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  1. #1
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Does the number of 'hard' or 'elite' quests done count on the final XP bonus ?

    I need to understand a little detail in Bravery Bonus...

    every time i enter a new quest in 'hard' or 'elite' difficulty on my same lvl (or above no more than 2 lvl) i have a bonus on the final XP gained at mission complete.

    What i don't understand is if the number of times i do quests on hard or elite count and be stack as further bonus of XP.

    what if i do 100 quests on elite
    then i do a quest on normal
    and the next time a quest again on elite and the counting restart to 0 ?

    help me to understand pls

  2. #2
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    First time you run a quest on Elite or Hard and are within 2 - 1 levels of base level you'll add to your Bravery Bonus multiplier to a maximum of 5. So do 5 Elites and it will give you a BB of 50% [5 x 10%] or do 5 Hards and it will be 25% [5 x 5%].

    If you do the same quest for same level you'll not get bonus. But if you do it at a different level you'll get the one time completion bonus.

    You'll get the highest BB you have for the level you do. So if you do a hard after a run of Elites it will reset your elite BB streak but you'll get the Hard BB. Then if you run an Elite it will still give you the better hard BB but it will then begin to increase your Elite streak again.

    The more times you run a quest after 3 times, it will begin to reduce your XP. But the first time you run any difficulty it will not count any repeated runs and thus give all XP for that level based on your level.
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  3. #3
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    ty for the explanation.

    btw i meant different quests.. not repeating the same quest.

    for example: i do sunken server on elite then i do missing in action on elite too
    then before entering another quest, (for example: redfang the unruled)
    i see on the quest window info :
    hard 0
    elite 2

    does that count as further bonus ?

  4. #4
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Sep 2007


    in that case you would actually see this

    hard: 2
    Elite: 2

    if you do it on elite you would get a 20% exp bonus

    then if you went and did proof is is the poison elite

    It becomes

    hard: 3
    elite: 3

    and you get 30%

    now if you go and do stk and decide you dont want it on elite, you lose both the streak and the xtra xp

    and you have to start again


  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Important to add that it's (up to) 50% of 'base' XP.

    If you are running a quest on Elite on the first run, you get 100% base, plus 80% (first time elite), plus 20% (once only bonus for elite on first attempt at quest), plus 50% (streak), plus 50% (XP tome if using one), plus some subset of Conquest, Ransack, Flawless, Persistance, Ingenious Debilitiation, etc (typically another 50% or so of base).

    That adds to around 300% of base when not streaking, or 350% when streaking, so the streak bonus is only about 14% of your total XP. Keep that in mind - losing a streak is not the big deal some claim it to be.
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