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  1. #1
    Community Member Kcarmen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Post Human: Healbot + Divine Punishment

    This is the first time I'll post a build on the forums, it is in no way intended to use as ego boost/bragging/attention seeker. I am simply posting this build here merely for my possible self interest in it - say, in case I TR, delete accidentaly (how does that happen?) or I lose the sheet of paper this is written on.
    For anyone who stumbled upon this, thank you for reading so far, if you wish to continue, do so at your own will. Any comments you want to leave, feel free to do so, it might be enlightening in some ways. Yet, my purpose isn't to seek for advice.

    Cleric 20, Human; First life.
    Healing + Divine Punishment Oriented

    Base (32pt.) - 18
    +3 tome - 21
    +3 exceptional - 24
    +6 item - 30
    +5 level ups - 35
    +1 profane Litany - 36
    +3 Cleric Wis. Enhan.- 39
    +1 Human Adaptability - 40
    . 40 Unbuffed Wisdom .

    +2 Yugoloth pot - 42
    +2 Guild Shrine - 44
    . Sustainable 44 wisdom .

    || Improved Mental toughness feat + L.guild.Aug. slot + Epic Elder's Focus||
    - Total unbuffed Spell Points: 2360 -
    - Total sustainable Buffed Spell Points: 2419 -

    Base (32pt.) - 18
    +3 exceptional - 21
    +7 item - 28
    +3 tome - 31
    +1 profane Litany - 32
    . 32 Unbuffed Constitution .

    *Unbuffed Hit Points* - 577 [L.Guild.Aug.slot , Greater false life, Toughness feat, Toughness item, 10 Draconic]
    +2 guild shrine - 34
    +2 Yugoloth pot - 36
    . Sustainable 36 Consitution .

    *Total sustainable Hit Points* - 657 [+20 Yugoloth pot, Rage Spell]

    Follow link:

    FEATS (Human race +1 feat)
    1. Toughness Feat
    2. Empower
    3. Empower Healing
    3. Maximize
    4. Quicken
    5. Mental Toughness
    6. Improved Mental Toughness -> Note: Possible removal on acquiring x4 vile blasphemies, subsituting for heighten?
    7. Extra Turning

    [.] Divine Punishment
    * Spell Critical Chance -Light/Good: Cleric Prayer of Smiting II
    * Spell Critical Multiplier -Light/good: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting III
    * Spell Damage Amplification -Light/Good: Cleric Smiting IV
    . Total Action Points spent on DOT: 19
    []. Normal Damage x3 stacks (Eardweller): 390~450 (on no resistance)
    []. Critical Damage x3 stacks (Eardweller): 850~1100 (on no resistance)

    [.] Healing Power
    * Spell Critical Chance -Positive: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    * Spell Critical Multiplier -Positive: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    * Spell Damage Amplification -Positive: Cleric Life Magic IV
    . Total Action Points spent: 12

    * Spell Points: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III (Total A.P.: 6)
    * Racial Toughness: III (Total A.P.: 6)
    * Human Adaptability: Constitution (A.P.: 2)
    * Human Greater Adaptability: Wisdom (AP.: 4)
    * Turn Undead - Extra Turning: Cleric Extra Turning I (Total A.P.: 1)
    * Stat - Wisdom: Cleric Wisdom III (Total A.P.: 12) -> Note: Remove III when acquiring a +4 wisdom tome
    * Wand Damage: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I (A.P.: 1)

    []. Pre-requisites for Radiant Servant II:
    * Faith - Basic Tenents: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    * Faith - Advanced Believes: Unyelding Sovereignty
    * Skill - Heal: Improved Heal II
    * Turn Undead - Divine Vitality: Cleric Divine Vitality I
    * Turn Undead - Improved Turning: Cleric Improved Turning I
    * Spell Critical Multiplier -Positive: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    * Spell Damage Amplification -Positive: Cleric Life Magic II
    * Cleric - Prestige Enhancement: Radiant Servant I (A.P.: 4)
    . Total Action Points spent on Radiant Servant I and II pre-requisitions: 15 .

    DIFFICULTY CHECK + Radiant Auras
    Sustainable (>15 minutes)
    36 Destruction Spell
    38 Implosion Spell
    20 Turns on Radiant Aura -> Update: 19 with new enhancements

    1. Mineral II Green Steel
    ((1. Torc of the Prince-Rayum II - Missing))
    2. Noxious Embers
    3. Twisted Talisman
    4. Epic Elder's Focus
    5. Draconic Necklace
    6. Lorrik's Necklace
    7. Bluefire Necklace
    8. Nyoko's Necklace
    9. Greensteel x3 Haste Clikies
    1. L.Aug.Slot Goggles
    2. Concordant Oposition Goggles (blindness and disease immunities, Major Healing Lore)
    1. Litany of the Dead
    3. Xachosian Eardweller
    4. Mysterious Bauble
    1. Dragontouched Armour (Healing amp. 10%, +1 Excep. Wisdom, Greater Potency VII)
    1. Epic Envenomed Cloak (slotted: Toughness)
    2. Cloak of Ice
    1. Mineral II +350SP bracers
    1. Amara's Belt
    *Left Ring
    1. Amara's Band
    *Right Ring
    1. Thamor's Ring
    1. Epic Brawling Gloves (slotted: GFL)
    ((2. Epic Charged Gauntlets - Missing))
    3. Vile Blasphemy x2
    1. L.Aug.Slot Boots
    ((2. Epic Boots of Corrosion - Missing))
    3. Firestorm Greaves
    1. Levik's Defender
    1. Staff of the Petitioner
    ((2. Epic Staff of Inner Sight - Missing))
    ((3. Epic Luminous Truth - Missing))
    4. Epic Ornamented Dagger
    5. Superior Ardor VI Dagger x3
    6. Superior Brilliance VI Dagger x2
    ((7. Alchemical +2 Wisdom Sickle - Missing)) -> Note: On acquire, new sustainable wisdom score: 46
    Last edited by Kcarmen; 03-19-2012 at 09:39 PM.

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