Hello, everyone,
I was wondering why there are so few Eldritch Ritual recipes out there.
And no, I do *not* mean the various "Altars" !
I do solely mean the Eldritch "Stone Of Change" !
And yes, there are a few - but I have become jealous : The various "Altars" allow so much better things to do ! The Stone Of Change - is it visited by the "elder heroes" at all ? I mean - one can do almost nothing with it, compared to the vast possibilities of the various Altars ! (Invasion, Subjugation, Devastation, Fecundity)
To put it more cynically, the Stone Of Change is a complete waste of space. One can do almost nothing with it, and the few things that can be done with it can be easily transferred to the Altars because no-one of the Newbies uses them anyway, and the Altars are high level player's own domain. Says the cynic in me.
The only really good thing a Stone Of Change can do it binding items to protect them from further damage. But that's it. All other things can be done elsewhere, I think, too.
Well, and maybe this stuff Fred gets.
To make my post more serious : I believe that the Stone Of Change isn't a very much favourable device right now. And not attractive, either. It's nice to have it, but there is only very few things of *real* value one can do with it. Greensteel at least not at all, and the cynic in me adds : Why bother with anything that can't create Greensteel items for me ?
The more serious self answers : Well, you can't get Greensteel everywhere. And it (the green steel) is not F2P either.
I think the problem that the Stone Of Change "sucks" is that DDO is so much gear oriented, and unfortunately this philosophy implies that everything that is not gear-oriented just isn't favourable.
Which means that we need more non-gear-oriented ways to make the Stone Of Change more attractive. It just doesn't have that much attraction as do Greensteel-oriented Altars have right now - and almost everyone wants to have even the tiniest bit of green steel nowadays !
I think that the "Tasty Ham" thing is a good way forwards. It still isn't attractive, because, frankly, it just isn't green steel, but it adds another layer of attractivenes to the Stone Of Change - one that the various Altars don't have. Or are they able to meddle with Ham, too ?
What I believe we need is what marketing calls a "unique selling point". Something that lets Greensteel-oriented Altars look bad, to put it rather cynically.
Another possibility to let the Stone Of Change become more favourable over the various Altars would be to let Adamantine Ore be dropped elsewhere, too. In that mine in Ataraxia as well, for example (if this fits with the world geography).
And, by the way, what has never been explained is what the Dürgar were actually mining for, there ...
What is imho also needed is more non-greensteel-rituals in general.
For example something in which gems can be used, or other collectables, like in Cannith Crafting.
All in all, to sum everything up, I do see the need to make the Stone Of Change more attractive to players.
Because as it is right now, EVERYONE moves on to the Greensteel Altars and forgets that there was once a Stone Of Change, too ... Once upon a time ...
And the gems still don't have any proper use that I know of ...