to get those numbers on a level 10 toon would be very difficult. Try waiting a couple of levels when you will have better numbers and possibly better gear.
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  6. #6
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    I'm fairly sure the disable DC is in the 42-44 range, though it's been a while since I came through there on a rogue.

  7. #7
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Reflex save is kind of irrelevant, since it'd have to be unusually high for you to even attempt to save on a 2. Just go in on normal and learn the safe spots with no pressure
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  8. #8
    Community Member Niv-mizzet's Avatar
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    I can confirm from my recent experiment with a thacrobat-dex-halfling-nat gann user (yeah its a trap, he's startin to suck hard,) that about a 40 reflex bonus will get you through the traps untouched except on 1's, and the search dc's are about 35ish. Disable is around the same area. Be warned that the trap in the shaft on the way up to the boss is dc 38 search, higher than the rest of the ones in the quest. I can't be too sure on disable dc's, since every toon I've run who is even able to search out the darn things, also disables them successfully on low rolls. (I think that thacrobat actually failed on a 3 or below while buffed and skill boosted, but obviously couldn't crit fail as long as he was buffed at least.)

    also don't forget to hit your improved uncanny dodge before you head in, and if you know how to dodge the lightning, and to start with the first box on the right and keep going back and forth, you SHOULD only need to suck a single hit from a blade on the first section on the right before you can get in the corner with the first box, maybe another on the way out. Once you've got it started, even a non-evasion squishy trap-capable guy could finish the whole hallway.

    For the lightning, what works best for me is to just waltz on through when it looks like I WILL get hit. (ie the lightning beam on the bottom is lit up, and it looks to me like im walking straight thru it.) Its kinda counter-intuitive, but works for me all the time.
    Last edited by Niv-mizzet; 03-29-2012 at 05:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Teharahma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweez View Post
    Reflex save is kind of irrelevant, since it'd have to be unusually high for you to even attempt to save on a 2. Just go in on normal and learn the safe spots with no pressure
    This, managed to do it 3 man (guildies) when I was playing artificer, no deaths, and a whopping 50k+ at the end, got our asses handed to us at Velah, no real healer :'D
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    Quote Originally Posted by JollySwagMan View Post
    But in terms of actual quest ideas, perhaps something where Halflings ride around on Warforged in battle-backpacks with shoulder-mounted repeating crossbows.

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