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Thread: Clonk?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2011

    Default Clonk?

    is this build fairly standard for a clonk? Thinking about rolling one up, since I enjoy my cleric/fighter, but would like to try something new (altoholism is a terrible disease >.>)

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    hmmm, seems thats a primarily monk build >.> thought a clonk was monk 2-3 then the rest cleric. Am I mistaken on that assumption?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    May 2010


    There are many different clonks, it depends on what you want. The most common ones are either 18c/2m, 17c/3m or 17c/2m/1f. The 17/3 split used to be good, with the old version of the healing curse, but now is pretty weak. I think 18/2 is probably the best, although if you want a non-handwrap melee clonk, you'll probably want 17/2/1 for the extra feat.

    But... the big decision is spell caster or melee. Some build try to do both, but without half a dozen past lives, it isn't realy feasible.

    Here's an an example of a basic melee clonk build, and is my current one. This is highly not optimized, as I built it before I had 32 point builds, so its a drow.

    Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Wis 14, Int 10, Cha 10.
    Level ups in Str, requires a +1 tome before taking ITWF

    Power Attack
    Empower Healing
    Stunning Fist

    That Stunning fist feat can be a variety of things if you'd like. I can easily see going with Empower for better BB/DP, or even Shield Mastery (which I used to have) for when you want to be a healbot, or dot tank.

    That's a basic melee build. If you have 32 point builds though, I don't recommend drow. Helf is probably strongest, with the Rogue Dilly. Human is also always an option for the extra feat. A variety of other races are not unreasonable either.

    I'd build a 32pt helf build with a stat layout of at least:
    S14 D15 C14 W14 I8 Ch8
    You would need to eat a +2 dex tome. That actually leaves you with 6 spare points. If you like UMD, 2 go into Int. Other than that, the best uses are either Str for better melee, or Con for more HPs.

    Random note... stick to handwraps. They hit harder than other options unless you have awesome weapons, and the Improved Critical feat is unimportant which frees that up.

    A caster build would look totally different....
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  5. #5
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    No you are not.

    Typical Clonk builds are 18/2 Cl/mnk or 17/3 Cl/Mnk

    I would point out that within the heading ''Clonk'' is a very wide range of builds.

    You can choose solo spec or not.

    Fully raid heal specced or not

    Melee capability or not.

    Bladebarrier spec. CC spec. instakill spec, DP spec.

    I can give you some ideas of any of these.

    I think the most important thing however is dont try to do to much at once. The great strength of this build is flexibility. It can do two things as well as most can do one. The biggest mistake though is people trying to make their Clonk do three even four things at once. You end up with a ''jack of all trades master of none'' type that struggles at endgame.

    I am also a bit suspicious of trying a full raid heal spec together with any offensive spellcasting role on a Clonk. At endgame you are looking at 2k SP pool (ish) and i'm not sure that is sufficient.

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