Artificer, the class that many feel was created as a test-bed for the upcoming Druid class.
I broke down and purchased it when on-sale (wasn't a 5-percenter who was willing/able to "earn" it with favor). TRed into it last weekend.
"I get a cool dog pet!"... which doesn't work half the time and was told not to use many of its enhancements or it will be worse.
"Okay, still good class, I can give out nice weapon buffs!"... that no-one wants for fear of bugging their buff bars.
"This is starting to suck, oh, I get to use an awesome HRXB!"... which bugs out making me miss full salvos even with a ranger PL and dex build.
Add those to the fact that Arti's are still bugged on friends lists makes me wonder what we're in for when Druid is released.![]()