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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default A good source for basic customized buld options?

    The other day I decided I wanted to try out a new class or two, so I went lookin' on the class forums for some basic build options, I found myself wading through pages of messages discussing specific build topics.

    Is there a good source for basic build options?

    Suppose for instance I want an FVS, I'd love to see a thread or even one message that just gives me the basic good options for DPS, hybrid, and Healer speced FVS with basic good choice of feats (and enhancements where applicable.) Or, suppose I want to try out a Wizzie, be nice to link directly to a basic PM or AM build, etc.

    I find myself wading through tons of message headers looking for what I want.

    And although guides are great for in-depth work, I'd like something with just a few messages of the basics so I can get something workable up and running fast. Also, in-depth guides are often tailored to the subtleties of certain earlier updates...

    Did I miss something obvious? If so, please point me in the right direction...

  2. #2
    Community Member Memek's Avatar
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    Jul 2010


    Dont think so, mainly because players disagree on such things. And builds become outdated.

    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    Suppose for instance I want an FVS, I'd love to see a thread or even one message that just gives me the basic good options for DPS, hybrid, and Healer speced FVS with basic good choice of feats (and enhancements where applicable.)
    Hybrid: HElf, Fighter Dilli, Wisdom primary stat, Strength secondary.
    Feats, not in order: Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Heighten, Toughness, Power Attack, Imp Crit Slash; If you have Wiz PL you can remove your least favorite feat for it.
    Pure melee spec: Not much sense in today's game, you dont gain much and lose all your casting ability. Build as above, dump Wisdom, everything into Strength, remove Heighten and take some other feat for it, maybe THF. Could go HOrc then and exchange Heighten for proficiency.
    HOrcs also make decent hybrids but HElf seems better.

    Sovereign Host for the capstone clicky but fight with a two-handed weapon.

    Heal spec is gimp spec, any proper FvS can heal well, throwing away all your casting and melee for a few more spell points is silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    Or, suppose I want to try out a Wizzie, be nice to link directly to a basic PM or AM build, etc.
    Toughness, Insightful Reflexes, all meta magics except Enlarge and Eschew, qualifier feats for the PrE, Spell Pen, Imp Spell Pen. Then you dont have much left, probably another spell focus or 2. Maybe can work with removing the Spell Pen feats, dont know.
    AM wants Web SLA (and be WF), otherwise PM seems better.
    Last edited by Memek; 03-15-2012 at 11:16 AM.
    Thelanis: Mhagenta
    Keeper (Europe): Defy, Blhue, Spiderbot, Memek

  3. #3
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    With how the game constantly changes your best bet is to go to the appropriate forum, and ask for a custom build that meets your specific needs.

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