With reference to the planned Guild Incentive Program listed in the Update 13 Patch 1 release notes:
I first would like to say that I don't feel that this program in its current planed state is appropriate in any way. I am not 100% sure of the intended purpose behind this program but it would appear that Turbine is attempting to increase its player base by providing an incentive to join and play and to provide incentive to former/old players that may have gone off to other games and haven't played in some time. I believe the intent was to get current guilds to reach out to new and returning players with the offer of this incentive so that those players have a guild with people to play with and may be more inclined to keep playing.Guilds
- NEW: A new guild incentive program is now available that will offer characters and guilds various benefits while this incentive event is active.
- All characters in a guild will earn Bounties for reaching certain level thresholds! New players and returning players (players whose characters have not logged in for the past sixty days) will earn additional Bounties for any guild they belong to as they reach certain level thresholds:
- New characters who reach level 8 and have not used Veteran Status earn two Large Bounties.
- New and returning characters who hit levels 12 and 16 earn one Large Bounty.
- New and returning characters who hit level 20 earn two Large Bounties.
- Non-new and non-returning characters earn a Small Bounty for their guild at levels 12, 16, and 20.
- Large Bounties offer a 25,000 Guild Renown and five Astral Diamonds, while Small Bounties offer a 2,500 Guild Renown.
- All Bounties are subject to guild size bonuses, and are affected by Guild Renown Elixirs.
- Additionally, new and returning players who are grouped with fellow guild members earn +10% XP and +1 Loot. Non-new and non-returning players who are grouped with new or returning guild members earn +5% XP and +1 Loot.
Unfortunately attempting to tempt new players to the game and tempt former/old players to return by offering them something other than a direct benefit to them won't work. In my opinion the only thing this program will do is get current players to create new accounts and add them to their guild and power-level them to 8 for the two "Large Bounty's" of 50,000 renown and 10 Astral Diamonds. While this program may get a few players to come back to help out their old guild, in all honesty if their account has been inactive for 60+ days they more than likely have been removed from whatever guild they were in to prevent adjusted guild sizes and as such won't have a guild to help when they come back.
Another issue I see is the blatant exclusion of current players in any type of reward with this. By making this reward only apply to "New and Returning Players" you are saying to current players that while you like them they are not as important as getting new players or getting old ones to return and that is, simply put, poor customer service.
If you want to create a program, system or event to encourage new players and get old players back that's fine. I have no issues with that at all, but do something that makes some semblance of logical sense. Do something that directly benefits the player. If the idea is to give new players an incentive to play this game then actually give them some incentive. Give them something that directly benefits them as a player rather than something that might benefit the guild they get randomly invited to because they are a new level one player standing in Korthos. And what happens when that player gets to level 8, gets the 50,000 renown and then gets kicked out? I'm not saying that every guild will do this but some will. Giving direct incentive to a player to join has a far better chance at player retention than giving their guild bonuses.
So what should Turbine do instead? Well that depends on the goal here:
Going with the interpretation that the goal is to provide incentive for new players to play and keep playing and to lure old players back, I would say offer these players 1000 Turbine Points and a Lesser Tome of Learning to the first character they log into (this way it works for new and returning players). There, now new players and returning players have a direct incentive to play and keep playing. I don't think this is a great idea because you are still excluding current players, but hey if the only goal is to get new players and lure old players to return then you don't need much else.
If the goal is to provide a Guild specific benefit then you need to make it functional for ALL players. I like the bounty idea, in fact I love the bounty idea. I have seen other games implement level based reward systems to great effect and can say that if you could find a way to implement this system for all players it would be awesome. I can see where this would be difficult, not from a technical standpoint, but rather a exploit standpoint. If you make it a level based reward for a guild on all characters on all accounts you will have people exploit it. Then again people will exploit the current system as well, just as they do with the Turbine Point Rewards. My suggestion would be as follows:
Give bonus Guild Renown for specific levels of renown earned by a character, similar to TP and favor:
- Every 100 Renown earned grants a bonus 50 Renown (Would not apply to Renown Tokens)
- Specific Earned Renown marks grant specific bonus Renown:
- 1000 Total earned grants 500 bonus
- 2500 Total earned grants 750 bonus
- 5000 Total earned grants 1000 bonus
- Cont....
- Bounty rewards drop at levels 12, 16, and 20.
- Bounty rewards scale up:
- Level 12 - Small Bounty - 5,000 Renown
- Level 16 - Large Bounty - 25,000 Renown and 5 Astral Diamonds
- Level 20 - Epic Bounty - 50,000 Renown and 10 Astral Diamonds
The above would be intended as a PERMANENT reward system. Permanent bonuses to XP have already been introduced, why not for Guild Renown?
If Turbine is looking to provide a temporary event for incentive, look at bringing back a popular event that provides entertainment, loot, bonuses and all around fun for all players. The Crystal Cove event is a good example of something that provides quite a lot of entertainment and good items as well as it being available for all characters at all levels. It provides incentive to new players and to old players to play the game and keep playing as they have a chance at XP and items that are good for all levels.
I am a fan of including bonus events and rewards to players and guilds because rewards are, well, rewarding. They bring a sense of accomplishment and they feel even better when you don't have to do much to get them. I would love to some form of rewards event or system go into place for guilds beyond the current random drops of Renown Tokens, as long as that reward system applies to ALL players and characters.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I hope that I haven't upset too many people or stepped on any toes and I fully expect many to disagree with me, and that's fine. This is, after all, just my opinion on the matter.
Good Gaming!