I am new to the paladin class. I have played the gam eon and off for a few years and have an Arcane Archer and Tempest build ranger as I like the rogue type playstyle. Recvently I re-subbed and now I am looking for a chnage in direction so I am thinking of rolling a paladin.
Interested in playing a THF paladin that can solo content as I play a lot by myself due to odd work hours, so need ot be some what self sufficient in that need good enough survivability to be able to solo most quests and still put out enough damage so I don't fall asleep doing it. Is something like this possible with the paladin class or should I look at rolling something like a pure barb or fighter ? Preferably a pure paladin would be nice although would look at multiclassing it if needed. Would mean a re-roll though as I do have a lv4 pala from a few years ago which I was thinking of dusting down