Because I know I always search for threads about obscure weapon effects..
On Sed-Zik, the Water-change (Jidz Tetka in Water Stance)--
The Dexterity damage and Paralysis effect are rolled separately--(You can save vs. paralysis but fail save vs. dexterity damage) Both are poison typed effects, and do not work against creatures immune to poison. (Shot of an ogre saving vs paralysis but failing vs dexterity damage)
It can hit for more than 1d6 dexterity damage.
(EDIT: It seems like it actually does hit for 1d6 dex damage, but the 1d6 damage is affected by the 50% increased damage from the paralysis effect which causes helplessness. The paralysis effect is rolled against first, so if you do get paralysis off your dexterity damage will be +50% higher if it lands)