McDonalds Australia now has MLP:FiM toys in their Happy Meals.
Guess who's got a new Pinkie Pie?
McDonalds Australia now has MLP:FiM toys in their Happy Meals.
Guess who's got a new Pinkie Pie?
Moved to Guild Wars 2
Bit late to this thread, but it's never too late for ponies!
Ready for some BluRay ponies!
I'm pretty happy that BOTH SEASONS are on Netflix though!
This pleases Twilight Sparkle
Caught myself whistling the Winter Wrap-Up song at work yesterday. Daniel Ingram really writes amazing songs.
Missing you all. Doing well in Job Corps. I'll be back to playing DDO for 3 weeks in about 2 weeks. So...
More Pinkie Pie =D
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
So... John De Lancie is making a Brony Documentary...
Also, this song is good...
And this one:
Where are mah bronies?
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
We're still here. We're just all huddled up in our respective corners fighting off the withdrawal symptoms.
No Rarity... No Redskins football... No Walking Dead... I don't know how the Amish do this year round!
Bronies: For those who get it, no explanation is needed; for those who don't, none will do.
So has anyone else noticed what could be subtle references in the raid loot for the expansion?
(Above is a previous version, its stats were since altered)
Gee, I wonder who could have had a hand in naming these...![]()
"Freedom is the sovereign right of every American!"
-Liberty Prime™
Subtle? Psh. Please.
Out of all three of them. Twilight is the most obvious. Its name and description totally fit Twilight Sparkle's attitude.
Nightmare... Nightmare Moon.
Celestia is also rather obvious with its name and reference to the sun. Also, it's a light saber.
Also, Daniel Ingram making a better Season 3 song than Smile Smile Smile or This Day Aria. Discuss?
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
What people don't realize is that the fabled Skynet computer system only decided to destroy the human race after stumbling upon a Bronie thread.
Every time humans would get on the Skynet forums and protest, they'd get the following response:
Originally Posted by Skynet
"Doing my best to redefine 'epic'" - Daniel Ingram
"It will be awhile, but when it lands... you'll know" - Daniel Ingram
Seems he's working on something for next season that'll be even better than what we've already seen.
Moved to Guild Wars 2
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
Alright then, since we're on the topic of Season 2 songs, who's got a favorite remix?
This Day Aria (&I Remix) - Great voice pitch editing in this one.
Smile Song - (Noluv Remix) [Progressive House] - Really chilled remix of such an upbeat, high energy song.
Personally I'm a big fan of the remixes of Love's In Bloom more than the above two though.
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Love is in bloom does indeed have its own little charm. My problem is that it is too short to fully enjoy it. Anyways...
Everypony Everypony(Becoming Popular Remix) - This is also nice. Lots of repetition of the word everypony.
Vinyl Scratch is Louder. It's a song I could see Vinyl playing. No words but dat bass. WUB WUB WUB.
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
Top Ten Brony Songs for June 2012-Community Voted - A great primer for some quality releases for this month, check the links for previous month's listings.
Moved to Guild Wars 2
As an avid reader of Equestria Daily, I would like to present the two newest MLP:FiM songs introduced at Comic-con.
Crystal Fair - A nice light song. Crystal Fair.
She wasn't prepared for this. - ... Pretty bad. But it's not the WORST.
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
Octavia getting a speaking role? Duet with Rarity? Fluttershy is a dragon?
Can't wait for season 3.
Moved to Guild Wars 2
That looks like a WF pony.
Yes I know it's fanfic. Still, best one ever. Have tissues handy.