This isn't much of an accomplishment, but it was a very fun run with very little hiccups. I am expecting a lot of comments about how DP is over powered, but we had 2 FVS's using melee

So many Favored Souls!!

1 death, not bad.

39 minutes, we can do better

Part 1: Miahoohealer took care of the Judge while DC-based FVS's killed the Fire Elementals. I was supposed to take care of the Jailer but I DC'ed so Reizal kited the Jailer.

Part 2: This is where we had 1 death. Nedril tanked the shadows, but one got onto the platform and the FVS with the least amount of HP died (Mataz your still awesome!)

Part 3: Miahoohealer tanked Horoth, and I tanked Sully. While Nedril and Reizal took care of orthons. I was being spot healed by Savuryas and Miahoo was being spot healed by Simionon. We actually had to stop DPS on Horoth because he was about to die. I lost aggro once, but quickly got it back and everything was smooth.

0 Pots to my knowledge.