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  1. #21
    Community Member deahamlet's Avatar
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    Jun 2011


    Wow. Level 12 is when I fell in love with my wizard all over again. Levels 1-8 were a pain (I also did not enjoy the fact that I splashed 1 level of rogue and I hated level 1 as a rogue)... going in quests with zerging people before Wall of Fire was rage inducing... but level 12? Wraith = I love wraith. I love gear a wizard, so much less to worry about. I love my aura. Then FoD kicked in and... MORE love...

    My sorcerer was fun from day one, though. But now with instadeath spells they're both just as fun (both level 14).
    Toons on Orien:
    Daemonav Atreides: WF artificer (TR 2/14)////Irullan Atreides: human FvS (TR 2/?!?)////Lorrellei Atreides: human ice/acid sorcerer////Aliademon Atreides: elf PM necro/enchant wizzie (TR 2/8)

  2. #22
    Hero HGM-Chi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kclark1980 View Post
    Greetings and salutations everyone!

    I hate having to ask about this but I need help with a build. I have tried playing wizards many times and I just can't do it. I get to about level 12 and want to hurt myself and others. I just have a very hard time playing a wizard. I want to get a couple past lives under my belt so I can have the +2 spell pen. The problem is I end up hating the game,the character & myself after a month of 2 from character creation.
    I don't have any build ideas for you, but I just wanted to give you a show of support. My wizard is currently approaching level 19, and it has taken me ages to get him there. I've capped probably 6 characters over him, and TR'd two to cap again with a third TR currently at level 15. One of the characters I ran past him was a sorc, interestingly enough. I found the sorc *much* easier to level.

    Even as I play him now I feel sub-par (and I mean, sub par even for my usual amount of sub par skill). I run out of mana quickly, I find my wails and fingers don't really work as well as the other wizzies I see... I'm going to get him to cap and learn to play him though. I hope.

  3. #23
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    It's odd because I can play Clerics just fine and the Arti was a breeze also. I have played wizards most of my life in PnP but something about the dynamics of the computer version that I just can't get my head wrapped around. I have always played more utilitarian / buffing characters and greatly enjoy that. I honestly don't want to take the spells out of the wizard I just need to find a way that I am comfortable playing it. I love being utilitarian and being able to promote my team mates in the jobs they do. I know I should play a Bard but it's the spell pen past life that I'm after for when I can play a character that I love.

    I have eternal wands coming out my wazu that I have collected or made during the events so SP conservation really isn't an issue. I use most of my wands an kite the majority of the time after DoT'ing the target. I don't have a very active guild so it's pugs, slayers, or solo.

    I find that I can't keep up with the other members of the party and am always lagging behind in progression and *hides a little* kill count even.

    Maybe I will have to use the +5 lesser hearts and go about it that way but what ever I have to do I will eventually do it.

    I can see that I'm not the only one that has issues with the class in general so I don't feel so bad. It's a great feeling when I hit something with an maximized+empowered burning blood or acid arrow or a lightning bolt heck even as an Archmage using the ability Magic Missile when Empowered and Maximized it packs a punch but it's just not me.

    I do appreciate all the ideas and assistance that people have been offering and even the condolences that others are feeling also.

  4. #24
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    Smile Vorental the Chaotic

    Hi, Vorental here

    U can see my build at myddo (3rd life)

    If u really interested in this build, PM me, i will sent u detailes. Its quite gear dependant, but if u got all u need, u are just like any other melee there, but 10x more durable, immute to most negative effects, can do roles like tank (600 HP +), heavy DPS (up to 100 per swing), caster (250 per tick with 5 lvl dots). 2 such toons can do most raids.

    A lot of people asked me about posting that build in 'classes' section of the forum, but I alwasy forgot about it.
    Maybe its time to do this now.

  5. #25
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blank_Zero View Post
    I have a 17 Wizzy sitting on the ship that I haven't touched in months other than to check for gear or whatnot. I feel for you OP.
    So tempted to make a pedophilia joke here.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  6. #26
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    nm. looks like a semi-necro.

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