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  1. #1
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Default Zen Arcane Articher

    It's been a (long) while since I posted a build, but I've had a couple of folks ask me about it in game. I'm also curious if there are any tweaks that can be made to improve it. There has been a little chatter on making Dex a dump stat.

    Race: Half-Elf
    Alignment: Any Lawful
    Class: Ranger 11 / Monk 7 / Artificer 2
    Type: 34-pt

    The 11 levels of Ranger bring the majority of the Ranged and Two Weapon Fighting Feats. The 7 levels of Monk adds extra feats for Zen Archery and Stunning Fist and the Ninja Spy I PrE and Void Strike II enhancement. Both classes bring Evasion. The 2 levels of Artificer adds the Repeating Crossbow and Rune Arm feats, removes the need for spending an extra feat on Mental Toughness, makes UMD a class skill, and adds a 30% boost to scrolls. The build also incorporates the Arcane Archer I PrE and Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante feat and enhancements.

    The primary focus of the build is ranged combat using both bows and repeating crossbows. Once in melee, the build focuses on using Stunning Fist. Finally, the build invests heavily in sneak and UMD. With a little effort, the build can be updated to incorporate epic level trap-busting skills; she had them in her previous life. Constructive suggestions are welcome.

    Strength: 26 = [6]/14 base +4 Tome +7 Item +3 Profane -2 Ocean Stance
    Dexterity: 30 = [6]/14 base +4 Tome +3 Enhancement +6 Item +3 Exceptional
    Constitution: 30 = [8]/15 base +3 Tome +7 Item +1 Enhancement +3 Exceptional +1 Level (20)
    Intelligence: 17 = [6]/14 base +3 Tome
    Wisdom: 36 = [8]/15 base +3 Tome +3 Enhancement +6 Item +3 Exceptional +4 Level (4,8,12,16) +2 Ocean Stance
    Charisma: 18 = [0]/ 8 base +3 Tome +6 Item +1 Exceptional

    1) Artificer (Toughness, Rogue Dilettante)
    2) Artificer
    3) Monk (Past Life: Disciple of the Fist, Stunning Fist)
    4) Monk (Zen Archery)
    5) Ranger (Favored Enemy: Undead)
    6) Ranger (Point Blank Shot)
    7) Ranger
    8) Ranger
    9) Ranger (Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider)
    10) Ranger
    11) Monk (Path of Inevitable Dominion)
    12) Monk (Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons)
    13) Monk
    14) Monk (Dodge)
    15) Ranger (Power Attack)
    16) Ranger
    17) Ranger
    18) Ranger (Combat Expertise, Favored Enemy: Abberation)
    19) Ranger
    20) Monk

    2 Adept of Flame
    2 Adept of Rain
    2 Adept of Rock
    2 Adept of Wind
    1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +2 Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +3 Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +4 Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +5 Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Acid Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrow
    1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Slaying Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Terror Arrows
    1 Arcane Archer; Imbue Explosive Arrows
    1 Artificer Energy of Creation I
    1 Artificer Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    4 Elven Arcane Archer I
    2 Human Adaptability Wisdom I
    4 Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
    2 Human Improved Recovery I
    2 Improved Jump II
    6 Improved Rogue Dilettante II
    2 Improved Tumble II
    6 Monk Improved Recovery II
    4 Monk Ninja Spy I
    6 Monk Wisdom II
    6 Racial Toughness III
    12 Ranger Dexterity III
    1 Ranger Sprint Boost I
    2 Ten thousand Stars
    2 Static Charge


    Helmet: Greensteel (+6 Dex Skills/45 HP/Smoke)
    Necklace: Epic Grim's Bracelet w/+4 Natural Armor
    Goggles: Epic Goggles of Time Sensing w/+6 Wisdom and +1 Exceptional Wisdom
    Trinket: Cannith Crafted Trinket Superior Devotion IV/Dodge +2
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak w/ Toughness
    Belt: Epic Spare Hand (tier 3) w/ +2 Good Luck
    Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets
    Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers w/ Heavy Fortification
    Ring: Gnawed Ring w/ +2 Exceptional Constitution
    Ring: Gilvaenor's Ring w/ +2 Exceptional Dexterity
    Boots: Epic Dustless Boots
    Armor: Icy Rainments

    NOTE: The trinket leaves the door open for exchanging a feat for Maximize Spell for some additional healing, but that's a flavor thing. I will likely tweak the build a little to use Litany of the Dead for what should be a net loss of 1 AC.


    Hit Points: 533
    20 Heroic Durability
    88 Ranger 11
    56 Monk 7
    12 Artificer 2
    200 Constitution
    22 Toughness
    30 Racial Toughness
    30 Greater False Life
    20 Toughness (Item)
    10 Draconic Vitality
    45 Greensteel HP Item

    AC: ~69/~96/~102
    Armor Class
    10 Base
    1 Icy Rainments, Armor Ritual
    1 Dodge (Feat)
    8 Armor
    10 Dexterity
    13 Wisdom
    2 Monk Centered
    4 Deflection (Icy Rainments)*
    4 Insight (Weapon)
    4 Natural (Epic Grim's Bracelet: Green Aubment Slot)
    4 Dodge (Icy Rainments)
    3 Profane (3-Piece Abishai Set)
    3 Dodge (Epic Grim's Bracelet)
    2 Dodge (Cannith Crafted Trinket)

    5 Combat Expertise
    4 Shield (Shield Wand, level 10)
    4 Bard Song, Inspire Heroics
    2 Ocean Stance, Dodge +2
    1 Ocean Stance, Wis +2
    1 Store Pot, Dex +2
    1 Store Pot, Wis +2
    1 Yugoloth Essense of Betrayal, Dex +2
    1 Yugoloth Essense of Desire, Wis +2
    1 Ship Buff, Dex +2
    1 Ship Buff, Wis +2
    1 Ship Buff, Sentinel's Bulwark
    1 Ship Buff, Dwarven Stoutness
    1 Ship Buff, Blessings of the Three Dragons
    1 Natural, Barkskin
    1 Haste

    6 Paladin, Aura

    NOTE: The AC above is based on the gear configuration that I came up with; it can certainly go higher. For example, I only have +4 protection, I don't have a +1 Dodge item, and I didn't include the Epic Ring of the Elements (Natural +6). I also didn't include spells or clickies that last less than at least two minutes. Finally, I will probably not use Store Pots on a regular basis.

    32/ 32/ 34
    7/ 7/ 3 Ranger
    5/ 5/ 5 Monk
    0/ 0/ 3 Artificer
    10/ 10/ 13 Ability Modifier
    5/ 5/ 5 Resistance Item
    2/ 2/ 2 Ocean Stance
    2/ 2/ 2 Luck
    1/ 1/ 1 Resistance Ritual

    Balance: ~39
    Concentration: ~50**
    Hide: ~55**
    Jump: ~39*
    Move Silently: ~55**
    Tumble: ~39
    Use Magic Dev: ~38**

    *Skills with 12-18 skill points
    **Skills with max skill points

    Stunning Fist DC: 49/52
    10 Base
    10 Character Level /2
    13 Wisdom
    10 Stunning +10 Handwraps
    5 Exceptional Combat Mastery (Epic Spare Hand)
    1 Ocean Stance

    1 Ship Buff, Wis +2
    1 Yugoloth Essense of Desire, Wis +2
    1 Store Pot
    Last edited by Perryc; 03-29-2012 at 02:07 PM.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Nice build, I'm planning on 3 Artificer instead for extra class skill ranks, Elemental Weapons and a few other goodies. I didn't see that monk 7 was going to be as useful (though it's marginal either way).

    I'm looking forward to this one
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  3. #3
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    For one of my cleric lives I am planning a Zen archer build, but I am not sure how much cleric I will have. Trying to decide if it will be a solo build or raid build.

    Zen archery feat is nice to have, the problem with these builds is that you need so many of the ranged feats to make it workable.

    So I will be watching this thread for any updates for when I move to make my fourth life a ranged cleric build.

  4. #4
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    Nice build.

    I've explored some ideas behind using repeating xbows alongside longbows quite a bit, and you seem fairly positive about the idea, so you may find some relevant comments in the following thread:

    BTW, I like the general idea behind your leveling progression--6 levels of ranger reached first, then 6 levels of monk reached later, then 11 levels of ranger reached at endgame. However, I would tweak it just slightly, postponing the third level of monk until after you reach 6 levels of ranger. This way you would only have to wait till level 9 to get manyshot and itwf, and you would only wait just one level after you reach AA to use conjured arrows with manyshot. Just a minor thought.
    Last edited by savingsoul; 03-27-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    After my initial post, I played with the idea of dumping Dexterity. Putting the points into any other stat has some small advantages, but nothing that I found compelling. Off the top of my head: +1 damage/to-hit melee (Strength), +20 HP/+1 Fort Save/+1 Concentration (Constitution), 23 skill points (Intelligence), +1 to-hit ranged/+1 Stunning Fist DC/+1 AC/+1 Will Save (Wisdom), or +1 UMD (Charisma) in exchange for -3 AC/-3 Reflex Save/-3 Hide and Move Silently (Dexterity).

    I looked at going with 3 levels of Artificer, but I couldn't get excited: 3 minutes of elemental weapon buffs, +1 UMD, Construct Essense for 25% less healing ... granted, I could be missing something useful. I didn't see an advantage in skill points either unless the build dropped sneak and included trapbusting. After some in-game chatter, I did decide to drop the Void Strike and Force Burst Arrows for Monk Improved Healing II.

    I've tried several times to come up with Divine Arcane Archer build and just can't find one I'm comfortable with (and I've got a capped 12 Cleric/6 Barbarian/2 Fighter TR). I may give it another shot after I've capped this gal. I'm curious as to what you come up with.

    I have a capped 2xTR pure Artificer and a capped first life 12 Artificer/6 Ranger/2 Monk Arcane Archer. Aside from Many Shot, the DPS from the repeaters far exceeds the bows in my experience. That said, I haven't had a chance to play with Terror Arrows after the recent changes to the Terror effect. This is also the first time I've done anything with the Ten Thousand Stars enhancement.

    I will update the build based on the levelling suggestion. I had the three levels of Monk before the Ranger levels based on the initial idea of going Light Monk.
    Last edited by Perryc; 03-29-2012 at 02:03 PM.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  6. #6
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I went very similar - though I reduced DEX even more and have pushed everything into WIS. The really high stunning fist DC means you can play multiple fun roles in end game content.

    I'm also curious how it will pan out w/ the 10k stars testing .
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  7. #7
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Where is the +4 Insight bonus coming from?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  8. #8
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Where is the +4 Insight bonus coming from?
    Given the gear configuration as posted, it will come from a GS weapon: a longbow, shortsword, or heavy repeater. Maintaining a high AC is a situational thing, so this won't lock the build into a particular weapon when other, better weapons are preferable. I have also not considered alchemical weapons at all. With a little gear shuffle, the new VoD ring could be a viable alternative. It's also possible with a little dropoff in AC to go the DT armor route.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  9. #9
    Community Member SickCat's Avatar
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    I have a dude that'll end up being 18/1/1 mnk/ftr/art. This build is based around many shot and 10k stars. 16 starting WIS, 14 CON, 16 (and +3 tome) DEX (for Imp Prec Shot), rest in STR. This is supposed to be an "all the time" ranged toon. With Grandmaster Ocean I'm regenerating 2 Ki per 5 seconds (3 if sneaking from NSpy PrE) and should be able to hit 10k every 30 seconds while weaving Many Shot in. I like it a lot so far, and have one more +1 LR to knock off a Ftr lvl in favor of the 18th lvl of Mnk. I'd like to go 19mnk or 2art, but I actually need that extra feat. Anyway, diggin the ranged stuff

    Oh, the big WIS is a big deal for 10k Stars. Every point of Wis translates to another 1% chance you'll get a 2nd and 3rd arrow. I'll end up with a standing 40wis making 10k go off lots...and with Zen Archery, it's your tohit bonus. It doesn't hurt to be able to put on a pair of +10 stun wraps, lock a mob down, and open up on him with your bow while backing off...
    Last edited by SickCat; 03-29-2012 at 05:41 PM.
    -Qetsil / Sickcat / Dorktastic / Belir / Peachfuzz / Fysh / Sometime / Segment / Skwash / Pyg / Swetn / Smurfingly, And 2 nameless others
    All Thelanis, all the time...FER SHIZZLE!

  10. #10
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SickCat View Post
    [snip...] Oh, the big WIS is a big deal for 10k Stars. Every point of Wis translates to another 1% chance you'll get a 2nd and 3rd arrow. [...snip...] and with Zen Archery, it's your to hit bonus. [...snip]
    Good point.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  11. #11
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perryc View Post
    After my initial post, I played with the idea of dumping Dexterity. Putting the points into any other stat has some small advantages, but nothing that I found compelling. Off the top of my head: +1 damage/to-hit melee (Strength), +20 HP/+1 Fort Save/+1 Concentration (Constitution), 23 skill points (Intelligence), +1 to-hit ranged/+1 Stunning Fist DC/+1 AC/+1 Will Save (Wisdom), or +1 UMD (Charisma) in exchange for -3 AC/-3 Reflex Save/-3 Hide and Move Silently (Dexterity).

    I looked at going with 3 levels of Artificer, but I couldn't get excited: 3 minutes of elemental weapon buffs, +1 UMD, Construct Essense for 25% less healing ... granted, I could be missing something useful. I didn't see an advantage in skill points either unless the build dropped sneak and included trapbusting. After some in-game chatter, I did decide to drop the Void Strike and Force Burst Arrows for Monk Improved Healing II.

    I've tried several times to come up with Divine Arcane Archer build and just can't find one I'm comfortable with (and I've got a capped 12 Cleric/6 Barbarian/2 Fighter TR). I may give it another shot after I've capped this gal. I'm curious as to what you come up with.

    I have a capped 2xTR pure Artificer and a capped first life 12 Artificer/6 Ranger/2 Monk Arcane Archer. Aside from Many Shot, the DPS from the repeaters far exceeds the bows in my experience. That said, I haven't had a chance to play with Terror Arrows after the recent changes to the Terror effect. This is also the first time I've done anything with the Ten Thousand Stars enhancement.

    I will update the build based on the levelling suggestion. I had the three levels of Monk before the Ranger levels based on the initial idea of going Light Monk.

    i went 11 ranger 6 monk 3 arty and love it

    elemental weapons is 5 min and worth every second extended time on potions is a nice perk i skipped ninja spy and went light so i could do finishers and went human versatility instead moar damage!!!!!

    i also entirely dumped dex and maxed wisdom ac is not what i was going for and i took max for some excellent self healing.

    Also your gear setup seems lacking for a ranged char bracers should be wind howler gloves should be something that helps ranged damage like gloves of the claw or spectrals for the attack bonus

    timmie is nearly complete just gloves of the claw and ravens goggles missing with the gem
    Last edited by Lifespawn; 04-01-2012 at 06:25 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  12. #12
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SickCat View Post
    I have a dude that'll end up being 18/1/1 mnk/ftr/art. This build is based around many shot and 10k stars. 16 starting WIS, 14 CON, 16 (and +3 tome) DEX (for Imp Prec Shot), rest in STR. This is supposed to be an "all the time" ranged toon. With Grandmaster Ocean I'm regenerating 2 Ki per 5 seconds (3 if sneaking from NSpy PrE) and should be able to hit 10k every 30 seconds while weaving Many Shot in. I like it a lot so far, and have one more +1 LR to knock off a Ftr lvl in favor of the 18th lvl of Mnk. I'd like to go 19mnk or 2art, but I actually need that extra feat. Anyway, diggin the ranged stuff

    Oh, the big WIS is a big deal for 10k Stars. Every point of Wis translates to another 1% chance you'll get a 2nd and 3rd arrow. I'll end up with a standing 40wis making 10k go off lots...and with Zen Archery, it's your tohit bonus. It doesn't hurt to be able to put on a pair of +10 stun wraps, lock a mob down, and open up on him with your bow while backing off...

    it has been determined that 42 wisdom procs a 4th arrow and sofar a 40 wisdom does not
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  13. #13
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    elemental weapons is 5 min and worth every second extended time on potions is a nice perk i skipped ninja spy and went light so i could do finishers and went human versatility instead moar damage!!!!!
    Hmmm. Aren't the weapon buffs 1 minute per level? How do you get 5 minutes with only 3 levels of Artificer? Also, aren't the caster level increases for potions at level 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14? A level 2 and level 3 Artificer would have the same extended buffs from potions. Or are you just saying that's it's a nice benefit of splashing Artificer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    i also entirely dumped dex and maxed wisdom ac is not what i was going for and i took max for some excellent self healing.
    I considered taking Maximize Spell in order to use the build's SP to do some free self-healing, but ultimately decided not to. Using UMD to cast heal scrolls with Artificer Wand and Scroll Mastery I, Monk Improved Recovery II, and Human Improved Recovery I should more than suffice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    Also your gear setup seems lacking for a ranged char bracers should be wind howler gloves should be something that helps ranged damage like gloves of the claw or spectrals for the attack bonus.
    The concept behind the build is twofold, both Ranged and Stunning Fist. Do you have an alternate gear setup that would increase ranged damage without giving up any (especially unbuffed) AC?
    Last edited by Perryc; 04-03-2012 at 08:55 PM.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  14. #14
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perryc View Post
    The concept behind the build is twofold, both Ranged and Stunning Fist. Do you have an alternate gear setup that would increase ranged damage without giving up any (especially unbuffed) AC?

    no ac takes away from ranged damage
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  15. #15
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'm also curious how it will pan out w/ the 10k stars testing .
    Khalean has reached level 16. Ten Thousand Stars makes a BIG difference in the amount of ranged damage that this type of build can deliver with a bow. So much so, in fact, that the damange output is comparable to the repeaters while leveling. Once Terror and Slaying arrows become available, I expect the damage will be significantly higher.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  16. #16
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    I capped Khealean last night. I've got some work to do to gather her gear, but the build plays as expected. I'm considering a couple of tweaks including looking for a way to boost Strenth a little. This should help offset the penalty to Strength while in Ocean stance as well as boost unarmed damage a little.

    I did run into one quirk that I didn't think of; she can cast Artificer Scrolls for weaopn buffs and such, just not on her own weapons (at least the two types that she users most: bows and handwraps).
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

  17. #17
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Dumping dex is ok (though it hurts AC and evasion) but still need 14 for 10k stars enhancement. Personally I'd try to start with 13 or 14 and add a tome on top and be happy with that, more AC and evasion is good.

    I'll probably try to fit trap smithing when I do this build so will definitely go for 3 artificer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  18. #18
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    This is a good ranger build. I am warming up to the idea of taking arty instead of wizard in these sort of builds. I will also look at fighter in a similar build with a ranger dili (of course more dex will be needed). On my current multi, I only melee occasion for very short bursts to fill my Ki battery.

    The only trouble these guys run into are super fast healing boss types on elite+ levels, and of course pack space issues.

    Edit: Another issue is the rune arm seems to bug a lot of proc items and perhaps other things.
    Last edited by tinyelvis; 04-11-2012 at 06:39 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Artagon's Avatar
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    You might want to consider the Freezing Tunic from the challenges, as the freezing ice does work on ranged, and the +1 ki generation is a nice slot to have it on. Additionally, you can choose to either go with the level 20 version and get epic slots, or go the route I'm approaching on my archer, which is lvl 16, with lifeshield crafted onto it. I find that my archer, which is very similar to yours, stays primarily in earth stance, I lose the 2 wisdom, but I gain hp, DR, and I generate ki when I get hit.. which is great in archery battles, as I can do a thousand star/manyshot/thousand star combo more often than not after gaining ki from hits.

    I am using the lvl 16 challenge bow with holy and bleed crafted on it, but I am currently lusting after a earth/water/air alchemical bow... mmmmm....

  20. #20
    Community Member Perryc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artagon View Post
    You might want to consider the Freezing Tunic from the challenges, as the freezing ice does work on ranged, and the +1 ki generation is a nice slot to have it on. Additionally, you can choose to either go with the level 20 version and get epic slots, or go the route I'm approaching on my archer, which is lvl 16, with lifeshield crafted onto it. I find that my archer, which is very similar to yours, stays primarily in earth stance, I lose the 2 wisdom, but I gain hp, DR, and I generate ki when I get hit.. which is great in archery battles, as I can do a thousand star/manyshot/thousand star combo more often than not after gaining ki from hits.
    Good point. The tunic is easily swappable. The gear configuration that I listed assumes mixed combat; ranged and melee. For primarily ranged combat, you'd want a little less AC in order to regen ki from earth stance. There was a post earlier with a couple of suggestions that could work here as well if someone wanted to focus more on ranged combat.
    Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
    "An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
    "When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."

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