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  1. #1
    Community Member EricKei's Avatar
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    Default Issue with AC stacking - Bug or WAI?

    I am having an issue regarding AC "stacking" [edit: I meant "overriding"] in game where the game client appears to be basing the final AC total on the stats listed on specific pieces of equipment, rather than the final total, resulting in AC being lower than it should be.

    the gear in question:

    - Armored Bracers +7 (adds 7 Armor Bonus)
    - a Named leather armor (unsure of bonus, but max dex is +8; it's the poison immunity armor from the Diplomatic Immunity quest chain); my character's DEX bonus is +10 on the character screen

    The thing is this: With all else being equal -- no buffs, and all other gear being identical:

    - If the bracers are worn with NO armor whatsoever: AC is 38

    - If the armor is worn with NO bracers: AC is 36

    - If both the armor and the bracers are worn: AC is 36. Based on the stacking rules in your FAQs & in DDO, the final AC should be 38 instead. In other words, the bracer bonus should count and the actual armor's bonus should be ignored. Instead, the opposite is happening. Maybe I should go back to robes until this is fixed >_>

    In other words, the bracers should take priority because the final total is higher, should they not? The armor's AC bonus should be ignored (I'm wearing the armor for its skill bonuses/immunity atm).

    I think what is happening is that the game is "choosing" based on the armor's "Armor bonus", as its Armor bonus *without DEX taken into account* is more than the bracer's 7, when it should go by the higher net total.

    Any ideas?
    Last edited by EricKei; 03-12-2012 at 03:12 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    The armor you're using is the snakeskin vest (AB 7, MDB 8) so it has the same base AB as your bracers. When equipping your armor it caps your dex bonus to 8, and this applies to any source of armor bonus, including the bracers. When you have both equipped, the armor has a modified armor bonus of 7+8=15, and the bracers have a modified armor bonus of 7+8=15 as well. When you have only the bracers equipped you don't have any MDB at all so your modified armor bonus from bracers is 7+10=17... hence the 2 ac difference you're noticing.

    In other words : Working As Intended
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  3. #3
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    It's WAI.

    First, they're both an armor bonus so they don't stack at all. You just use whatever is highest. In this case the actual armor bonus is exactly the same.

    Second, max dex to AC applies as soon as you put on that armor. So you now have an effective +8 to AC instead of +10 as long as that armor is on.
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    The answer is in the Stacking, as Armor Bonus don't stack, but also in the MDB (Max Dex Bonus) does not stack it uses the most restrictive.

    Wearing only the Bracers you have no MDB thus you get all 10 from your dex

    This comes to 18 (+8 Bracer + 10 Dex)

    This adds to your 10 Base + 10 AC your Getting from alternate source not specified in your post for a total of 38

    Now the Leather Armor has a MDB of 8. This means you lose 2 of your Dex bonus. Since wearing the Armor only drops you to 36 it can be assumed that the AC of the Leather Armor is the same as your Bracers.

    Wearing both causes you to suffer the MDB penalty of 2. Which means you only get 8 from Dex.

    Bottom line if you want the 38 AC don't wear the Leather Armor.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Wearing the armor AT ALL is reducing your dex bonus. That is the penalty you take for wearing armor of any kind. Regardless of which item is being considered for it's armor bonus, simply equipping the armor has reduced your dex bonus to AC to 8.

    This is working exactly as intended.

    If you can find robes or pajamas with the immunities you want, that is your only option to get your max dex bonus until or unless they come out with armor that allows 10 max dex bonus (which might exist, altho I don't recall seeing any so far, I don't really know every in-game item, esp the new ones....)

  6. #6
    Community Member EricKei's Avatar
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    As I mentioned, I was aware that the AC bonuses would override, not stack -- poor choice of words on my part >_<

    I was under the impression that the max dex bonus would apply only to the armor itself, and that the bracers would "win" due to having the higher *total* AC bonus with those active. Live and learn.

    I"m basically trying to get more powers on fewer items, that sort of thing (the armor provides +10 spot/search and poison imm). Robes? Those, I have. I can always swap, I was just trying to avoid lugging around single-bonus goggles for each skill bonus and maybe free up f ew bag slots in the process.
    "Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." —Vyse, "Skies of Arcadia"
    Kayara Myrlan, Rogue, Khyber
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Default max dex bonus

    You can increase your max dex bonus by 2 with the mobility feat which can be slotted on a ring in cannith crafting.
    I keep one on my cleric for when i need to turtle-up.

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