It's been a (long) while since I posted a build, but I've had a couple of folks ask me about it in game. I'm also curious if there are any tweaks that can be made to improve it. There has been a little chatter on making Dex a dump stat.
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: Any Lawful
Class: Ranger 11 / Monk 7 / Artificer 2
Type: 34-pt
The 11 levels of Ranger bring the majority of the Ranged and Two Weapon Fighting Feats. The 7 levels of Monk adds extra feats for Zen Archery and Stunning Fist and the Ninja Spy I PrE and Void Strike II enhancement. Both classes bring Evasion. The 2 levels of Artificer adds the Repeating Crossbow and Rune Arm feats, removes the need for spending an extra feat on Mental Toughness, makes UMD a class skill, and adds a 30% boost to scrolls. The build also incorporates the Arcane Archer I PrE and Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante feat and enhancements.
The primary focus of the build is ranged combat using both bows and repeating crossbows. Once in melee, the build focuses on using Stunning Fist. Finally, the build invests heavily in sneak and UMD. With a little effort, the build can be updated to incorporate epic level trap-busting skills; she had them in her previous life. Constructive suggestions are welcome.
Strength: 26 = [6]/14 base +4 Tome +7 Item +3 Profane -2 Ocean Stance
Dexterity: 30 = [6]/14 base +4 Tome +3 Enhancement +6 Item +3 Exceptional
Constitution: 30 = [8]/15 base +3 Tome +7 Item +1 Enhancement +3 Exceptional +1 Level (20)
Intelligence: 17 = [6]/14 base +3 Tome
Wisdom: 36 = [8]/15 base +3 Tome +3 Enhancement +6 Item +3 Exceptional +4 Level (4,8,12,16) +2 Ocean Stance
Charisma: 18 = [0]/ 8 base +3 Tome +6 Item +1 Exceptional
1) Artificer (Toughness, Rogue Dilettante)
2) Artificer
3) Monk (Past Life: Disciple of the Fist, Stunning Fist)
4) Monk (Zen Archery)
5) Ranger (Favored Enemy: Undead)
6) Ranger (Point Blank Shot)
7) Ranger
8) Ranger
9) Ranger (Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider)
10) Ranger
11) Monk (Path of Inevitable Dominion)
12) Monk (Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons)
13) Monk
14) Monk (Dodge)
15) Ranger (Power Attack)
16) Ranger
17) Ranger
18) Ranger (Combat Expertise, Favored Enemy: Abberation)
19) Ranger
20) Monk
2 Adept of Flame
2 Adept of Rain
2 Adept of Rock
2 Adept of Wind
1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +2 Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +3 Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +4 Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Conjure +5 Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Acid Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrow
1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Slaying Arrows
1 Arcane Archer: Imbue Terror Arrows
1 Arcane Archer; Imbue Explosive Arrows
1 Artificer Energy of Creation I
1 Artificer Wand and Scroll Mastery I
4 Elven Arcane Archer I
2 Human Adaptability Wisdom I
4 Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
2 Human Improved Recovery I
2 Improved Jump II
6 Improved Rogue Dilettante II
2 Improved Tumble II
6 Monk Improved Recovery II
4 Monk Ninja Spy I
6 Monk Wisdom II
6 Racial Toughness III
12 Ranger Dexterity III
1 Ranger Sprint Boost I
2 Ten thousand Stars
2 Static Charge
Helmet: Greensteel (+6 Dex Skills/45 HP/Smoke)
Necklace: Epic Grim's Bracelet w/+4 Natural Armor
Goggles: Epic Goggles of Time Sensing w/+6 Wisdom and +1 Exceptional Wisdom
Trinket: Cannith Crafted Trinket Superior Devotion IV/Dodge +2
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak w/ Toughness
Belt: Epic Spare Hand (tier 3) w/ +2 Good Luck
Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets
Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers w/ Heavy Fortification
Ring: Gnawed Ring w/ +2 Exceptional Constitution
Ring: Gilvaenor's Ring w/ +2 Exceptional Dexterity
Boots: Epic Dustless Boots
Armor: Icy Rainments
NOTE: The trinket leaves the door open for exchanging a feat for Maximize Spell for some additional healing, but that's a flavor thing. I will likely tweak the build a little to use Litany of the Dead for what should be a net loss of 1 AC.
Hit Points: 533
20 Heroic Durability
88 Ranger 11
56 Monk 7
12 Artificer 2
200 Constitution
22 Toughness
30 Racial Toughness
30 Greater False Life
20 Toughness (Item)
10 Draconic Vitality
45 Greensteel HP Item
AC: ~69/~96/~102
Armor Class
10 Base
1 Icy Rainments, Armor Ritual
1 Dodge (Feat)
8 Armor
10 Dexterity
13 Wisdom
2 Monk Centered
4 Deflection (Icy Rainments)*
4 Insight (Weapon)
4 Natural (Epic Grim's Bracelet: Green Aubment Slot)
4 Dodge (Icy Rainments)
3 Profane (3-Piece Abishai Set)
3 Dodge (Epic Grim's Bracelet)
2 Dodge (Cannith Crafted Trinket)
5 Combat Expertise
4 Shield (Shield Wand, level 10)
4 Bard Song, Inspire Heroics
2 Ocean Stance, Dodge +2
1 Ocean Stance, Wis +2
1 Store Pot, Dex +2
1 Store Pot, Wis +2
1 Yugoloth Essense of Betrayal, Dex +2
1 Yugoloth Essense of Desire, Wis +2
1 Ship Buff, Dex +2
1 Ship Buff, Wis +2
1 Ship Buff, Sentinel's Bulwark
1 Ship Buff, Dwarven Stoutness
1 Ship Buff, Blessings of the Three Dragons
1 Natural, Barkskin
1 Haste
6 Paladin, Aura
NOTE: The AC above is based on the gear configuration that I came up with; it can certainly go higher. For example, I only have +4 protection, I don't have a +1 Dodge item, and I didn't include the Epic Ring of the Elements (Natural +6). I also didn't include spells or clickies that last less than at least two minutes. Finally, I will probably not use Store Pots on a regular basis.
32/ 32/ 34
7/ 7/ 3 Ranger
5/ 5/ 5 Monk
0/ 0/ 3 Artificer
10/ 10/ 13 Ability Modifier
5/ 5/ 5 Resistance Item
2/ 2/ 2 Ocean Stance
2/ 2/ 2 Luck
1/ 1/ 1 Resistance Ritual
Balance: ~39
Concentration: ~50**
Hide: ~55**
Jump: ~39*
Move Silently: ~55**
Tumble: ~39
Use Magic Dev: ~38**
*Skills with 12-18 skill points
**Skills with max skill points
Stunning Fist DC: 49/52
10 Base
10 Character Level /2
13 Wisdom
10 Stunning +10 Handwraps
5 Exceptional Combat Mastery (Epic Spare Hand)
1 Ocean Stance
1 Ship Buff, Wis +2
1 Yugoloth Essense of Desire, Wis +2
1 Store Pot