I have an old THF WF Kensai toon I'm thinking of playing again.
1) What are the major differences and pros/cons to a Kensei vrs a Barb? I've never played a barb.
2) On a WF Kensei...are the 2nd and 3rd tiers of healers' friend worth it? 10 AP for 10% healing amp seems expensive.
3) Does the Quickdraw feat remove the casting time of Kensei Power Surge and Fighter Haste Boost?
4) How important is the Fighter Critical Accuracy enhancement? How much does this actually contribute to the % chance of a getting a critical?
5) How important are the WF tactics enhancements and fighter strategy enhancements (how much do the enhancements increase the success rate?) and do they stack with each other?
6) Any use in taking any of the WF DR enhancements?