Been using Nagas for two years now. Only reason that's plural is for some reason my left click button would randomly send multiple clicks when just pressed once. Tried a bunch of things to fix it, nothing worked so I got a new one.
The problem became evident playing Skyrim and doing archery; I'd left click to notch and arrow and immediately shoot the ground two feet in front of me, heh.
That said, I love the Naga and can't really function without it in games! For DDO I have all my most used skills/spells/feats/items on my first action bar and have buttons 1-10 mapped. 11 and 12 scroll to other hotbars. That said I still have a bunch of hot bars on screen to click for weapon swaps, etc.
If you really feel like going nuts with changing your gaming set-up I recommend the Naga AND either a Nostromo n52te or Logitech G13 Gamepad. I've run that set up for both MMO's and single player RPG's and it's **** hard to go back to keyboard + mouse.
Never had a problem with static electricity; as another poster said, treat your electronics right!