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  1. #1
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Question Clonk, Cleric or FvS?

    So, I have been considering to roll a Divine once more.

    What is troubling me is as following:
    I have both FvS and Monk to go with, which opens up a lot of possibilities.
    Well, I love Clerics, but I see them get the short straw when compared to FvS.. Or am I wrong?
    Clonks seems lucrative too, as it will boost my defences and damage output, which makes soloing easier for me.

    What are your thoughts in regards of this matter?

    PS: I enjoy to play both healer and offensive caster as I see fit.

  2. #2
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Lots of questions. I think the following.

    If you are going Offensive caster and full healing spec Fvs' increased SP pool make it the better alternative.

    Monk splash doesnt work so well with Fvs the synergy isnt as good

    Clonk is a brilliant little build. Can have all the healing oomph of a capped Cleric plus awesome survivability as well. But if you are going full heal spec i would build in Gtwf with either Wraps/stunning blow or Kama's.

    I think either 17/3 Clonk or 20 Fvs would make awesome solo toons

  3. #3
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Talking Thank you.

    Thank you for the quick reply!
    Thing is, I am not strictly a soloer. I prefer to group up, but sometimes I can't find any good LFMs.
    Therefore, I solo a lot some days, other days I strictly run with guildies/PUGs.

  4. #4
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    kind of a touche subject around the forum. its like the eternal wizard vs sorcerer discussion.
    what to take really depends on what your trying to do.

    clerics can splash while fvs are better off pure. clerics wont lose anything by doing so but the fvs would lose a long list.

    when comparing builds:
    *healing wise - clerics wins this one 3 ticks from healing aura is more healing then spamming cure light wounds. not to mention that every turn is worth 116sp in healing(50% overhealing most of the time. max achievable turns is 33±, wont stop healing even when knocked down, or stunned).
    *maximum spell point builds achievable is 3k cleric versus 3.5k sp fvs
    *spell dc is pretty much the same but a clonk in fvs aura obtains the highest. so i guess a draw preferable 1 of each in a group. the aura would also help the party casters.
    *damage reduction - fvs capstone wins by 5 versus items.

    *wings - cannith boots. simple mimics a single use every 10 minutes. fvs this one. but your capable of doing the same jumps.
    dots. fvs debuff helpts the entire group of light, but has this available when soloing.

    ac? cleric - ofc with monk/roque splash.
    hp? fvs?

    uhm whats left?
    i guess many people will also neglect the turn ability to destroy monsters in epic content. (i have done this myself on my deep splashed healbot).

    what id suggest you do is ask yourself. how familiar / how much knowledge do you have about splashing.

    if its close to nothing, go fvs. these are more friendly to starters. there are a couple of good ones available on this forum.
    if you are familiar with splashing and know how to make a good monk. go cleric.

    as for a total verdict. i think all groups would be better off having 1 of each.
    play whichever you prefer. they're both good classes. and in desperate need on the servers.

  5. #5
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    I was just saying that for solo 17/3 Clonk or 20 Fvs would be good.

    All the other comments were about group play. Thats why i was on about full heal spec. IE enough healing to be a competant raid healer. A solo build doesnt need to focus on healing spec. Just a quickened Heal is good enough usually

    So if you want to be a great healer and chuck offensive spells about Fvs is i think the way to go.

    My Clonk heals and mixes it in melee to make up for lack of dots and to bring Radiance into the melee which is very effective.

    I cant really speak with any authority about the other builds because ive never played one. However with a Clonk you can achieve 2100 Sp have 600+ Hp an AC that matters (apart from Epic) and saves all higher than 45 with evasion. This is fine for most (even Epic) content just dont be standing in font of E Velah to much unless you like roleplaying a slice of toast.

    One last thing. Eric how you get a Cleric to 3k SP ? I thought 2500 was absolute tops for a Cleric
    Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 03-14-2012 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    I like all options. I have a LOB FVS, a caster FVS, a pure cleric and a multi cleric.

    LOB FVS: Pros: Fun, fun, fun. Good for solo. Cons: When grouping most want a healer so expect double duty. One of the more expensive to gear up of the four.

    Caster FVS: Pros: Best for solo (IMO). Only downside is you depend on SP. LOB can always just hack forward to the shrine. Caster needs those spells. Cons: Not as versatile as a cleric.

    Pure Cleric: Pros: Very versatile. Best for group healing (IMO) just for the aura. Yes FVS have more SP and in raids/epics/higher lv content aura means less and less but leveling up the aura/burst thing really helps. Cons: So slooow. Compaired to FVS playing a Cleric just feels so slowed down.

    Multi: Varies by what you are doing (Clonk. Cleric/Rogue. FVS/Monk). I have level most combos up to level 12 or so to try them. Pro: Fun, offbeat. Can do a lot and have great defenses. Cons: Aren't as good as they could be in any department compaired to if you were pure. Also, like LOB FVS you are hampered by the expectations of other. You will hear more about what you could or should do with your character then you care to hear.

    IMO the caster FVS is my most powerful. I can heal raids great. I can kill more stuff faster than any other toon I have. Don't need anyone else to survive. Her power is augmented but not dependent on gear/buffs. (unlike melee devines that maybe struggle w/o that LIT II or eSOS or struggle in a beholders gaze to hit things)

    Welcome to divineness and can I be the first to say "Hjeal plz".
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  7. #7
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Again, thanks for quick replies!
    I have gotten a taste of the power of a pure caster FvS (With a Great Sword and decent STR, sacrificed a little HP), and must say it is one of the most powerful builds I have ran.
    I only got to level 15, but that was mostly from me soloing quests faster than I could run them with a group.
    I have also leveled a pure cleric to level 12, which was another fun build.
    I've never tried a Clonk or a FvS/Monk, though.. Hrm.

    Decisions, decisions!

  8. #8
    Micki's Delirium
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    some nice stuff here that interests me as well. I'm playing a pure cleric and a pure monk, but I plan to make a 18/2 clonk and a pure fvs at some point. I don't think I'll be tr:ing my cleric (been collecting a lot of favor and I think I want to keep it), but I plan to tr my monk.

    I'm more wondering when it would be most beneficial to do the different classes?

    P.S. Sorry if I'm high jacking the tread, please direct me to a better one if you see fit
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  9. #9
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Get out of my thread!

    Jokes aside; The first monk level should be taken at level 2, in my opinion.
    If you grab the monk level at level 1, you will lose out the opportunity to grab a meta-magic.
    Of course, that depends entirely on the build and the feats you want to get..

    I think someone mentioned something useful about monk levels on a Clonk build further up in the thread.
    Though, I could be wrong and confuse threads now. /Dizzy.
    I would suggest to get the second monk level at 13, so you get Hjeal and Blade Barrier earlier.
    Nothing make/break about it, if you ask me.

    That is my preference, I hope that will be of any help!

  10. #10
    Micki's Delirium
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilleengen2 View Post
    Get out of my thread!

    Jokes aside; The first monk level should be taken at level 2, in my opinion.
    If you grab the monk level at level 1, you will lose out the opportunity to grab a meta-magic.
    Of course, that depends entirely on the build and the feats you want to get..

    I think someone mentioned something useful about monk levels on a Clonk build further up in the thread.
    Though, I could be wrong and confuse threads now. /Dizzy.
    I would suggest to get the second monk level at 13, so you get Hjeal and Blade Barrier earlier.
    Nothing make/break about it, if you ask me.

    That is my preference, I hope that will be of any help!

    thanks. Well, I guess my question was a bit unclear. I didn't mean when to get what classes during multiclassing, but what class to do during which life (several lives in mind)

    and for the clonk, it's been suggested to me previously to not take the second level of monk until you get bb.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Taking Monk at Level 1 will give you more skill points, so you can max Concentration, Jump, and split the rest between Balance and Tumble depending on your Intelligence score.

    As for the feats, you'll be able to take Toughness as your Monk feat, and something like Augment Summoning, or Stunning Fists as your Character feat.

  12. #12
    Micki's Delirium
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    Taking Monk at Level 1 will give you more skill points, so you can max Concentration, Jump, and split the rest between Balance and Tumble depending on your Intelligence score.

    As for the feats, you'll be able to take Toughness as your Monk feat, and something like Augment Summoning, or Stunning Fists as your Character feat.
    Unless you're going caster cleric... then you'll want to start off with cleric for metas.
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  13. #13
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    ../cough. My bad then.
    Can't really help you with that one, so I guess I'll just let you hijack my thread further!

  14. #14
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilleengen2 View Post
    Again, thanks for quick replies!
    I have gotten a taste of the power of a pure caster FvS (With a Great Sword and decent STR, sacrificed a little HP), and must say it is one of the most powerful builds I have ran.
    I only got to level 15, but that was mostly from me soloing quests faster than I could run them with a group.
    I have also leveled a pure cleric to level 12, which was another fun build.
    I've never tried a Clonk or a FvS/Monk, though.. Hrm.

    Decisions, decisions!
    What do you aim for end game? Which role do you wanna fill? Is it a healbot? a tank? a caster?

    Imho, fvs are not superiors on clerics at all.
    - Fvs (with capstone) are great for single target healers, Which makes them great self healing tanks, I can usually heal myself with capstone saving my SP for DP. As a healer, I heal a horoth tank with no SP at all - using capstone and heal scrolls. Also due to enhancements can reach slightly higher hp.
    - Clerics get area 'free' heals, when play smart you can heal the whole group and save tons of SP. It wasnt too hard solo healing elite vod on my Cleric life.

    If you so wanna splash 2 monk for evasion, both fvs and cleric are good options.
    If you wanna 3 monk for path (light path for tod?) Cleric seems a better option for lvl 9 spells.

    Note, a splash might get you declined from some groups - due to bad reputation melee-divines have. So if you dont have a guild or people who know ya, I'd avoid that.
    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 03-15-2012 at 11:15 AM. Reason: typos
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiahooJunk View Post

    Note, a splash might get you declined from some groups - due to bad reputation melee-divines have. So if you dont have a guild or people who know ya, I'd avoid that.
    Same goes for Cleric melee splash, but probably less so.

    When u join tell them what your focus is and your main stat like high STR or WIS spec'd that way they 'know' what u will do. They can verify Myddo. FAVSouls can be great melees too and a nice 3rd healer in a raid even if STR spec'd. More so if WIS spec'd. Just tell them. Also if you are willing to heal spell/heal scroll and say u will that helps over ride the declines also. Don't lie to them or you will be buying a new game name for this life and the next.

  16. #16
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Cant agree with that.

    If you are a FVS or a Cleric and you join a party with the intention of not providing front line heals you need to say so.

    Otherwise a healer with a splash is just as effective as one without. In some cases possibly even more so. Especially in terms of survivability. How many healers have you seen go down after eating a meteor swarm in the shroud ?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    If you are going Offensive caster and full healing spec Fvs' increased SP pool make it the better alternative.
    FvS have a lot going for them, and my Cleric is currently on a FvS life and loving it. Don't ignore the huge SP pool, or the wings, or the PrE debuff aura.

    However, don't ignore the tiny number of spell slots on a FvS either. Cleric has one huge advantage as an offensive caster, which is versatility, just because FvS is limited to being a 1-trick pony. (OK, it's more like 3-trick pony. :-] )

    And continuously healing (self and others) without twitching a finger, through the aura, is very nice, too.
    Last edited by SirValentine; 03-16-2012 at 01:48 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    However Sir Valentine you are quoting me out of context.

    We are talking about Clonks. Clonks have a restricted SP pool of 2k ish.

    I was saying that they are a bit tight SP wise to offensive spellcast and heal. So as an alternative straight Fvs is probably better.

    We were also talking about the monk splash on a FVS/Cleric.

    I think the consensus of opinion is that its better to go straight 20 Fvs because you lose more than you gain splashing Monk whereas for a Cleric the opposite is true

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    However Sir Valentine you are quoting me out of context.
    Wasn't trying to disagree or prove you wrong or something; just making a point that sometimes gets glossed over in the Clr vs FvS discussions.

    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    We were also talking about the monk splash on a FVS/Cleric.
    Original poster didn't ask about monk splashes only.

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