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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lost Item after TR

    I looked in my TR cache after my second time TRing, all of my gear had been taken out as it was supposed to be. I am now missing my Ring of Feathers which was bound to me, it was damaged slightly before I bound it. It took me months of farming to finally get the ring and I have to admit I am a little upset. I know it's not your fault but I hope you can help somehow.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist jacqueline's Avatar
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    Default Ring of Feathers

    I know this doesn't address anyone "fixing it" but...

    Which server are you on? Perhaps I can send you a new one.
    Cloey Dancer ~ Khyber

    HI InFIdelity

  3. #3
    Community Member gerardIII's Avatar
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    You can replace it with cannith crafting, I believe it's ml 1.

  4. #4
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerardIII View Post
    You can replace it with cannith crafting, I believe it's ml 1.
    Thats not the point if something is missing out of the TR bank it could be a tip of the iceberg issue.

    Could have been missing a Epic Ring of Spell storing and no Cannith crafting will fix that.

    What else could be missing.. a lot of times you dont realize it until you go to equip it at later levels or later lives.
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  5. #5
    Community Member MattiG's Avatar
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    I lost several items after TR'ing, and have heard it's not uncommon. I received no support in game or otherwise.

    If this has been addressed by a dev, I haven't seen it, but it seems common enough that it probably should be.
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    First I'm not saying that something didn't happen to cause the loss...

    Having panic'd myself at the loss of an item I understand what you are going through.

    I was fortunate in that I only thought I had lost the item, It turned out that it was there I just scrolled past it to fast. (Really wish Turbine would put that handy search feature in the TR Cache, maybe sort etc)

    After calming down I slowly cycled down the TR cache list and found that the item was there.

    Again I'm not saying that this will solve the issue, but sometimes when we let our emotions run high we need to calm down, have a cup of tea and than search again.

    If you still don't find it, put in a ticket. The worst that's going to happen is your told they can't help you, which in this case does not make your current situation any worse off.

  7. #7
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    I appreciate all of the replies, I can say, I looked very slowly 4 times, and then just for good measure, I checked all of my alts (even though I was positive I bound it) It's definitely gone. I play on Ghallanda but I don't expect a total stranger to send me a new one, I appreciate it though. I haven't played around with crafting, I don't really have time to grind that much so I just farm quests when I need to, I spent every morning running STK on my main 1 run before I'd head to work, took me a couple months before I got it, this was before my first TR, and it was there then. guess I just get to farm some more pre-work mornings. I'll submit a ticket but I agree that I doubt it will be answered positively.

  8. #8


    I believe the TR cache only shows the first 100 items, if you had more than that, try taking out a few and it might just show up.

  9. #9
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    Sucks that you lost it, but its hardly a piece of gear thats worth loosing sleep over.

    Sharn Syndicate quests often drop no ml BtA FF items.. Boots and Rings....
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  10. #10
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I believe the TR cache only shows the first 100 items, if you had more than that, try taking out a few and it might just show up.
    That's good to know!

    Maybe I didn't lose a planar gird, I just need to take some stuff out of a cache or two.

  11. #11
    Community Member Demaril's Avatar
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    i hear that checking your buyback option at a vendor can find missing items too

  12. #12
    Community Member gerardIII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    Thats not the point if something is missing out of the TR bank it could be a tip of the iceberg issue.

    Could have been missing a Epic Ring of Spell storing and no Cannith crafting will fix that.

    What else could be missing.. a lot of times you dont realize it until you go to equip it at later levels or later lives.
    He's missing a BTC FF ring. That's easily replaceable.

    So far only rumors of missing items, no conclusive evidence.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by gerardIII View Post
    He's missing a BTC FF ring. That's easily replaceable.

    So far only rumors of missing items, no conclusive evidence.
    I find it hard to believe too, TRed 13 times on the same character and never lost a single item.
    I pretty much always TR with full bank + inventory + equipped items too.

  14. #14
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I find it hard to believe too, TRed 13 times on the same character and never lost a single item.
    I pretty much always TR with full bank + inventory + equipped items too.
    I am sure you used the shared bank more then once or twice also, but odds are you never encountered a lost item bug related to it although there certainly is/was one.

    Like most lost item bugs, if this one is real (which this is far from the first report of it I have heard), this one appears to be an uncommon to rare occurance.
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  15. #15
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    Seeing as all items have a unique item ID it is only logical to assume there are enough logs and backups to determine the ID of said ring and search whatever form of item database they run for said ID. Whether or not anyone who is getting paid X per hour is going to spend that time or even have the authority to do so is another question. I am sorry for your loss. In my personal opinion, I have no reason to believe a bug exists that will remove or fail to observe an item you own at the time of TR bank population. I would indeed try to remove some items you intend to use soon from the TR bank to see if they reveal gifts from the void.

    Only you can see if the item is gone and if you have taken all steps possible to find it and can not, then open a ticket and hope to, at the least, prevent this from happening to you or anyone else.

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