G'day, Coit here.
Some people that run with me may know that when i'm not shiftworking my days away on a dangerous goods site, or strapped to my lie down internet chair playing DDO, that i'm something of a hobby musician : playing classical piano and blues/punk/metal guitar when i get the chance.
Well, i've just picked up a new you beauty Jerry Cantrell signature crybaby wah to complement my Peavey 6505 thumper that i drive with my old reliable Guild guitar (black beauty, the only woman that's stayed with me for more then a decade :P).
Some people may know that i play bards, a lot, i've got 3 active ones at the moment.
So, i wanted to put together a little metal song, loosely based on the bards songs from DDo.
My question is this : does anyone know the file names of the sound files (and/or the directory they're stored in) for the bards songs in the game?
Then i can import them, and play them over and over and over till i have a nice metal derivative for each little ditty, which i can then string together and put some funny "i play a metal bard" lyrics to.
If i get the project finished i'll post the "bard song" somewhere here in the forums, or at least a link to a host site i'll upload it too.
Thanks in advance for anyone that can point me at the files.
Coit out~