My personal favorite mod is the Lyrapan. Because I don't even into Skyrim.
I even have it. Whenever I ever need to melee in TF2, I feel safer with Lyra's protective gaze.
Also, a sampling of my server's Sprays.
You call it MLP, I call it porn.
Last edited by Qezuzu; 04-17-2012 at 09:08 AM.
For fun I drew up my drow character Phae'Shalee (Phaeshalee on DDO) as a FiM pony. ^_^
(character pics for example)
DDO version
silly doodle of her Gianthold reward. lol
BTW, I'm not quite a brony since, um, I'm a girl. So I hope you don't mind my supporting you guys here.![]()
Aww, thanks. ^_^
And here's another... my drow barbarian Khandee turned into a MLP.
Character pic for example
FiM style is deceptively difficult! It looks so simple but when you normally draw in a more realistic style it's really hard to get the ponies to look right.
What bronie would mind naked, cookie loving, female dark elf sharing in the fun?
My only comment is you may want to move the rear bows to the front legs. Yes, I know why the alignment, but thanks to my wife being an equestrian.... real life will ruin things if you aren't careful.
beyond that... I like the transformation. I'll have to ask her to see if she'd want to transform her main into having a mane as well.
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
Both are
If you Bronys know some polish:
There was another 2 Pony-films with english texts:
And i still w8 on last 2 Episodes in Season 2![]()
Season 3 will be after holidays right ?
Luadrilae, you amaze me.
[QUOTE=Luadrilae;4410929]For fun I drew up my drow character Phae'Shalee (Phaeshalee on DDO) as a FiM pony. ^_^
I have the artistic skills of a brick... Envy. Nice work. I suddenly wonder how my WF FvS would look, complete with black eyes, archon and Lit2 GSword... Dark Pony...
"The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves." Niccolò Machiavelli
Thelanis: Arbix Completionist (23rd Life), ArbySoul, ArbyBarb, ArbyPriest, Arbificer etc.
Friendship is Dragons - MLP/D&D Webcomic, still updating too.
So Bronies, fanfics? Yay or neigh?
Last edited by Ashbinder; 04-18-2012 at 09:26 AM. Reason: Linked URL
Moved to Guild Wars 2
Dawww, you guys make me so happy. Thank you. ^_^
I so badly want to keep drawing more, but this is my crazy busy art time of the year. (I run an adoptable on another site where April-May is our biggest event and I'm drawing every day, nearly all day.) I've been taking hour long breaks from my other art to... well draw. ^^; It's like a wonderful change of pace to draw a pony in between everything else.![]()
I'll have to see if I can squeeze more pony art in.
And I personally am not a huge fan of fanfic when it's based on the actual characters. I think that if people like it to go for it though. Mind you I LOVE fiction that has original characters in that setting. ^_^
(ie. wouldn't care much for Elminster or Drizzt fan fiction... even if I adore the characters, but love it when people make fiction of their own characters in Faerun.)
Talk with my wife some about her drawing up the characters as ponies.... hardest part we have coming up with.. cutie marks.
I liked that design a lot. It fit in very well with the MLP style as well as to the character.
For me, the little details like that have always been the hardest to draw. I can hand do draft work, for things like design projects and the like. I had to take a course back in college. But doing little symbols or such, faking an alphabet, etc. I'm just not good at.
Granted, if I had to do myself, it would be an earth pony with the standard outline of a brain with the line streaks to indicate it is missing. Still have no idea what would be appropriate for a barbarian who is loaded down with guards. Maybe the standard red circle with the line through it on top of a finger pointing to try to indicate "no touchy"? Just a difficult one to think of for him.
My characters if they had cutie marks:
Nagasnake, Drow Bard 20: Song Notes - Unicorn
Goldenac, Fighter 18/Rogue 2(Current 11/2): A shield with an arrow broken in half glancing off the shield - Earth
Chicobo, Rogue 20: Knife in da heart - Earth
Tyrogan, Ranger 20: Arrow in a bullseye - Pegasus
Torriin, Paladin 20: No Demons sign - Earth
Xthmegamanx, Artificer 20: Enchanted Crossbow - Pegasus
Olmanjenkins, Monk 20: A smiley face with healing symbols around it. - Earth
Indeed, Pegasisters are always welcome.
So, this weekend is the Princess Cadence and Shining armor wedding. It's gonna be epic. What do you think?
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.