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  1. #1
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Sword and Shield Suggestions


    I've thought about these suggestions, and found that when reading the post, it's important that any changes suggested do not in any way change other play styles, so with that in mind...

    Suggestion #1
    Physical armor = DR %, that is to say that any armor that is a physical, shield, full plate, and also the +5 are totaled to give you let's say 5% for every 10 points. What is not totaled would be monk wisdom ac, dexterity, and similar nonphysical bonuses to armor.

    So wearing +5 full plate (13) and having a +5 tower (9) shield would equal 22 points and then 10% dr. This is a rough idea; don't let the % amount cloud your thinking.

    I would make this stack with DoS and SD prestige class stances.

    Whether or not the % damage reduction would hit before or after the value DR (adamantium for example) I'm not as sure of, but perhaps a complete shift from value DR (-/3) to % DR might be in order.

    Suggestion #2
    Parrying and Greater Parrying = more like displacement
    This has bothered me for a while, in combat a parry is not just someone missing you, it’s you deflecting their blade away from you all together with your blade. I would make this like a blur or displacement (stacking of course) but not able to be removed by True Seeing, it should also on a successful parry have a chance to damage your weapon. It should not work with Power Attack, and be increased with Combat Expertise and Precision.

    Suggestion #3
    Shield revamp
    Give shields % to avoid damage all together on their own, physical as well as magical. Granted your shield will suffer the damage, but a good adventurer will take steps to make sure they have the right tool for the job

    Toughen up shields, hardness and durability.

    Revisit named shields with resistance as well, give them some omphf! Maybe some absorption?

    As you can tell I'm all about damage mitigation, and I say let the high dps play thier way, but also give the sword and shield community something to get excited about. We've all read stories about heroic fights, but I personally have enjoyed Bruenor's fighting style as opposed to Drizzt.


  2. #2
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default From the grave I call to thee!

    Arise my champion, and do battle against the DPS machine!


    Really, 101 looks and no comments?

  3. #3
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    all of this % mitigation for ac value is all over the sugestions in diffrent variants so not much to say what is better or worse, idea byitself is good, shields could use some bump, all changes to shields should be triggered by corresponding feats so we dont have unkillable ""no feat" casters running around with shields and still gaining full effects.

    as for parry im not sure if this effect comes straight from pnp, if it does im not sure if they can change the way it works just like that.
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery RabidKoala's Avatar
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    silly paint everybody knows regis is bestest

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Shiny things are shiny.

  5. #5
    Community Member davidolson22's Avatar
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    I'd just be happy if the second teir of improved shield mastery added a significant amount of dr.

  6. #6
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Suggestion #1
    This one is good. This will solve several promlems at once: there will be profit from wearing heavy armor, there will be less stress for melee red bar, so lack of self healing will be less a issue. And its quite easy to implement and do not colide with other staff (like concelment or AC).

    As for mitigacion order, 1st you remove static value like DR 3/adam then % value (if anything left). This way there will be always some dmg even if our DR/Absorption will be high.

    Suggestion #2
    Rather not, some people may want parry as it is for AC/saves. No need to take it for them.

    Suggestion #3
    Too much for free gift. I would rather see more popular elements absorption (like craftable, and on generic loot) - not limited to few named trinkets.

  7. #7
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    I think other good suggestion is shields having a % chance to simply "randomly block" as if the toon was activelly blocking. Shield mastery up the % chance, and some enhancements (like the defensive PrEs and dwarf shield mastery) raises it a bit more. Maybe getting to a cap of 20~25% "passive blocking" if you are a dwarf defender with all feats and a tower shield.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
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    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  8. #8
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    I'd add a few shards to it. Just in case.

    For example. I have crafted a shield having the upper 2 items from that list.

  9. #9
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    For Shield Mitigation

    Shield Proficiency should gain a measure of Shield Mitigation

    Buckler Mitigation = AC of Buckler (%)

    Light Shield Mitigation = AC of Light Shield +1%

    Heavy Shield Mitigation = AC of Heavy Shield +2%

    Tower Shield Mitigation (which requires Tower Shield Prof) = AC of Tower Shield +4%

    Proficiency would also get 10% shield bash chance

    Drop Shield Mastery and Improved Shield Mastery and use actual feats from 3.5... Shield Specialization from Players Handbook 2 can be converted just fine.

    Original increased Shield AC by 1.

    For the DDO version I'd say Shield AC increases by 1 (tower shield by 2), Shield Bash chance increases by 10% and Shield Mitigation by 5%.

    so looking at a shield that does not exist currently +10 Tower Shield, this would get with all relevant feat

    16 AC (4 + 2(Feat) +10 Enhancement)
    25% Mitigation (16 from AC +4 Bonus for tower shield +5 bonus from Shield Spec)

    I would also add in some bonuses from the Shield PrEs and while in Combat Expertise stance.

    Combat Expertise could give the -5 to Attack +5 to AC (doubled to +10 if using a Shield) and add a similar amount to Shield Mitigation. This adds to existing Shield Mitigation. If the character is not using a shield then they still gain the 5% Shield Mitigation.

    Another option would be to add in your BASE Fortitude save towards Mitigation... This would benefit the Fighter casts more than the others ... though Cleric and FvS would still be heavy weights in that division

    Also the Shield Ward Feat from PH2 could be modified to apply Shield Mitigation to AoE damage... like a mini Evasion that requires a few feat and Shields

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