I'm looking to start a first life 32-point HP Tank on another server. Because this will be my first toon on another server I don't have access to epic gear, but I WILL have access to huge amounts of plat that will be contributed from real life friends (partly the reason i'm moving is to group with them more often).
I've been playing a while, and I want to work on a decent first life tank (Decent Healing Amp and Large HP). I was thinking I should play around with fighter for a main class and as a race maybe H-Elf with a barb dilly. For the HP and DR.
However you all are the experts and I've come to you for advice. Should I just scrap this dream and maybe roll with a pure barb instead because the lack of equipment because it's not possible to buy decent enough tanking gear off the AH?
32 point build
Access to all races and classes
Access to plat piles (so +1 and +2 tomes are possible and if told within time even +3 tomes can be bought off the DDO Store)