I am going to get a 3 months membership (VIP) in few months and one of the things I was thinking of "raising" was a cleric archer (just for the heck of it).
The idea is a 12 cleric/6 monk/2 ranger split, half-elf with paladin dilly.
32 point build starting stats
Strength - 14
Dextirity - 14 (+3 tome for manyshot)
Constitution - 13
Intelligence - 8
Wisdom - 16
Charisma - 13
General Feats - Mental Toughness, Point Blank Shot, Manyshot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Empower Healing Spell and ... Extra turning (? No idea if this one will be really needed)
Monk Feats - Zen Archery, Toughness, Lightning Reflexes (or another Toughness ?)
Now the idea is more of a flavor build and not a serious epic character of some sort. I don't have a lot of exp with higher level characters (my max being a lvl 18 dwarf warchanter). He *should* have a decent defence coming from the monk and wisdom combo, good reflexes from the paladin dilly, the monk/ranger combo is self-explanatory and even with 14 str should do a decent dps. The cleric is for survivability and helping with healing when/if needed; with that much of a charisma, the build should have enough turn undeads to use cleric divine might quite often for example.
The thing is I am not sure about three things.
a) given the starting stats which one should be the dilly the paladin or the ranger.
b) cleric, druid or favored soul (the druid is a big IF ... because .. you know .. no idea what will he look like)
c) if the build is too gimped or not. Pretty much the reason I haven't put a more detailed plan on the build. Kind of open for suggestions before making the big scheme of things