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Thread: Depressed

  1. #1
    Community Member cwfergtx's Avatar
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    Default Depressed

    Today the management at my company informed us that they were going to out source us. They will be advertising for a contractor to take over our bussing service. After 30 years at the compnay this is really depressing. We have 96 people in our section between drivers, leads, supervisors and support staff. They are talking about only have 12 full time drivers and about 8 temporary driver but have not said how many leads, supervisors or support staff will stay. Was really looking forward to retiring with this company in 8 years but I do not know if I will have a job at the end of September. They are projecting to take two months to settle on the contractor for bussing then a three month switch over for the main part of the bussing service. Since the contractor will not be able to cover the airside operations that is why there will be a small section of the current drivers kept. I feel too old to be looking for another job and the company says I am too young to retire on our current retirement plan. This is stressing me out to where I want to bing drink all weekend, something I have not done in over 33 years.

  2. #2
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Your post will strike a chord with many. I'm union, contract is up in September. Don't know if the company will honor their employees or go with contractors to save a buck.
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  3. #3
    Community Member enekich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwfergtx View Post
    Today the management at my company informed us that they were going to out source us. They will be advertising for a contractor to take over our bussing service. After 30 years at the compnay this is really depressing. We have 96 people in our section between drivers, leads, supervisors and support staff. They are talking about only have 12 full time drivers and about 8 temporary driver but have not said how many leads, supervisors or support staff will stay. Was really looking forward to retiring with this company in 8 years but I do not know if I will have a job at the end of September. They are projecting to take two months to settle on the contractor for bussing then a three month switch over for the main part of the bussing service. Since the contractor will not be able to cover the airside operations that is why there will be a small section of the current drivers kept. I feel too old to be looking for another job and the company says I am too young to retire on our current retirement plan. This is stressing me out to where I want to bing drink all weekend, something I have not done in over 33 years.
    Don't drink. Easier said than done, i know (4 years myself). One day at a time, have a little faith, you will never get more than you can handle in one day....all cliche, but all true. It is the challenges, and how they are overcome that define our lives......
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  4. #4
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Ouch... all I can suggest would be to find something new quick, line it up and since the company you have been faithful to for so long is shafting you, shaft them back. If enough find meaningful employment elsewhere, they will be sort of screwed losing so many before they manage to switch over.

    Remember, you have to look out for yourself, since obviously they are doing the same.

    I Feel really bad for you, and I hope things work out on the plus side for you and all your co-workers, been hearing about this sort of thing often in the last 2 years.(Everywhere not just in one place)

  5. #5
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwfergtx View Post
    Today the management at my company informed us that they were going to out source us. They will be advertising for a contractor to take over our bussing service. After 30 years at the compnay this is really depressing. We have 96 people in our section between drivers, leads, supervisors and support staff. They are talking about only have 12 full time drivers and about 8 temporary driver but have not said how many leads, supervisors or support staff will stay. Was really looking forward to retiring with this company in 8 years but I do not know if I will have a job at the end of September. They are projecting to take two months to settle on the contractor for bussing then a three month switch over for the main part of the bussing service. Since the contractor will not be able to cover the airside operations that is why there will be a small section of the current drivers kept. I feel too old to be looking for another job and the company says I am too young to retire on our current retirement plan. This is stressing me out to where I want to bing drink all weekend, something I have not done in over 33 years.

    Yes, welcome to the new economy.
    There is no loyalty, there is no retirement, there is no job security.
    Survival is first priority.

    Best of luck to you. I've been there a couple of times now and I'm certain I'll face that music again many times before it's all said and done.

    One tidbit I'd like to share with you that has held true for me.

    You NEVER know what's coming up. It may be the best thing ever, it may be terrible to endure. But I guarantee if you just keep breathing and going on with life, you will eventually have a new perspective.

    If you should choose to self destruct, well then... you're in effect making this the worst event of your life. Choose hope and well being.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  6. #6
    Uber Completionist
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    Sorry to hear what is happening.

    Threats of loss of job is one of the most stressful things to endure.

    Ive been there myself a couple of times.

    All I can say is keep your chin up as things most often work out ok in the end.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    /sarcasm on

    Well the good news is management will be able to make their bonuses this year.

    /sarcasm off

  8. #8
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwfergtx View Post
    Today the management at my company informed us that they were going to out source us. They will be advertising for a contractor to take over our bussing service. After 30 years at the compnay this is really depressing. We have 96 people in our section between drivers, leads, supervisors and support staff. They are talking about only have 12 full time drivers and about 8 temporary driver but have not said how many leads, supervisors or support staff will stay. Was really looking forward to retiring with this company in 8 years but I do not know if I will have a job at the end of September. They are projecting to take two months to settle on the contractor for bussing then a three month switch over for the main part of the bussing service. Since the contractor will not be able to cover the airside operations that is why there will be a small section of the current drivers kept. I feel too old to be looking for another job and the company says I am too young to retire on our current retirement plan. This is stressing me out to where I want to bing drink all weekend, something I have not done in over 33 years.

    I am very sorry about the problems you are experiencing at your Job. My company reorganized a few years and we lost a number of my friends.

    I hope that everything works out for you.
    Last edited by Hellllboy; 03-23-2012 at 02:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    I was sorry to read about this. I hope everything works out for you. Remember, if you find yourself on Ghallanda look up your old friends at Peace, Love and Monster Removal. My son still talks about the times that he would check his mail and good ol' Fireflash had sent him something really cool! Of course, because he changes characters like I change underwear, he still can't use any of those things!

    Good luck and hopefully DDO will be your refuge from the craziness of the real world. I know it is for me.

  10. #10
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Default painful

    ..hang in there ....
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  11. #11
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    That sucks man!

    Start sending some curricula to other companies while waiting what happens?
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  12. #12
    Community Member Alaunra2010's Avatar
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    I was just a kid, maybe eight or nine years old, when I saw this video clip on the Five O'Clock news showing none other than my own father as he left his office for the last time. My mom was there, helping him out. The reporter never talked to them, and you never saw their faces, but there they were... hoisting a a suitcase, loaded with the personal effects he had brought to work over the years to remind him of his family, into the trunk of our family car. If a tree were a metaphor for human life, that simple image was the first time I had ever experienced a hard frost. The year afterward was my very first winter. It was the first time I knew how it felt to lose my leaves; I felt so bare, and so sad for him.

    In retrospect, this became one of the first rules of business I ever learned: loyalty is the province of family and friends. It has little place in business anymore, not because it shouldn't, but because businesses are largely amoral and self-interested. These days, I am resigned to your plight as common practice: every time management states, suggests, or even hints that they are behind their revenue projections, they must at least consider layoffs and outsourcing to compensate. This is always on the table, even if they assure you it isn't.

    Another rule I learned was that, quite often, opportunity only knocks once. Recognize that this is a rare opportunity for you: you can train into something you truly love, and remain gainfully employed while you do so. That sort of opportunity does not come along often. What are you passionate about? What drives you to better yourself? Train into a career related to these things. Figure out how to make money doing what you love.

    On this earth, the only one you can truly count on to look after your best interests is you. You have been given the gift of time. Use it to your advantage.

    Last edited by Alaunra2010; 03-23-2012 at 02:57 PM.

  13. #13
    Founder & Hero
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    I feel for you I am looking at starting over myself not easy at our age I know but there it is I hope it works out for you

    Beware the Sleepeater

  14. #14
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwfergtx View Post
    Today the management at my company informed us that they were going to out source us. They will be advertising for a contractor to take over our bussing service. After 30 years at the compnay this is really depressing. We have 96 people in our section between drivers, leads, supervisors and support staff. They are talking about only have 12 full time drivers and about 8 temporary driver but have not said how many leads, supervisors or support staff will stay. Was really looking forward to retiring with this company in 8 years but I do not know if I will have a job at the end of September. They are projecting to take two months to settle on the contractor for bussing then a three month switch over for the main part of the bussing service. Since the contractor will not be able to cover the airside operations that is why there will be a small section of the current drivers kept. I feel too old to be looking for another job and the company says I am too young to retire on our current retirement plan. This is stressing me out to where I want to bing drink all weekend, something I have not done in over 33 years.
    First, this sucks.

    Second, you're probably right to fear you probably won't be kept on because of your age or, more likely, how much your salary is. Companies where Unions aren't a factor usually cut the most senior employees because they tend to be the most highly paid. If you still want to stay with the company, it seems like the most realistic thing for you to do is offer to take a pay-cut. Obviously don't take a HUGE pay-cut (like all the way down to minimum wage level pay-cut) but offer to take one large enough that they might actually think about it. Your experience IS valuable so hopefully they might see that.

    Third, if they still end up letting you go, I really hope things work out for you in a different but good way.

    Good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  15. #15
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    You have my sympathy.

    I've been in my line of work almost thirty years (end of 2013) and my longest stint with one company has been just shy of 8 years. In almost every instance, one of two things happened to result in my job loss: either my company lost a major client and didn't have the customer base remaining to support our positions or, as in your case, the company decided to outsource because it was cheaper. Unfortunately, that's the nature of business these days and the likelihood of leaving college and spending your entire working career with one company and retiring with the gold watch is all but over.

    There's absolutely nothing I can say that will make you feel better. After my last job loss, I had to get some counseling, as we got our layoff notices effective Christmas Eve and I just could not deal with it. No one- and I mean, No One- saw it coming. The one thing I learned from that experience is to always assume that your job is hanging by a thread- and a thin one at that- and react accordingly. ALWAYS be looking for another job. ALWAYS keep your resume updated. ALWAYS network with others in the field and prime them for possible leads to better your situation. If your company has no loyalty to you, have no loyalty to them. It truly has degenerated into an almost adversarial relationship and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

  16. #16
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    Sad to hear what's going on. Hope you can find something new before the layoffs.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  17. #17
    Community Member cwfergtx's Avatar
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    Default More Depresssing News

    Now it appears that only about 2 departments are going to be affected by the contracting out. When questioned about who was going to do the administrative duties I do there was no answer and it was suggested that I keep an eye out for a job in another department or see ig the new company may need my skills. I do not work for a for profit business but a quasi government. At the end of the year any left over money in the budget is divided amoung the airlines at the airport. Out of the 31 years working here we have given money back every year. Between the 2 section there will be over 100 people either forced to retire or look for a job somewhere else.

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