Ravager requires zero sacrifice to equip and is as good of damage as holy burst, generally speaking...and still allows +2 str or con to be crafted, among other things. As long as monks don't get the benefit of things like ravager, other melees shouldn't get the benefit of things like holy burst rings on their weapons.
The only real benefit holy burst has over ravager is dr breaking...but as holy burst is one of the best damage prefixes available, it effectively allows an extra alignment burst at best (sometimes not even that, depending on the boss).
Edit: I will admit that any ring holy bursted is easier to get than a ring of the ravager...but in the balance, the best dps boss-beaters for most characters are much easier to get than the best boss-beaters for monks (and in fact, the best boss-beaters for monks are still broken, as the greater bane portion does not correctly provide its +4 damage...which is a significant short for monks).