Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
Maybe it is me but the OP post did say "make the challenge easier" that did not come from me. So maybe a suggested tactic for you might be to read & UNDERSTAND what your reading.
I concede the OP isn't talking about nerfing the difficulty of the higher stars and is saying that the challenges on Kobold Island generally need to be easier.

That said,
-the OP alluded to the ridiculous scaling mechanism that needs to be looked at
-stars 4 - 5 on Shortcuts have never been achieved
-and stars 4 - 5 on The Disruptor need to be looked at.

For that reason, trivializing any complaints about Kobold Island with 'easy button' cries bother me since it really needs looking at. Although this post isn't 'on point' with everything that needs changing in these challenges, the OP has a valid point with respect to the scaling mechanism (4 people is already getting to the 'disproportionately difficult compared with the rest of the game if you're not geared' point) that does need review, and won't create an 'easy button'.

The substance of my and others' complaints - that the stars achievable through good gameplay and maxxing out extraction rates are impossible - remains despite the factoid that now a few people have used the 5 required turret requisitions in The Disruptor to achieve 4 stars.