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Thread: Last Feat

  1. #1
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Last Feat

    Howdy all!

    So I have a tr'd pally, into pally again, got some good gear, and a good plan so far.

    At level 16 I have the following feats
    1. Dodge
    3. Mobility
    6. Tower Shield
    9. Combat Expertise
    12. Toughness
    15. Shield Mastery
    18. ???

    Sword and board user, dwarf, so Levik's and Axe of Famine

    But I'm having a hard time on my last feat. ImpCrit? another toughness? Imp Shield Mastery? Khopesh?

    Just looking for some feed back on the last feat you selected and why.



  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Are you going to stay at level 20 very long?

    What is this good plan that you are talking about and what gear exactly?

    Some people gear and plan for epic chimera's fang, however, that same build (dragonmark feats) would not work with another weapon so you'll have to let us in on your plan to know which feat would be best for you.

    Clearly you are an AC build (otherwise why take combat expertise). What is your current AC (and end game what will your AC be).

    No DPS feats (power attack, improved critical, two handed fighting etc...) means you're trying to hold aggro with intim and +threat items. Do you have enough intim and +threat to make this work.
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Power Attack <- You will use this more then CE as CE will only be needed where AC matters in Tanking situations

    However, I want to point out a couple other options you have:

    Two feats Tower Shield and Mobility can potentially be replaced with DPS feats like Improved Critical or THF or Combat Skill (Improved Trip/Sunder/SAP) or Different Exotic Weapon.

    Tower Shield <- with a UMD of 10 you will have a 50% chance to use Master Touch Scrolls. You would use this at the beginning of a quest where concentration and time is on your side during buffing.

    Even with a base 6 Charisma you can usually muster enough UMD for 50%. +2 Tome, +6 Charisma Item for +3 UMD, +3 Deleria's Necklace or Persuasion Item which can be switched out after casting, Heroism Potions/Greater Heroism (common buff) = 9 (Considering no point put into charisma on a Dwarf) This means 1 full rank of UMD would get you to 50%. You can get up to 6 more with an Exceptional Charisma Skill Greensteel item once that's available to you. Again all UMD items can be used at the beginning of quest/after shrine and than put away until next time.

    Mobility can be crafted using the Cannieth Crafting System (Arcane Level 20 Body: Medium Armor
    Light Armor, Clothing, Docent, Ring, Trinket, Boots Item must not be 'Metal Armor')

    You can later add Dodge +1 (Elemental level 71)
    Last edited by Enoach; 03-13-2012 at 09:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Gear

    Heres a bit on the Gear:

    Helm: CC Hat (intim 15 and 5 nat armor)
    Googles: GS HP Item
    Trinket: Pouch of Jerky w/toughness (need)
    Neck: ToD SD
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of Night
    Armor: DT (Prot 5, Heavy Fort, and Levik)
    Ring 1: ToD Dos
    Ring 2: ToD SD
    Belt: ToD DOS
    Wrist: Leviks
    Gloves: Spectral
    Boots: Striders/Kundarak
    Shield: Leviks

    Got some room to grow, but banking on dwarves getting SD racial prest. This is a ac tank, I calcualted 79 easy, and more with prest. Not the best of all the aspects of a tank, but I'm enjoying it so far.

    Thanks for your imput so far, really considering the carfting and spell work around, that would free up two feats, then maybe go two handed fighting line?


  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Glad I could help with a few suggestions.

    Just a note on the Epic Cloak of Night - that can hinder you during the Hate Tanking as one of its abilities makes you invisible. Not a big deal but its also an open slot for a few other possible cloaks.

    1. Bard Cloak out of Hound (+6 Charisma)
    2. GS Cloak Con-Op <- +6 Wisdom and temp hp/sp regen
    3. Cloak of Curses (Cursed Crypt / AH) <- SULU tanking made a bit easier as it helps to prevent some curses. Its not a 100%, but it will reduce the number of times you get cursed which is only enhanced by your AC.

  6. #6
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    just curious are you married to pure?
    A single fighter splash would net you tower shield freeing up a feat there plus another feat.
    sure you give up cap but you don't seem to be going the big damage route. Beyond that DM4? not so likely on a dwarf.


    I can dig going pure it just seems to me a 1 fighter splash solves your problem and doesn't cost you much
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  7. #7
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Not married, just planning ahead

    If I remember correctly the epic feats required 20 levels in one class, so I might hurt myself if I splash; and I like the little extra damage. So a little married, if that is possible.

    Thanks again for the ideas!


  8. #8
    Community Member TK.Halcyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paintedman View Post
    Howdy all!

    So I have a tr'd pally, into pally again, got some good gear, and a good plan so far.

    At level 16 I have the following feats
    1. Dodge
    3. Mobility
    6. Tower Shield
    9. Combat Expertise
    12. Toughness
    15. Shield Mastery
    18. ???

    Sword and board user, dwarf, so Levik's and Axe of Famine

    But I'm having a hard time on my last feat. ImpCrit? another toughness? Imp Shield Mastery? Khopesh?

    Just looking for some feed back on the last feat you selected and why.


    I wouldn't take khopesh if I don't have improved - crit slashing. Its all about the crits right.
    And going from 20 to 19-20 on an axe user...(unless u can extend it further like a barb its not worth it IMHO. )

    Improved Shield Mastery is nice 5% additional damage reduction.
    It would be between this and toughness I reckon. Depending on how much hp you have.
    Have Fun and Be Smart
    Calladan Frostwinter - Crimson Eagles
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  9. #9
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TK.Halcyon View Post
    I wouldn't take khopesh if I don't have improved - crit slashing. Its all about the crits right.
    And going from 20 to 19-20 on an axe user...(unless u can extend it further like a barb its not worth it IMHO. )

    Improved Shield Mastery is nice 5% additional damage reduction.
    It would be between this and toughness I reckon. Depending on how much hp you have.
    All the same in DPS feats Improved Crit and Power Attack both feats net more DPS than a Khopesh. IC > PA > Khopesh in terms of single feats...

    Quote Originally Posted by paintedman View Post
    If I remember correctly the epic feats required 20 levels in one class, so I might hurt myself if I splash; and I like the little extra damage. So a little married, if that is possible.

    Thanks again for the ideas!

    I see you played epic PnP before. and take it you're planning to take this character into epic levels when they become available... We do not know what rules turbine will follow there as of yet. Ya, epic levels are treated differently as the cap increases...

    Epic Level Basics
    Epic characters—those whose character level is 21st or higher—are handled slightly differently from nonepic characters. While epic characters continue to receive most of the benefits of gaining levels, some benefits are replaced by alternative gains. A class can be advanced beyond 20th level. A ten-level prestige class can progress beyond 10th level, but only if the character level is already 20th or higher. A class with fewer than ten levels cannot progress beyond the maximum for that class, regardless of character level.

    Every character gains one feat (which may be an epic or nonepic feat at the player’s choice) at every level divisible by three. These feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted in the class descriptions.
    ... and then the game becomes all about the Epic bonus feat spacing because Epic feats are far more powerful than normal feats. i.e. you cannot be placing epic feats in a feat slot under level 20.

    Epic Paladin:
    21st Remove disease 6/week
    22nd —
    23rd Bonus feat
    24th Remove disease 7/week
    25th Smite evil 6/day
    26th Bonus feat
    27th Remove disease 8/week
    28th —
    29th Bonus feat
    30th Remove disease 9/week
    a 30th lvl pally has seven (four + three bonus) Epic feats ... so splashing slowly takes bonus epic feat slots away... Most pre-reqs for epic feats chains are steep and the bonus feats start to become very important on an epic level character. So those last ten levels end up favouring pure classes often far more, i.e. be giving up a slot for something like Death Of Enemies, Dragon Wild Shape, Epic Speed, Great Smiting, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical for one or two levels of an Evasion class splash or to use a tower shield and a regular feat? Doubt many would?
    Last edited by Emili; 03-14-2012 at 09:25 AM.
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