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  1. #1
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Default Request: A fun tactics build

    Looking for a fun to play build 32 point tactics build. I'm not set on a race or a specific class split. Leaning towards either 20 fighter or 12 fighter 6 barb 2 monk.

    I have no preference on TWF vs THF vs S/B, or SD vs Kensei. I'm just in a rut and want to try something different that can hold its own in a fight, and stun/trip/sunder effectively. I don't mind farming gear either.
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  2. #2
    Community Member ShadowFlash's Avatar
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    Default said different and fun


  3. #3
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowFlash View Post said different and fun

    That looks interesting. Couple questions....

    You went with your fighter levels early. Is bard first feasible?

    How dependent on tomes is this?

    Thanks, Chuck
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duplicate_10 View Post
    12 fighter 6 barb 2 monk
    Would you settle for ftr 12 / barb 6 / rogue 2? Given that one of those combos is possible and the other one isn't.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    would you settle for ftr 12 / barb 6 / rogue 2? Given that one of those combos is possible and the other one isn't. :d
    indeed i would
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  6. #6
    Community Member ShadowFlash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duplicate_10 View Post
    That looks interesting. Couple questions....

    You went with your fighter levels early. Is bard first feasible?

    How dependent on tomes is this?

    Thanks, Chuck
    IIRC, I planned it with a +2 Supreme in mind (was originaly a TR build), but I believe Only a +2Dex (for TWF) is truly required. I have +3's in there just because it rounds out the stats. I can look over it more tonight and see where it works out without tomes.

    There's some intersting feedback in the build thread, and most generally recommended taking the bard levels early. My personal preference was for Kensai II ASAP, but I'm use to waiting for 8 bard splashes to mature late. Either way, leveling order does not change the nature of the build.

    Napkin math says around a 49DC on stunning blow, and Enthrall DC too high to care. Very nice HP's. Full UMD. Self hajeplacement. and many other nice perks.


  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Then have a look at the Blitz (TWF) and Archon (THF) builds.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    I did 12ftr/8 barb tactics and really enjoyed it. Did 8 barb for the third tier of barb extend rage and was a dex dump so evsion wasn't an option. His str is 62 with 4 tiers of ftr haste and he was a lot of fun. Around amarath you wil need stunning and vertigo weapons to beffective all the time. A lot of fun and helps your survivability.

  9. #9
    Community Member Crysto's Avatar
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    I don't know how viable it still is, but look up "Brainslap." A tactics kensai, it was part of an all warforged static group build and I made one for myself and it was a blast to level.

    Heres the thread:
    Last edited by Crysto; 03-28-2012 at 11:12 PM.
    Spills (Completionist in Training), Pother (Gimpy Monk), Concert (Gimpy Bard)

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Is monk an option? If so then 12 monk/7 fighter/ 1 rog. Is a pretty awesome split. (Earth stance 3/Kensai I) Tactics with Stunning Fist, Stunning Blow, Improved Trip and Improved Sunder....

    Can be built decently as a 32 point build, races any of Human, Half Elf, (More heal amp, extra feat) Half Orc (Higher Str, More Action Boosts) or Dwarf/WF (for additional tactics)

    Basically built to use Handwraps only, Tier III in Earth Stance other stances Tier I, Dark Monk with Improved Evasion and Touch of Death, can hit good AC if geared for AC and still produce some top notch DPS. Near full ranked UMD etc.

    It is a fun build, I haver a 3rd life WF version and it is a blast to play (except mine is built as Stalwart instead of Kensai for my Fighter PRE) has 716 hp standing at 20 with Ship buffs and a Stunning Fist DC of 50, Blow of 49 and a pretty high trip (use Epic Blademarks Docent).

    If you want fun and have monk unlocked I recommend a tactics build along these lines.
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
    Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)

  11. #11
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoasterHops View Post
    Is monk an option? If so then 12 monk/7 fighter/ 1 rog. Is a pretty awesome split. (Earth stance 3/Kensai I) Tactics with Stunning Fist, Stunning Blow, Improved Trip and Improved Sunder....

    Can be built decently as a 32 point build, races any of Human, Half Elf, (More heal amp, extra feat) Half Orc (Higher Str, More Action Boosts) or Dwarf/WF (for additional tactics)

    Basically built to use Handwraps only, Tier III in Earth Stance other stances Tier I, Dark Monk with Improved Evasion and Touch of Death, can hit good AC if geared for AC and still produce some top notch DPS. Near full ranked UMD etc.

    It is a fun build, I haver a 3rd life WF version and it is a blast to play (except mine is built as Stalwart instead of Kensai for my Fighter PRE) has 716 hp standing at 20 with Ship buffs and a Stunning Fist DC of 50, Blow of 49 and a pretty high trip (use Epic Blademarks Docent).

    If you want fun and have monk unlocked I recommend a tactics build along these lines.
    I have a 12 fighter/8 monk that I'm not overly thrilled with, but might be worth looking into something like this, thanks.
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  12. #12

    Default Old-fashioned and effective

    Nothing fancy. Straight-forward kensai tactical fighter/rogue with decent unbuffed DCs. Enough UMD to be useful. +2 Dex tome might be required depending on preferences. The other +2s are not required yet nice. Sometimes the basics can be entertaining.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    The Shortest Straw
    Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Male
    (18 Fighter \ 2 Rogue) 
    Hit Points: 354
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 12
    Will: 5
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             17                    26
    Dexterity            15                    17
    Constitution         16                    18
    Intelligence         13                    13
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma              6                     6
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               6                    16
    Bluff                 2                     5
    Concentration         3                     7
    Diplomacy            -2                     1
    Disable Device        5                     5
    Haggle                1                     1
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  2                     3
    Intimidate            2                    24
    Jump                  7                    12
    Listen               -1                    -1
    Move Silently         2                     3
    Open Lock             6                     7
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair                1                     1
    Search                1                     3
    Spot                  3                     3
    Swim                  3                     8
    Tumble                3                     4
    Use Magic Device      2                    21
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics I
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Sunder) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Trip
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics II
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
    Enhancement: Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization I
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) II
    Enhancement: Rogue Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Sunder) II
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) III
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Sunder) III
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost IV
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Sunder
    Feat: (Selected) Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization II
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I
    Level 20 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics III
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery III
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei III

  13. #13
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
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    I actually just made a build that I'm trying out currently.

    MadCloak of Sarlona. Check em out. I call him my 'strategic' build focusing mostly on strategic style stuff. UMD, DD, Search, Stunning Blow, Trip, Sunder. Uses Dwarfen Axes of course. No it isn't the most AWESOME build ever, but it does pretty good and really takes advantage of what you can do when you don't really have all the extra +2 Tomes and amazing gear.

    2Rogue/2Pali/2Ftr so far. I'm still trying to decide if I'll go 16 Ftr or if I'll put some more Pali levels in there. It has been very stat tight, but I think I managed to pull it off with a simple +1Dex, +1Int tome, and +1 ChaTome. Once I hit 1750 favor, I'll grab him a +2 Str tome.

    I'll try to recall what I took.

    Str: 14 (Totally take 2 Ftr Strength Enhancements)
    Dex: 16 (+1 Dex tome gives you enough for
    Con: 16 (Totally take 2 Dwarf Con Enhancements)
    Wis: 8
    Int: 17 (+1Tome)(And if you want to include an item or whatever.) You can switch out for traps or whatever, but at low levels, even doing all elite quest at level, I'm killing traps like a pro rogue.
    Cha: 6 (+1ChaTome)(+1 Pali Cha Enhancement)(+6 Item)(+Whatever) Cha isn't a whole lot, but if you want to focus on it some it will give you a decent LoH, and some decent boost to saves, which is nice since you will get evasion from Rogue levels.

    Rogue levels will take all sorts of stuff. I took some jump, Balance, Pick lock(with your high int and some gear, you really don't have a problem picking most average locks.), Put one point in tumble so I can tumble and other 3 in swim. Took some spot and ect.
    Main skills will be UMD, Disable Device, and Search. Until you can use your tome at level 3, that one 'nonrogue' level you take at 3 will be short for search. You can put that 1 point into something else. .5 on Search won't do you any good. Might as well put it in something that will give you a full point. I think I put it in Jump or Balance.

    My leveling order was just straight forward:
    1 Rogue
    2 Rogue
    3 Pali
    4 Pali
    5 Ftr
    6 Ftr
    I haven't gone further than this atm. I know I'll take at least 6 Ftr levels. I'll probably continue to take Ftr all the way to 20 though, and get the most out of my strategic moves, stun, trip, sunder, ect.

    Feats are up to you. You'll want GTWF of course. OTWF might be a good choice? Toughness of course. May take a couple of those. I'm also taking +3 UMD Skill

    A reccomendation for this is to get the Bunny Hat in the DDO Store. +3 UMD Boost while holding scroll/wand. Great boost for low level UMD. It is pretty darn cheap, and stacks on top of whatever hat you have. Also, note that it doesn't show that it gives you +3 UMD bonus when you read it. It is kind of a 'secret' boost. Like a Bunny in a hat. Not to mention it will give your dwarf's big butt some extra jump.

    Wearing Light armor so Evasion works. Just try to max out your Dex as much as you can to fill it out. Heroism posts will be a must have. You'll probably want Heroism/GH on you all the time. So team up with a friendly caster or when you get enough UMD, use them. I think it is level 5 when you can use Heroism Pots.

    At level 6 currently, I can hit +20UMD easy with self buffs and ship buffs and that is using really no gear other than my Helm of Frost and Bunny Hat.

    As far as my trip, stun, sunder... I don't often have a problem with them. Just make sure to take the Dwarf enhancements to those. How well this build will do in Epics? Idk. This isn't really about that. This is mainly just one that will help you get up there, be pretty stable and you'll be able to do a lot. I'll probably end up taking Kensei Prestige as this isn't really a AC build... though you could probably get it decently high with some gear grinding and Stalwart.. but I'd probably be worried about to-hit a little. That is just me though. With some good gear, you can probably easily turn it into a good AC build. That is if you want to do all that grinding though. Haha.

    However, primarily.. this build focuses on Strategic/tactics like stuff, and it is pretty fun with UMD and Rogue options... which you said you wanted, so there you go.

    Note that with Pali levels, you can also use Pali wands. If you rather skip out on the LoH, Boost to Saves, Pali wands options then you can skip doing pali. In which case I'd suggest Sebastian's build. His is a pretty good option, but a little more boring for my taste.
    Last edited by Culver.Civello; 03-29-2012 at 06:31 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    This is my tactics build. It's great to have (12d6+25)*1.5=100 average sneak attack/hit once you land the tactics move in question (stunning fist). Improved Sunder and Stunning Blow are fun too.

    Stunning Fist is the best and greatest tactic currently in the game, 6 second stun, 6 second cooldown (though they overlap ever so slightly) and reasonably easy to get 45+ DC.

    Alternatively I've liked the idea of a 13 rogue/6 monk/1 ranger tactics/mobility build (half-elf with fighter dilettante). Quarterstaff, improved trip, sap, hamstring, stunning blow, improved sunder, acrobat speed, monk speed, ranger haste boost, solid AC/heal amp/threat. Could be good fun. This would be a build designed for challenges/questing, not for raiding unless filling niche roles like kiting/healing/tanking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Culver.Civello View Post
    If you rather skip out on the LoH, Boost to Saves, Pali wands options then you can skip doing pali. In which case I'd suggest Sebastian's build. His is a pretty good option, but a little more boring for my taste.
    Boring is consistent, steady, trustworthy, reliable and always places dirty laundry in the hamper.

  16. #16
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebastianosmith View Post
    Nothing fancy. Straight-forward kensai tactical fighter/rogue with decent unbuffed DCs. Enough UMD to be useful. +2 Dex tome might be required depending on preferences. The other +2s are not required yet nice. Sometimes the basics can be entertaining.
    I like this. I am a fan of simple.

    Just got Level 7 Vet status so I'll be trying some of these out after the weekend.

    Edit - Question on your build you run with Combat Expertise active, or is it for another purpose?
    Last edited by Duplicate_10; 03-30-2012 at 01:38 PM.
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Duplicate_10 View Post
    I like this. I am a fan of simple.

    Just got Level 7 Vet status so I'll be trying some of these out after the weekend.

    Edit - Question on your build you run with Combat Expertise active, or is it for another purpose?
    CE is a prerequisite for Improved Trip. Since the build is not AC-focused (even with suitable gear), running with CE active is going to be a judgement call. After levels 10 to 12 (i.e Gianthold), it won't make much of a difference no matter what gear you have. By level 15, running with active PA will be far more useful than CE.

    I hope you enjoy it!

  18. #18
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Re: sebastian's ftr 18 / rogue 2 build - if you have a +2 INT tome, you could start 18 / 15 / 15 / 11 / 8 / 6 (i.e., max STR, -1 CON -2 INT from his build). That does push CE & Imp Trip out a few levels, though. I would also suggest adding Hamstring; delaying GWF to ftr 16 and SWF to ftr 18 (neither feat is needed before those lvls); and moving Power Atk & Stunning Blow sooner.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #19
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebastianosmith View Post
    Boring is consistent, steady, trustworthy, reliable and always places dirty laundry in the hamper.
    Haha. True enough. What works, works.

  20. #20
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Slightly modified version of sebastianosmith's build. Requires +2 DEX & +2 INT tomes. I also moved up the tactics feats. For enhs I focused first on DPS, then DCs, then HPs. Could also be respecced into SD. EDIT: I would probably use Carnifex until at least ITWF (lvl 9).
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.12.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Female
    (18 Fighter \ 2 Rogue) 
    Hit Points: 334
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
    Fortitude: 14
    Reflex: 12
    Will: 5
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    28
    Dexterity            15                    17
    Constitution         15                    17
    Intelligence         11                    13
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma              6                     6
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               6                    15
    Bluff                -2                     1
    Concentration         2                     6
    Diplomacy            -2                     1
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                     2
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  2                     3
    Intimidate            2                    24
    Jump                  8                    13
    Listen               -1                    -1
    Move Silently         2                     3
    Open Lock             6                     7
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair                0                     1
    Search                0                     3
    Spot                  3                     3
    Swim                  4                     9
    Tumble                6                     7
    Use Magic Device      2                    21
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Haggle (+4)
    Skill: Intimidate (+4)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+4)
    Skill: Spot (+4)
    Skill: Tumble (+4)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+2)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+2)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Hamstring
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+2)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics I
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Sunder
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost III
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics II
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Sunder) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Trip
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Feat: (Selected) Quick Draw
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Level 20 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Skill: Intimidate (+1)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost III
    Enhancement: Fighter Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Extra Action Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery III
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Dwarven Waraxe Specialization II
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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